Please answer Naruto

Chapter 39 Rabbit

Yu Xiaobai put on a calm expression, "In fact, there is philosophy in coins."

"Really?" Hoshino Junka blinked, and was aroused by Yu Xiaobai's words. She has learned knowledge since she was a child and has been influenced by various cultures. Although she is young, she actually doesn't say she has read enough poems and books. Too much. At this time, I heard Yu Xiaobai talk about the word "philosophy", and I was naturally curious. Especially when Yu Xiaobai is still a ninja.

Driving slowly is "leisurely" and not tiring, but the process is still boring. “I once lived in a shrine for a while, and I saw people throwing incense money in front of the gods to pray for blessings...Coins entrust people with good expectations, or sometimes when they can’t decide on something, such as a traveler who is lost, The first direction during spring plowing...people will leave the decision to providence or fate.”

Hoshino Junka recounted some of the coin memes that she knew, with a determined look on her face. She probably wanted to take care of Yu Xiaobai who hadn't pointed out the sources of the memes yet. She pinched her fingers like a literary girl and frowned slightly. , the tone of thinking seemed to come and go, and Yu Xiaobai felt in a daze that the two figures overlapped.

"...But no matter what, it doesn't seem to be consistent with philosophy, right?" Hoshino Junxia said for a while, then saw Yu Xiaobai's stunned look, realized something, and his face turned red, "Sorry, I think I said It’s a bit much.”

"Ah, no, what you said is quite good." Yu Xiaobai saw the expression on Hoshino Junxia's face. Although it was considerate and gentle, it looked like he was saying, "Ah, I forgot that you haven't read the book." Sorry" look...

In order to defend the books he had read for more than ten years, and as time passed and the initial awkwardness disappeared, Yu Xiaobai showed the coins in his hand and said, "Sister Si... Sir, do you want to have barbecue for noon?" "

"Ah?" Hoshino Junxia was stunned when he heard this and said he didn't react.

In fact, Hoshino Junka has already stated the public's understanding of coins. Civilizations always have something in common. In this regard, the ninja world with a "Japanese culture" background is not much different. But Yu Xiaobai has been on the Internet for many years and has never seen any interesting jokes.

Yu Xiaobai looked at the sky and said: "We have been walking for a long time since we started in the morning. According to the previous rules, we will have a rest after a while, and dinner will be served soon."

What a bunch of unmotivated people... Yu Xiaobai complained inwardly.

"So, do you want to eat barbecue?" Yu Xiaobai repeated the question, "Rabbit or deer? Grilled until golden."

Hoshino Junka opened her mouth and didn't know what to say. Yu Xiaobai's suggestion was actually very tempting. Although their envoy team was comparable to a tourist group and paid great attention to food, when it came to the importance of each meal, It is basically impossible to barbecue meat, and it is also game, and large animals... The reason is very simple, there is no way to bring so many things when you go out, and they will become rotten and uneatable after a long time. When it comes to fighting, the samurai of Sanada Hanjiro are considered experts among ordinary people, but their ability to catch rabbits... still needs to be practiced.

Yu Xiaobai tossed the coin in his hand, "I'll toss it once now. If it turns out it's heads, we'll have game for lunch today, but if it's tails, we'll continue to cook vegetables with dry food."

"I'll catch the animals." Yu Xiaobai said calmly, with a tone of confidence that no one could doubt.

If Aokawa Takeshi or Hyuga Aida knew that Yu Xiaobai was like "I have started to perform", they would definitely give a Muay Thai warning without saying anything. Damn, as an ANBU, ninja skills and combat qualities are used to catch people. Is it from a rabbit, and you are so proud of it?

Before Hoshino Junxia could say anything, Yu Xiaobai flicked the coin up. Hoshino Junka stopped talking now. She clenched her fists and stared at the coins in the air. She felt nervous for some reason.

Golden roasted rabbits fly in the air...

Two seconds later, the coin fell into Yu Xiaobai's hand. He pressed the answer and couldn't help but smile and look at the eager girl.

"Quick, take your hands away and take a look." Hoshino Junka did not forget to maintain his grace, but his eyes couldn't take away from the covered answer.

But he didn't expect that the Konoha ninja in front of him collected the coins and put them back in his pocket, "I won't show them to you."

This gap made the still young and innocent Sishi girl feel bad. She suddenly felt that she had been maliciously deceived and said angrily: "Ninja Yubai, how could you do this? You agreed to use coins to decide... Could it be that you Is there any special way to know the answer? The coin must have been heads just now, and then you were not sure of catching the rabbit!"

Qinghong's red eyes looked at him suspiciously, leaving Yu Xiaobai a little speechless, and waved his hand, "Don't talk nonsense, who said I can't catch a rabbit... It's just the front and back of the coin at the end, is it necessary to look at it?" "

This last half sentence made Hoshino Junxia stunned.

"Hey, ninja of Konoha, I saw you were always next to the Commander-in-Chief from just now. What are you muttering about?" A faintly unhappy male voice came through, and Sanada Hanjiro walked over with a bad expression on his face.

He had noticed this for a long time, but it was the Commander who took the initiative to talk to him at the beginning. He couldn't say anything, but this wood industry ninja was going too far. He was just an escort. Did he have to work part-time to flirt with girls? After I couldn't stand it any longer, I came over and penetrated her hard.

Yu Xiaobai saw the joke finished, and with Hoshino Junka's intelligence, he would definitely understand the meaning. He was about to leave when he saw Sanada Hanjiro coming over to protect him, "Just in time, Brother Hanjiro, we happened to be talking about you. .”

"Well, what did you say about me?" Sanada Hanjiro didn't expect that Yu Xiaobai would say this, and he was full of arrogance.

"Your Excellency, the Secretary said that everyone is tired after walking for a long time. It would be great if we could eat game together at noon. I thought about it and felt that I have to entrust you with this arduous task." Yu Xiao Bai looked like he was relying on a heavy responsibility, patted the other party's shoulder, and said softly, "It's best to be a rabbit."

Thanks to book friend 177****16, book friend 2017032716***, for tipping a name that no one else has thought of yet~ Thanks for the large number of tips that all good names have been given by dogs~

The author...has a fever. Lying down all day. Try to keep updating as much as possible.

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