Please answer Naruto

Chapter 37 Mask

The distant Bgm rang in his dream all night long. Yu Xiaobai was woken up by a warrior the next day. The light of morning light shone from the branches and leaves. Yu Xiaobai raised his hand and looked at the sun through the gaps between his fingers. When he first woke up, In his confusion, he felt as if he would get up in a hurry and go to school with a piece of bread in his mouth the next second.

He got up and rubbed his eyes. A team of dozens of people was already rustling and getting ready to set off. Yu Xiaobai shook his head. He seemed to have rarely slept so well. But being too defenseless is a big no-no.

After washing up and following the large army, Yu Xiaobai ran over from the rear and saw several people wearing scribe uniforms and two escorting warriors, hurriedly arriving from somewhere.

Yu Xiaobai quickly overtook them. When they passed each other, he saw the drawing board held by the man and woman in scholar uniforms.

At a casual glance, it seemed like a sunrise amidst the majestic rolling hills. A black and white sketch with messy lines was only half completed. When Yu Xiaobai thought of taking a closer look, he had already jumped onto a big tree and shuttled through the mountains in a ninja style. People come up.

"Not only music, there are also paintings and other things..." Yu Xiaobai jumped in the air more than ten meters away. From time to time, people in the group of carriages below would look at him enviously. Yu Xiaobai was used to these looks, but He rarely lowers his head to look at it. It turns out that singing and painting are all there.

After just taking a short break at noon, the team continued their journey. Compared to the past, today's efficiency was actually very high. Yu Xiaobai was a little surprised. Later, he found that at this speed, he could reach the nearest city before dark.

There is no need to live in the wild. This is definitely exciting news for this group of official warriors who came out of Kyoto, the Land of Fire.

It was obvious that everyone was in high spirits. When samurai captain Sanada Hanjiro gave lunch, he handed it over instead of throwing it away. The sun had set more than halfway in the afternoon, and the short-term motivation had passed. The unmotivated team of commanders gave up the idea of ​​rushing into the city in one go and rested in place.

Yu Xiaobai didn't even break a sweat because he wanted to be more tired than the pampered people. People sat in a circle on the grass, and he ran to the outermost edge as usual.

The daylight gradually turned orange, and there was probably enough time left for everyone to go to the city and have a good time. The warriors were chatting more animatedly, and two young people started to compete with each other with smiles. The shouts and the collision of their scabbards attracted the attention of most people. The look, aside from the actual combat, the two people's gorgeous moves to each other were quite impressive.

Some older samurai warriors waved their arms and walked up to join in. The atmosphere was boosted. When Sanada Hanjiro, the strongest here, also rubbed his hands and walked out, people's enthusiasm reached its highest level.

Swish, swish, Sanada Hanjiro defeated another samurai in two or three strokes. The applause and applause of the crowd made Sanada Hanjiro feel good. Some of the maids were already blushing, especially the Commander-in-Chief, who also got off the carriage and smiled. While watching, hey, Sanada Hanjiro makes a splash, maybe this is the winner in life.

Someone called out, "Where's that Konoha ninja? Ask him to come and fight with Sanada-sama!"

Sanada Hanjiro was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He was in an invincible mood and his eyes lit up. There is such a saying!

After winking at his men, he pretended to be reserved and said a few words. However, the crowd's voice was really loud, and immediately some warriors ran to find Yu Xiaobai high on the grass slope.

The young and beautiful Master Shishi looked at all this curiously with his eyes crooked and the corners of his mouth slightly covered.

"The ninja of Tona Shiroha!" A samurai panted and ran uphill. Wow, I'm so angry. Why are you sitting so high when you have nothing to do?

"My name is Yu Bai..." Yu Xiaobai said helplessly, "Is something wrong?"

"We are competing in a competition. You are a ninja and you must have very strong moves. Do you want to go down and compete with Sanada-sama? Everyone is watching." The young samurai raised his hand and never left it. Katana, with a look of joy on his face.

"Oh, this." Yu Xiaobai glanced down lazily. He was actually thinking about what song the girl was singing last night.

Below, Sanada Hanjiro, who was sitting in the middle of the crowd, was tall and handsome, standing out from the crowd. When he saw Yu Xiaobai's gaze coming through, his face was confident, he held the knife and raised his hand, signaling, "Brother, Meng Lang has beaten Meng Lang..."

Damn, I've never seen you so polite before.

"I don't seem to be interested." Yu Xiaobai said regretfully to the young warrior in front of him. The other party was immediately surprised after hearing this, "You are a ninja of Konoha. How can you not accept this friendly competition at this time... With all due respect, it is really disrespectful."

"Ninjas don't talk about grace..." Yu Xiaobai whispered something that the young warrior didn't hear clearly, and finally refused the invitation.

The young samurai returned disappointed and went to report the letter in despair. He originally wanted to experience the gorgeous ninjutsu.

The wind was blowing slowly in the evening. Yu Xiaobai was holding an animal mask in his left hand and a coin in his right hand. He bounced the piece of metal into the air and fell down again and again.

The news that the Konoha ninja refused to compete made the envoys boo, but everyone quickly forgot about it because the envoy-sama came to say that he wanted to dance.

This time it was not just singing, but music too.

Some musical instruments were taken out, and after spending a week together, Yu Xiaobai still realized that these people actually carried some wooden or metal musical instruments with them.

There is only a simple rhythm, and the singing this time is different from last night, but it may be because it is floating in the broadness of the hilly sunset, but it is still so distant.

The lyrics are very simple, just like a haiku, repeated over and over again, babbling. Yu Xiaobai felt peaceful after listening to it. Indeed, he had never heard of music theory passed down from this world.

Turning around, this time I could easily see the figure in a red and white kimono. The dance was very slow and single. The girl turned around softly. The loose clothes surrounded her, like a blooming flower, and her beautiful face faced his. At this time, Yu Xiaobai paused. The other party wore a mask that revealed his nakedness.

Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but look down at the masks in his hands. One was for killing and the other was for dancing.

The samurai officials sitting around did not make any noise, and looked at the only dancing girl with a serious expression. The slow dance with a bit of sacrificial style was really nostalgic and contagious.

Dang, dang, dang, the pale red light crawled little by little on the green land. Unknowingly, the sunlight on the horizon became darker and darker. When the last red ray of sunlight moved over the body of the maid, the dance ended.

At this moment, Yu Xiaobai suddenly saw that the young girl noticed him who had been looking at him and smiled kindly.

The crescent moon's eyes are the color of red agate.

The last ray of light faded away, and the setting sun sank into the mountains. The lighting torches were lit.

Sanada Hanjiro began to organize people to rush into the city. Yu Xiaobai glanced over and put on a mask.

PS: The first double update of this’s a new week, please give me a recommendation vote~

Some readers may find this recent plot's also my fault that it's not well written.

Thanks to book friend 20170327164454416 for the reward~

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