Please answer Naruto

Chapter 44: Showing Up

At night, the thieves outside the area dispersed, and the torches stayed away. The air carried the bloody smell left by Yu Xiaobai's unscrupulous killings. He headed towards the camp and jumped among the trees. The departure of the thieves made the environment quiet. , Yu Xiaobai frowned.

After a while, he saw the tent, and several warriors had fallen in a pool of blood.

"When did you sneak in?" Yu Xiaobai paused briefly at the corpse. When he sensed it, it was clear that there was only the movement of thieves outside... The few warriors who died died fighting with others. Yu, who had been envoys for several months, Even Xiaobai recognized him, he looked a little bad.

There were sounds of fighting and weapons clashing. Yu Xiaobai heard the voice of Sanada Hanjiro among the many angry shouts. The samurai inside were still fighting the intruders.

"Kunai?" There was a familiar sound of a sharp weapon slashing through the air. Yu Xiaobai did not rush in directly. He closed the dead warrior's eyes and reached over silently.

The open space in the middle of the camp seemed a bit chaotic. Torches were thrown on the ground, and bachelor officers without combat capabilities were hiding aside. Sanada Hanjiro, with his katana drawn out, was leading a dozen samurai and three masked opponents. war.

"Damn it." Sanada Hanjiro rushed forward, slanting the blade to block the kunai's thrust, and slashed forward with a fast and precise slash that he had practiced countless times. The masked man did not expect that the speed of the sword would be so fast. In desperation, he had no choice but to use the substitute technique. With a "Peng" sound of smoke, the wood was cut into two halves.

"Third brother, be careful not to get chopped by this samurai." A masked man who seemed to be able to handle the attacks of several samurai with ease said to his companion who had just used a substitute technique to save him.

There was also a slightly thinner ninja on the side. After a soil stabbing technique caused heavy casualties to the samurai, he said: "This leader has some skills, the sword is very fast, be careful." After that, he frowned and looked outside the camp, "Why do you start from There was no sound outside at first, didn’t that group of people encounter at most one ninja?”

"Boss, let's move faster. Maybe the escort ninja from Konoha has already dealt with those miscellaneous fish from Montenegro." None of the three masked ninjas wore forehead protectors, and the ninja gear they wore were rather worn, more like Lang ninjas. , the skinnier one seems to be the leader.

The ninja who was fighting Sanada Hanjiro nodded, dodged to avoid a samurai's vigorous chop, raised his right hand, and the kunai was about to stab the throat of the samurai who was in a stalemate.

"Swish swish——"

Several darts pierced into Lao San's raised right arm with lightning speed, blood splattered out, and his movements had long been deformed in the severe pain. Sanada Hanjiro seized the opportunity and struck at the opponent with a single blow. hack.

"Ding!" The slender man helped his companion block Hanjiro's killing move at the critical moment, then kicked the third child away, chop chop chop, and three darts were inserted into the original land again.

A black shadow descended like wind!

"Dang!" The thin man's jaw went numb, and he was overwhelmed by the attack and was knocked several meters away.

There was no need to wait for a sneak attack opportunity. When Yu Xiaobai saw that three ninjas were coming, he took action directly. Seeing the escort ninja of this team coming back, the three Lang nin began to lean together, no longer as relaxed as they were when dealing with the samurai.

"Yu Baisang!" Hoshino Junka's voice came from the side. She felt out of place with the environment and was in the middle of the crowd of bachelor officers.

Yu Xiaobai ignored the Commander-in-Chief who didn't understand the point of calling him at this time. He looked at Sanada Hanjiro and nodded. When he looked closer, he discovered that there was a wound on the other's ribs, and blood had soaked a small piece of clothes.

"Leave it to me next." Yu Xiaobai stared at the three ninjas confronting him and said calmly.

Sanada Hanjiro was not very willing. He covered the wound with his left hand and insisted on pointing the knife at the enemy.

Most of the surviving warriors were injured. Fortunately, death only occurred when the masked ninja appeared. After hearing Yu Xiaobai's words, they basically gave up the space with trust. Of course, they felt the difference between ninjas and ordinary people during the short battle. one of the reasons.

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are... but since it's my employer's idea, I can only tell you here." Yu Xiaobai said coldly. These people probably lurked in when he went out to deal with the miscellaneous fish. , or when he was telling the story? It seems that their level is not very good, but their concealment skills are not bad.

Facing Yu Xiaobai's words, the three ninjas sighed. Among them, the right hand called Lao San was still shaking and bleeding. They stared at Yu Xiaobai with ferocious eyes and opened their mouths, just about to say something.

"Zi la la." Thunder light came out, and Yu Xiaobai's body surface was wrapped with blue electricity. Without further ado, he activated his thunder escape and rushed towards Lao San.

"Looking at your ugly expression, are you going to say something cruel?" Yu Xiaobai's sudden burst of speed caught everyone off guard. They only felt a ray of light pass by, and the right hand of the third ninja fell to the ground.

The boss and second brother on the side were frightened by this speed. Yu Xiaotian entered the scene like a god and bullied his subordinates. Their first reaction was to jump back a big step. It seemed that the world was dangerous, and the brotherhood of wandering ninjas was not there. No. With the loss of an arm, the ferocious look in Lao San's eyes instantly turned into despair. While screaming, he formed a seal and tried to use the Substitute Technique. Yu Xiaobai's movements had no gaps, and he slit the opponent's neck as soon as he raised his hand.

A ninja was killed in a single encounter. This combat power made everyone around him a little stunned, especially Hanjiro and other samurai who had fought against him, and felt that it was unreal.

Yu Xiaobai didn't think anything of it. These three wandering ninjas were even better than the average chuunin. Without the cultivation of kunai in the ninja village, he would not be half as good as him. At most, they have become more proficient in hiding life-saving skills after staying outside for a long time. If Yu Xiaobai, an opponent like this, faced off head-on, he would definitely be crushed if he turned on his Thunder Release to stimulate his cells.

The eyes of the remaining two Lang Ninjas were wandering after seeing the tragic death of their companions. They expected that the escort would be a Jonin, but the three of them might not be able to fight together, but when they saw Yu Xiaobai's Thunder Escape Possession, they could hardly follow it with the naked eye. With such speed, their will to fight disappeared in an instant, and they were no match for them at all.

The thin ninja let out a dry laugh and raised his hand, "This Konoha Jonin..."

"You must want to say that this is a misunderstanding." Yu Xiaobai said what he wanted to say first, and the thin ninja nodded awkwardly.

"I don't know if I can be noble? We came here for that 'treasure', but now we have decided to give up. It would be a waste if we fight to the death. What do you think?" The thin ninja who was interrupted by Yu Xiaobai reorganized his speech. .

"treasure"? Yu Xiaobai wondered if there were any precious items in the envoy team.

"Raise your hand, okay." Yu Xiaobai raised his hand, lightning surged, and thrilling electricity gathered in his palm.

The fluctuations of Chidori's chakra caused the skinny ninja and the other person's expressions to change drastically. When they were desperate, they suddenly caught a glimpse of Hoshino Junka, who stood up and wore a striking red and white kimono.

Thanks to Yingfeng Formation I, all the good names have been given by dogs. Since An, there are three water, three gold, four fire, and book friend 160911121204523 rewarded~

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