Please answer Naruto

Chapter 43 Accident

"The situation at that time was like this. It was drizzling all over the world. The three ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village took advantage of the favorable location and failed to make a sneak attack. They stood on the rooftop extremely arrogantly. They didn't move at all when they saw us coming out. One of them even shouted Making sarcastic remarks..."

The envoy team has already started on its way back, but a strange phenomenon has occurred recently, that is, a bunch of people are surrounding a man who looks like a ninja and telling stories... ah, no, talking.

It may be the first time that Yu Xiaobai has been on an escort mission for such a long time. After slowly arriving in the country of tea, in order to successfully organize the small country's sacrificial festival, there are all kinds of tedious steps, and they are very particular. Anyway, Yu Xiaobai listened. It just hurts, just like solving a math problem.

After staying in the Country of Tea for nearly half a month, the envoys finally showed their professional qualities. Although they were still unhurried, when it came to the professional field, everything was completed in a formal manner.

What followed was a few days of wrangling, and the process was like this. After the sacrifice, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then talked about diplomacy with the Dai Ming of the Kingdom of Tea. Don’t be in a hurry, let’s order food first... The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, and the Dai Ming expressed his determination to maintain the fire. The leader of the country, the envoy stayed for one day in a polite manner, resigned the next day, and the big name asked him to stay, come on, come on, play a few more days; hey, I have to go back to report; I understand, I understand, if you have nothing to do, play a few more days God...oh, okay then...

In this cycle, while the corners of Yu Xiaobai's mouth twitched, people on the street all added two more clothes. A month later, this group of unmotivated teams finally returned. Before leaving, each of them was given generous gifts.

In a blink of an eye, it had been several months since the escort from the Kingdom of Sichuan began. Yu Xiaobai thought that these few months of soy sauce were still... very meaningful.

A series of missions ended smoothly and everyone in the team was in high spirits. People from different places also became friends while getting along. Yu Xiaobai, an unexpected ninja, has also become harmonious.

At dinner in the evening, Hoshino Junka came over again and tirelessly asked Yu Xiaobai about ninjas. How could Yu Xiaobai have so many stories to tell girls? He couldn't say "Once upon a time, there was a man who had the Nine Tails sealed in his body." Child..." How about this? That might take ten years.

In the end, Yu Xiaobai had no choice but to talk about his own affairs in a more embellished way. He had done many tasks before, so it was easy to pick out some that he could listen to.

It's just that Yu Xiaobai discovered that talking too much has its disadvantages. Under the influence of the Internet, he often has novel vocabulary and his narrations are also very vivid. After watching too many online cartoons, he unconsciously uses some techniques that can grasp the readers' pleasure. ...This is also the reason why Junxia Hoshino has been pestering him regardless of his reserve. The trend even spread, and many warrior officials came to listen.

This is what caused the storytelling scene at the beginning of this article.

"They underestimated the Konoha ninjas too much. Without saying a word, I used a move that was said to be able to break thunder and lightning. The Jianghu people... well, the S-level thunder escape ninjutsu, known as 'Chidori' in the ninja world, was instantly defeated. A rude jounin."

"Wow -" there was an exclamation from below.

Yu Xiaobai secretly felt ashamed. He had never expected such a situation, but he accidentally talked too much today, which was quite touching...

"Later, the remaining two jounin were startled and started to attack with all their strength, but they were still suppressed and beaten by me. Finally, they sent a signal flare to ask for help, so I had to protect my juniors and fight their way out of the siege with injuries..."

What Yu Xiaobai was talking about was the last time he and Itachi went to the Rain Ninja Village. He was telling half truths and half lies, and the group of people listening to them would definitely not be able to tell the difference.

"What happens later..." Yu Xiaobai thought of the Kisame and Madara he met later and decided not to scare people, "I will return to the village safely later."

Many people sighed and felt that it was not enough.

"Okay, I'm done talking. Let's all go to bed." Yu Xiaobai stood up and was startled when he saw a pair of eyes below. Something didn't seem right. Most of the people from the envoy came to listen to the story. Culture Are we so deprived and bored...

Seeing the few warriors guarding the perimeter looking back frequently and carelessly, Yu Xiaobai quickly waved his hands to disperse the crowd, "Disperse, disperse..."

"Hmph, you're talking nonsense. You killed a Jonin with just one move. Even if you were a Jonin, that's an exaggeration." Sanada Hanjiro, holding his katana, listened in rapt attention. Yu Xiaobai said and dispersed, then suddenly Wake up in shock, isn't that right? Isn't he here to cause trouble? Feeling ashamed, he quickly found the "loopholes" in Yu Xiaobai's story.

"Brother Hanciro is right." Seeing that the Konoha ninja really didn't want to say anything anymore and people had to disperse, Yu Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief and casually dismissed Hanciro, still wondering why the other party didn't act like before. Interrupted halfway.

"Okay, Banci Lang-san, it's normal for Yu Bai-san to not be able to remember some details." Hoshino Junka clapped her little hands and stood up. Over the past few days, she has become a fan of ninja stories, and sometimes she even records the exciting parts. This seems to be the direction of literary development too! Although Yu Xiaobai's way of telling stories plays a large role, she is still exposed to another world.

But what she didn't know was that Yu Xiaobai had already removed most of the cruelty from the seemingly passionate world.

The Commander-in-Chief helped this ninja, and Sanada Hanjiro had no choice but to leave with his sword in hand.

When everything calmed down, Yu Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief and secretly thought that he would have to be more careful in the future, as it would be a bad habit if things continued like this.

Find a remote place, lean against a tree, close your eyes and feel it as usual.

Yu Xiaobai didn't trust the level of the warriors. It was effective against ordinary people, but not against ninjas. However, he was too lazy to correct him. He just paid attention.

But only five minutes later, Yu Xiaobai's brows furrowed. Is there anyone?

The inertia of being safe for several months made Yu Xiaobai not believe that there would be an invasion. He opened his eyes, jumped up on a tree, and after observing for a minute, his expression became serious.

On the last part of the way back, a kitten or puppy popped out... Yu Xiaobai's mind was racing. He had not taken action for several months, but his skills had not deteriorated. After a few warm-ups, he was ready to solve it directly by himself.

"It hasn't been long since I left the Kingdom of Tea. Is there any contact here?" Yu Xiaobai put down this question first, walked to a few peripheral warriors, and when he silently patted their shoulders, he even startled them.

"There are people with bad intentions here, but they are just ordinary gangsters. I will deal with them. Go back and keep everyone vigilant." Since he has collected the commission fee, he will naturally come forward if there is trouble. After saying that, Yu Xiaobai went to the warrior In his surprised eyes, he stalked into the shadows like a ghost.

After a while, there was a muffled groan, and the smell of blood began to spread in a small area. This group of thieves was quite large, with a hundred people in total. However, the number of thieves suddenly and strangely decreased in the dark night, and at a certain moment, the atmosphere finally got out of control.

"That's not right, it's a ninja-" The thief with abnormal sensations exclaimed, but his voice stopped abruptly the next second.

Shaking away the blood of Kun Wushang, Yu Xiaobai felt the long-lost killing, shook his head, and firmly stabbed the sharp weapon into the chest of the next person.


The thieves shouted in shock, the people and horses panicked in the middle of the night, more torches were lit, and the voices of people suddenly became noisy in the night sky.

Yu Xiaobai turned around suddenly and looked at the previous camp. In the chaos, he heard a familiar female voice.

Some warriors who originally wanted to cooperate in the attack also shrank back after hearing the news.

Yu Xiaobai looked at the remaining thieves, who were just a ragtag group of thieves. They had begun to scatter in all directions after being killed by him silently.

Pursing his lips, he stepped forward and galloped towards the camp.

The fever has returned... I took a CT scan and it turns out it's pneumonia. I'll probably need treatment for a week. Please bear with me recently...

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