Please answer Naruto

Chapter 34 Time flies in a blink of an eye

Yu Xiaobai was speechless in his heart. He looked like he had been observing the pole for a long time. I asked "Is something wrong?" in conjunction with your performance, but you turned a blind eye?

"This is so disrespectful..." Yu Xiaobai muttered as he looked at Kakashi's back as he turned away.

Yu Xiaobai looked thoughtfully at the direction Naruto left, and then looked at Kakashi, "Maybe he is worried about Naruto, and is afraid that I am a bad person with ulterior motives...I don't look like him at all. Bad people are good or not.”

On the surface, they pretend not to care, but on the inside they are arrogant ninjas. Many figures flashed through Yu Xiaobai's mind. He shook his head and ignored Kakashi's strange attitude, and was ready to go home.

After walking a few steps, Yu Xiaobai thought of something, frowned and hesitated, then turned around and shouted.

"Hey, Kakashi!"

Kakashi, who had almost walked out of the street, paused when he heard the words, put his hands in his pockets, and turned half of his body rather coldly, his silver hair swaying slightly in the wind.

Yu Xiaobai let himself ignore the other party's cool indifference, took a breath, and said loudly: "Be careful..."

"Danzo." He said the last two words with lips. After saying that, regardless of Kakashi's reaction, he turned around and left without looking back.

Hum, I'll give you a back view too.

Kakashi narrowed his right eye, what does this mean?

The other party didn't seem to want to give him any extra explanation, and several of them disappeared. Kakashi stood on a street with few pedestrians and read the meaning of the other party's lips.

This sudden message was confusing and even a little ridiculous, but Kakashi did not take any unnecessary action and calmly digested this sentence, just like he had faced in life before.

"The name of the court is Yu Bai." This name was remembered by him.

"Hey, aren't you a bit talkative?" After returning home, Yu Xiaobai sat in his yard, rubbed his head in distress, and said some things that he shouldn't have said in a moment of cheerfulness.

As far as he knew, Danzo tried to use Kakashi several times to brainwash him into serving him, but in the end he failed. Kakashi still sided with the Third Generation and insisted on being a ninja.

In theory, if he didn't say anything, the plot would follow the original trajectory, and it wouldn't be his turn to worry about it... The same happened with Itachi's kaleidoscope last time.

"The better the appearance, the greater the responsibility." Yu Xiaobai finally ended the entanglement with shameless remarks, clapped his hands and began to practice in the afternoon.

Now Yu Xiaobai has gradually felt that the improvement in physical strength is getting smaller and smaller, no matter how he changes the training volume, so now Yu Xiaobai usually only does a small amount of exercise to maintain the intensity, and spends most of his energy on super The completion of the electromagnetic gun.

Half a year has passed, and Yu Xiaobai has become more and more capable of controlling thunder attribute chakra. The increase in experiments will only make Yu Xiaobai's mistakes smaller and smaller. At least he does not have to run outside the village every time he practices. If he fails accidentally, he will cause Quite an explosion.

"Zi la la——"

When the lightning appeared on the arm, it had already formed a surrounding shape in an instant. The path that had been explored many times was constantly being revisited, overturned, and tried new. Although Yu Xiaobai did not succeed in half a year, the gradual progress allowed Yu Xiaobai to confirm that this was a feasible ninjutsu.

The electric light in the yard flashed from time to time and lasted until evening.

When the light shines tomorrow, there may be flowers blooming. Time will pass like that. Yu Xiaobai focuses on his own life and clearly defines his goals, so that he can be resolute in doing things.

After being promoted to the captain of the ANBU, Yu Xiaobai's ninja career has not changed much. In terms of authority, he can have more than two teammates. However, because he is used to being alone, his new companions are unlikely to be cute. Girl, so except for collective actions under special circumstances, Yu Xiaobai still works alone.

There is a team mission mode, which has the benefits of one person. Just like that, mission, mission, a short break, training, and then another mission. After learning that Yu Xiaobai didn't have much entertainment life and was quite blank emotionally...Anbu had sent medical ninjas in the field of psychological counseling to do psychological prevention and prevent some extreme situations that people didn't want to see. There are many ninjas in ANBU who have applied to quit under long-term pressure, but Yu Xiaobai's performance has surprised many people. The big guys nodded one after another. He is indeed an excellent successor to Konoha in the new era...

Yu Xiaobai improved little by little, but later, regular training and tasks lost their previous effect on improving Yu Xiaobai's strength, and bottlenecks occurred. Yu Xiaobai did not lose heart. Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

Uncle Hyuga Aida has been there several times, and he has happily taken over a genin team, having a great time pulling weeds to find pets. Itachi belongs to the same department, and there are many opportunities for cooperation. However, every time he sees the other party, the other party has changed a lot. He is deep and calm, and he hides his true thoughts more and more. Only when he is alone with Yu Xiaobai , Only Itachi would reveal the awkward smile he had when he was eleven years old.

This change was slow and profound, and it was difficult for Yu Xiaobai to detect it. Sometimes when he looked at Itachi smiling at him, he felt that maybe he had changed the other person unknowingly, right? Fortunately, the other person might not turn into that cold-blooded man who rushes into the darkness. However, in the deep corner of the soul, it may not be like this. The seeds will eventually sprout and metamorphose, crawling in the mud full of malice, and then continue to grow. Yu Xiaobai, who is busy with tasks, will be stunned one day, and the direction is still the same. Chosen. A scarlet moonlight climbed up the dark clouds.

The flowers bloomed and fell, but that was after Yu Xiaobai completed an escort mission that lasted several months. After sleeping in the open air throughout most of the Southeast Hokage Continent, he returned to Konoha Village covered with travel, and suddenly found that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the village.

The streets are more prosperous, but there are more ninjas on duty.

After the ANBU handed over the task, Qingchuan Wu smiled and gave Yu Xiaobai a long vacation, but there was still a trace of gloom between his eyebrows.

There was also a sense of tension among colleagues. Several months of work outside the village made Yu Xiaobai feel a little out of touch. Puzzled, he asked a few people with whom he had good relationships and implicitly learned the reason.

"It seems to be the Uchiha side..." A famous ANBU whispered, seeing the identity of Yu Xiaobai's squad leader, "Captain Chaoyang... only allowed within, and must not be leaked out."

Nodding, Yu Xiaobai walked out of the ANBU base.

It's Uchiha...

Yu Xiaobai's breath was calm and calm. He thought of a young man who should have grown up by now. Konoha has been here for 56 years without even realizing it.

A coin was bounced into the air, spinning in circles, with the backlight reflecting and flashing. Yu Xiaobai stared at it, it was time to make a decision.

Before the spinning coin falls, it always seems that some fate will be revealed. During the long escort mission, he threw out the railgun. It was a matter of course, or it was an opportunity. Yu Xiaobai's eyes passed through it, It's like yesterday comes back again.

Thanks for the rewards of Qian Sing Evening Song, Moonlight Night Flute Song, Fish Pattern Cauldron, and Midnight Cowherd~

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