Please answer Naruto

Chapter 38 The Residence of the Stars

Watching the beautiful girl dance between heaven and earth, there is no microphone or flash, only slow and poetic movements. With the lightness and sparseness, the people sitting around, and the red sunset, Yu Xiaobai had to admit that the impromptu performance of the girl that evening was an unforgettable picture.

The distant red agate at the end made him, the peeping spectator, suddenly feel at a loss. Faced with all kinds of hardships and life-and-death struggles, he has come through them all. He will be panicked for a while, but his confusion at that time seems different before singing and dancing.

I haven't felt like that for a long time. In the corner of my vague memory, it seems that after graduating from junior high school, a childhood sweetheart named Chen Wenwen walked into the classroom. The weather in September was sultry and the chirping of cicadas made people drowsy. He was lying on his seat, but Suddenly woke up, Hi Xiaobai - he was confused by the familiar and unfamiliar Slim.

It was already late at night, and there were no pedestrians on the street. Occasionally, a few drunkards staggered and fell down on the wall, shouting with sad expressions, all incomprehensible words. Some warriors on night patrol came over and punched and kicked them in displeasure. , cursed, held the lantern for a while and left again, and the only light spot in the darkness disappeared into the distance.

Yu Xiaobai wore an animal mask and sat firmly on the narrow eaves, watching the drunkard limping and finally disappearing from sight, shaking his head.

"I guess we won't be able to set off tomorrow..." He thought of the scene when the team arrived in this city, the warriors were shouting to go drink. The nature of their team was special, but it was getting late, and the local officials only sent one The representative came to express condolences, and there will probably be a reception banquet tomorrow.

After settling down the Commander-in-Chief and all the bachelors, the warriors couldn't hold back their excitement and went out happily. They returned late at night. It was said that the Commander-in-Chief was very angry, and Sanada Hanjiro also stood up and sternly He reprimanded his subordinates and said with regret that where is the self-control and frugality that you usually respect, and you don't care about the spirit of Bushido? It's a pity that his face is slightly red and he smells as drunk as others, so it's hard to be convincing.

There was no other way. Even though he was in a town, he couldn't let go of his guard. Yu Xiaobai had no choice but to continue to contribute to his excellent cause of responsible quality construction.

After that dance, I had no intention of sleeping, which was probably a reason.

Yu Xiaobai was in a daze for a long time, then he patted his head, took out the mission briefing from his arms, turned to the introduction column of the entrusted person, skipped the unimportant places, and saw the information he wanted.

"Hoshino Junka."

The name is pronounced "ほしの,すみか" in Japanese, which means the residence of the stars. It's a pretty nice name.

"No, it's none of my business if someone has a nice name." Yu Xiaobai scratched his face, stuffed the mission briefing back, coughed, looked ahead, and stood up for the night.

The situation on the next day was as Yu Xiaobai expected. Not to mention that the group of melon-skin warriors woke up slowly after three hours of work. Hoshino Junxia, ​​the only ceremonial envoy of the Fire Country, was also visited by several famous local officials, and even Some bachelors came here to discuss music theory and literature.

This made Yu Xiaobai a little surprised. Although he expected that the status of this envoy would be relatively high, after all, it was responsible for the diplomatic and friendly mission of the country of Sichuan and the country of good tea, but he did not expect that Hoshino Junxia was more popular. It has nothing to do with power, but more with "name".

After a bunch of things like this, the envoy team had to rest in the town for another night. Under the force of Hoshino Junka, the samurai could not drink, and they set off smoothly in the early morning the next day.

On the winding road outside the city, the group of forty or fifty people became thin. In order to keep up with the speed, Yu Xiaobai could only follow on foot. Of course, most of the group was around the carriage of the messenger girl.

During his days in the city, Yu Xiaobai kept a low profile. Officials and scholars came and went, but he just watched quietly. As a ninja, it is a good thing to have a low presence, and this kind of thing has nothing to do with him.

"Good morning, ninja of Konoha."

When Yu Xiaobai tossed the coin carelessly, a clear female voice suddenly came from beside him. He was startled, and turned around to find that it was a beautiful messenger girl named Hoshino Junxia. The other party did not know when he opened the curtain of the carriage. , waving to him with bent eyes.

"Ah, good morning." Yu Xiaobai replied numbly. The girl changed her clothes, but she was still in the red and white style. "What's the matter?"

"Can't I call you if I have nothing to do?" Hoshino Junka said to him with a smile, different from the otherworldly fireworks during singing and dancing, "I am also very curious about ninjas with various legends."

"Oh." Yu Xiaobai nodded thoughtfully, and then replied, "What you said makes sense."

Wow, are you talking about a stick?

After Yu Xiaobai finished speaking, he wanted to give himself a slap. Is there anyone who chats like this? It seems that he still has the residual attributes of a dead nerd. A person who talks a lot can't hold back a single word when meeting a cute girl. The two-dimensional spicy chicken ruined my youth. It's really not my fault no matter how you look at it.

Hoshino Junxia's clear red eyes also flashed with a dazed emotion, but she quickly responded, "Um, your name is Yubai Chaoma. I asked Hanjiro about it. Thank you for your kindness to us for a while. Take care of it. The day before yesterday... the warriors were all drunk, which really made you laugh."

"Ah, no, no, I should do everything to protect your safety." If Yu Xiaobai was in front of a man, he would definitely brag at this time. How many times can he brag in his life? If you don't brag, you won't brag. However, seeing the sincere eyes of the girl in front of him, he gave up his grandiose thoughts and said, "It's understandable that samurai want to relax. Please don't worry about safety issues."

Anyway, my fighting ability is worrying, so just get drunk. When fighting, I can do it alone. This is the subtext of Yu Xiaobai's heart.

Hoshino Junxia said a few words to Yu Xiaobai again. Just when Yu Xiaobai felt Alexander by the other party's gentle smile, the secretary girl saw the coin on Yu Xiaobai's right hand. She thought of something and changed the topic, " Ninja Yubai, I have a question that I have wanted to ask for a long time. During this time, I seem to have been seeing you flipping coins..."

"Oh, this." Yu Xiaobai let the coin spin dizzyingly between his fingers for a few times. After touching the coin for so long, he still had some tricks. Hoshino Junxia's eyes widened when he saw this move. Yu Xiaobai After coughing, of course he couldn't tell me that I was studying how to enter the soul with one shot, and planned to use electrotherapy to see who was unhappy in the future, so the next step would be nonsense.

Thanks to My Yuluo for the reward~

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