Please answer Naruto

Chapter 35 Escort

It's not that Yu Xiaobai has never done escort missions before. On the contrary, he has taken on hundreds of missions in his ninja career. Scholars and peasants who worked hard to scrape together commission fees, high-ranking ministers and generals, and their high strength allowed him to see a broader view.

Yu Xiaobai believed that he already knew the ninja world very well. Whether it was from what he read in the original novel or from his personal experiences over the years, the life of ordinary people and the life of ninjas were such a continent full of collisions of beliefs but also monotonous.

But the long journey that had accompanied him across two seasons since a few months ago was actually a little different, and it had changed his thoughts a lot.

months ago.

"Escort commission, B-level mission?" Yu Xiaobai stood in front of Qingchuan Wu's desk, looking at the briefing in his hand, his tone a little surprised.

Based on his past task efficiency and performance evaluation, Anbu rarely assigned B-level and lower tasks to him.

"Why, hearing your tone, I'm a little dissatisfied?" Qingchuan Wu glanced at Yu Xiaobai with a strange expression, "I mean, Yu Bai, you may have to pay attention to your psychological development... There is something wrong with this state. , generally ANBU, even if they are dedicated and dedicated, will have a very solemn expression when seeing an A-level or S-level mission. There is an easy job, there is no fluctuation on the surface, but in the heart they are happily punching the wave fist, and this you……"

Qingchuan Takeshi watched Yu Xiaobai rejoin the Anbu and become a mainstay. The relationship between superiors and subordinates was naturally strict, but it did not affect his care. After getting along for a long time, Qingchuanwu's understanding of Yu Xiaobai, in addition to his increasing mastery of the dirty talk in modern society, was actually unable to see too clearly into Yu Xiaobai's inner thoughts, as if this outstanding person in front of him was In the hearts of young people, there are secrets that have never been told to outsiders.

"Haha, this..." Yu Xiaobai heard Qingchuan Wu's hesitant words, realized something, scratched his head and said sheepishly, "No problem, don't worry, Captain Qingchuan, there was no medical ninja some time ago. Come here and have a heart-to-heart talk with me, the result is good."

It is difficult to explain Yu Xiaobai's persistence in completing tasks above A level. Low-risk tasks have little effect on promoting his strength. Although his skills and strength have stagnated at Yu Xiaobai's level, in another stage Aspect also means maturity, but Yu Xiaobai is not satisfied with this.

When Qingchuanwu heard Yu Xiaobai's answer, he couldn't refute it. It was indeed the truth. It seemed that he could only believe in the level of those medical ninjas.

"Anyway, this is the mission. Escort the etiquette envoy from the Country of Fire back to Kyoto from the Country of Sichuan, and then set off to the Country of Tea. After the diplomacy is completed, and then return to Kyoto, the task is considered completed." Qingchuan Wu threw a copy to Yu Xiaobai The acceptance certificate for this mission said, "There are many samurai in the team of the Ceremony Commander, but they are all ordinary people. The safety and defense on the way depends on you, an elite jounin."

"This will take a few months." Yu Xiaobai frowned after hearing the long route, "And I'm the only ninja?"

"Well, that's it." Takeshi Qingchuan nodded lightly, seeming to completely ignore the arduous task involved, "But don't worry, the journey is basically under the control of our Country of Fire. The possibility of encountering a ninja attack is very small. You idiot...just act like us Konoha ninjas and be cool."

"..." Yu Xiaobai felt that he had to speak less flirtatious words in the future. The originally serious leader of the secret service had been infected by his bad habits.

"It's just a little troublesome. I have a few months to take advantage of this time to relax. Young man, I have been working as an ANBU for more than ten years, and I know the feeling of depression and dullness." Takeshi Aokawa sat on his seat, his eyes He looked away and said what he really wanted to say.

Yu Xiaobai smiled sheepishly after hearing this, and Qingchuan Wu waved his hand, indicating that he could go.

"Hey." After walking out of the ANBU base, Yu Xiaobai was bathing in the sunlight. Qingchuan Wu's words came to mind. Did he really need to relax?

He squinted at the sky, it was clear, there were missions, training, what day it was today, and the heavy burden he took the initiative to face with his shoulders was actually not the ANBU's responsibility, but the truth on the other side of the world. I always feel that there are countless things to do here and there, and time waits for no one... I keep doing them and become mechanical. It seems that I have not escaped from the cycle of "tasks and training" for a long time.

"The etiquette director of the Fire Country...should be some kind of diplomatic embassy, ​​right?" A few days later, Yu Xiaobai was waiting at the border of the Fire Country and the Sichuan Country. According to the scheduled time, the entrusted person was today will arrive here, and his escort mission will begin.

Ninja Travel has always pursued simplicity and practicality without affecting mobility. In addition to wearing a set of ninja costumes and the iconic ANBU mask, Yu Xiaobai only carried a bag.

At noon, when the weather was warm, in the Sichuan Kingdom across the border, a flag engraved with the Fire Nation's logo appeared. A group of dozens of people slowly moved from far to near in Yu Xiaobai's sight. .

Yu Xiaobai put away the coins he was playing with. He had never relaxed in his research on the electromagnetic gun, and now he felt that he was only just one step away.

"Hello, I am a ninja from Konoha Village who has been commissioned to escort you."

"Just one person?" A leading samurai looked stern and wore a gorgeous sword. In addition to carvings, the scabbard also had valuable gold rims. The tall samurai captain was obviously very dissatisfied when he saw that Yu Xiaobai was the only one. He seemed to think that Konoha Village had lost etiquette and paid so little attention to him.

When Yu Xiaobai took off his mask and revealed his young face, the warrior captain's frown deepened. Only when Yu Xiaobai submitted the entrustment certificate with Yu Xiaobai's basic information written on it, did his expression ease slightly.

However, the samurai captain still didn't like to see him. He waved his hand and said that you, a ninja, can do whatever you like, as if we samurai are enough to guard safety.

Yu Xiaobai just smiled helplessly.

Although the beginning was not smooth, Yu Xiaobai was "accepted" into this group of envoys. The bells on the carriage rang, and the officials with the diplomatic mission held their heads high, and then everyone responded in a way that made Yu Xiaobai Shiro felt the speed of a turtle crawling and entered the Land of Fire.

Thanks to book friend 120817085, ah. Money, three water, three gold, four fire (your name is very malicious), I’ll reward you if you don’t eat vegetarian food~

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