Please answer Naruto

Chapter 42 Mentality

Yu Xiaobai was stunned at the confused words.

Hoshino Junka, whose back was turned, was sulky and didn't look back to ask for the answer. He just snorted and walked away, not seeing the depth of the man behind him.

After a long time, Yu Xiaobai exhaled, jumped up to the tallest tree.

The forest in the distance is as dark as ink, and the wind blows like waves like a sea of ​​black shadows, and the rustling sound spreads farther away.

"It seems to be true..." Yu Xiaobai's mood was complicated. When he first talked about the coins, he was relying on a little knowledge on the Internet to cover up that he was thinking about the electromagnetic gun. But Hoshino Junxia's words and subsequent thoughts were accidental, opening up some of Yu Xiaobai's anger.

Different paths lead to the same destination. It can be said that Yu Xiaobai dug his own hole and jumped in. However, this is a good thing. I was mechanically going through mission training in ANBU. Are I avoiding a problem, or have I always made a decision in my heart that I can't go on?

Yu Xiaobai is an optimistic person who knows what to do. He took the coin out of his pocket and looked at the front and back. Hoshino Junka's loud words echoed.

Things have been different, ever since he was dragged into the fog by the nightmare of "To Be Continued".

The mentality transcended its original limitations, and Yu Xiaobai's heart was no longer here.

What was originally regarded as life capital in the future no longer seemed important. Why was he still working hard to improve his performance? Does he still have a point in ANBU? It's obviously no longer effective.

In terms of utility, there seemed to be no need for him to waste time in ANBU.

"Hey." Yu Xiaobai was distressed and happy because he found the root of his problem.

"What's my answer?" Yu Xiaobai followed suit and solemnly flicked the coin up. It flickered under the moonlight and fell back into his hand two seconds later.

"It's useless." Movies and TV shows are all lies. Yu Xiaobai was so angry that he wanted to throw away the coin, but there was a smile on his lips. He couldn't find the answer in the rise and fall of the coin, or in other words, the matter of fate. Too unreal. He would do the rest by himself, relying on his faith to take the next step.

As the days passed, Yu Xiaobai followed the tour group and continued walking on the road to Kyoto of the Land of Fire. I don’t know if it was just luck or something. There really wasn’t even a little thief along the way. He was walking so slowly and was not well prepared. , everyone is dressed expensively, why don’t you vote for someone who does such a good job?

When the corner of the Kyoto city wall appeared in sight, the envoys cheered and Yu Xiaobai could only laugh a few times along with them.

Kyoto expressed great sincerity to this team led by the ceremonial envoy. After all, it was back to the old landlord's house. After a congratulatory visit, the samurai also went on holiday. Yu Xiaobai could not see Sanada Hanjiro for the time being. An uncomfortable face. As the escorting ninja, he was warmly invited even though he learned that nothing happened on the way. Unable to excuse himself, Yu Xiaobai had no choice but to attend a high-class party like a fool, and then spent a few days living like a wealthy person at Hoshino Junka's mansion.

At this time, Yu Xiaobai saw another side of Hoshino Junka. She was dignified and well-spoken to the outside world. She was indeed a ceremonial envoy of a country. Only when talking about literature and music theory, the light in her eyes would be brighter. . She is really a very smart girl. Yu Xiaobai has to admit that she is much better than girls of the same age in modern society, although Hoshino Junka still hides a hint of girlishness.

It took a full week for the daimyo to issue the official document to visit the Land of Tea. The previous samurai all returned, and the team was ready to set off again.

Yu Xiaobai lamented when he would be able to complete the mission. He had to come back to the country of tea. It seemed that it would really take several months.

The Kingdom of Tea is located outside the southeastern border of the Kingdom of Fire. The small coastal countries depend on the Kingdom of Fire for survival. The purpose of Hoshino Junka's leadership this time is to maintain contact and show the fraternity of the sovereign country that always cares about its younger brothers. There happened to be some kind of sacrificial festival in the country of tea. When Yu Xiaobai and the others arrived, Hoshino Junxia would host the ceremony to promote diplomacy with courtesy.

Everything is a wedding dress of politics. Yu Xiaobai felt that Hoshino Junka had a pure heart and understood it. After asking him once, Hoshino Junka's answer was helpless.

"Those ministers in the DPRK respect me on the surface, but they are focused on power, and some of them really think that culture is valuable. They usually show great etiquette and have some skilled disciples... but they don't think it's face-saving or profitable. I Before I was appointed as the Commander-in-Chief, my previous teacher made it clear to me, but I didn’t believe it at first..."

Hoshino Junka showed a kind of sadness. She would not have said so many words casually, but Yu Xiaobai was a ninja. He stood aside from the incident and was depressed for a long time. "But now, this is the best way. ”

Yu Xiaobai could only remain silent.

In a farming society with an underdeveloped economy, coupled with the ninja element, it is strange that this world would attach great importance to cultural development. But as Hoshino Junka firmly believes, "literature" is very important. Liberal arts students and science majors often argue, but if you read more and feel more, you will really understand that "literature" is of great significance. Without humanistic exploration, science will be difficult to move forward.

The envoy team left Kyoto and began to go to the land of tea.

Hoshino Junxia, ​​who accidentally shared her thoughts with Yu Xiaobai, was introverted for a day, and then immediately returned to the girl she was in Yu Xiaobai's impression.

Stopping and going, time just passed by. During this period, Yu Xiaobai did not carry out heavy exercise, nor did he deliberately wander between life and death to hone himself, but his condition miraculously did not decline. Since the incident of catching prey and getting close to the team, he gradually became more and more mature. In-depth study of various bachelor's fields. These people seem to be the best "art classes" in the Land of Fire, painting, playing, and reading scriptures. Hoshino Junka would come to Yu Xiaobai from time to time during breaks, trying to persuade Yu Xiaobai to tell her ninja stories. Without the initial awkwardness, Yu Xiaobai stayed with the young man who was less than twenty years old out of boredom. The girl was bragging, but it was actually quite enjoyable to listen to the other party's cries of surprise and longing eyes. Of course, it would have been better if Brother Lang didn't interrupt her at all.

The impromptu dances and songs that came in the evening also continued. Yu Xiaobai listened to the sounds of different ninja worlds, the red and white kimonos in bloom, the scenery of different ninja worlds, the hostility and suppressed emotions he had accumulated in the Anbu before. The impetuousness disappeared silently, and the mind became calmer. One time, he was in a good mood and agreed to Hoshino Junka to catch rabbits. During the race, he found that his strength had increased a bit.

Everything was going in the right direction, but when Yu Xiaobai and the others traveled over the mountains and ridges to the Kingdom of Tea, completed the sacrificial ceremony as planned, and set out on their way back, an accident happened.

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