Please answer Naruto

Chapter 45 Railgun

The remaining two wave ninjas looked at each other. They both acted decisively and tacitly understood each other when betraying their teammates. At this moment, they instantly understood the intentions of both parties.

At the same time, he turned around and ran in the direction of Hoshino Junka!

Yu Xiaobai's face turned even colder. He saw what the other party meant and let go of the control. The noise of the Chidori began wildly. The squeaking electric current was like a soul song that urged people to death. He stepped forward and pursued him at a speed far exceeding the speed of the two Lang Ninjas. And up.

The lethal sound of the squeaking electric current was so loud that one's heart would jump out of his chest. The Chidori rushed in behind him at a speed that was completely faster than expected. The fatal attack in the next second could pierce the two of them. The skinny Lang Ninja changed his face, and then Gritting his teeth fiercely, he hit the critical moment and formed the seal decisively.

"Earth Escape, Earth Wall Technique!"

The companions behind him looked at him in disbelief!

A wall made of earth and gravel rose suddenly from the ground, blocking the heart-stopping chirping of thousands of birds, but the wave ninja behind him was also blocked behind the earth wall.

"Boss, you..."

"Peng!" The voice stopped suddenly.

Yu Xiaobai didn't even blink, holding the Chidori and directly penetrated the two layers of obstacles that appeared in his sight. Human flesh, earth and rocks barely blocked him for a moment, and the dazzling lightning burst out of the cage.

"do not come!"

The skinny Ronin who betrayed his teammates twice in a row shouted hysterically.

"Zi la la——"

The lightning ball with jumping violent lightning was almost close to the facade, but finally stopped abruptly during the rapid push.

Hoshino Junka, who had a pale face and pale face, was blocked in front of him by the skinny Ronin.

The shameless move of the skinny Langren indeed bought him a little more time. No one dared to stop him when he rushed into the crowd of bachelors and officials. The Qiandori pressed by Yu Xiaobai had already frightened them so much that they dared not move.

Although the movements of the thin Lang Ren were very hasty, just now, Yu Xiaobai knew that he was 70% to 80% sure of blowing off the opponent's head directly, but the remaining possibility made him hesitate.

"Back off, back off!" The skinny ninja escaped from death, his face was covered with sweat, and the kunai in his right hand was firmly pressed against Hoshino Junka's slender neck, and he said incoherently.

Yu Xiaobai looked at Hoshino Junxia's face, which was very close to him. The two couldn't help but look at each other. He could see his own murderous look in the other's red eyes.

"I told you to back off! I didn't hear you!" The thin wave ninja yelled again, and the kunai in his right hand forced him even more. A streak of blood was cut on his fair skin, and Hoshino Junka let out a groan.

"I heard it." Yu Xiaobai dispersed the thousands of birds, the lightning disappeared, and slowly took a few steps back, "Is this enough?"

"Yu Baisang..." Hoshino Junxia's eyes were full of self-blame. Just as he was about to say something, his mouth was suddenly covered by the other hand of the thin Lang Ren, "Don't talk!"

The thin Lang Ninja glanced at the corpses of his two companions not far away who were gradually getting cold. His legs were still shaking a little. This Konoha ninja was too strong.

"Keep retreating, don't come within ten meters of me!"

Should such a bridge be so bloody? Yu Xiaobai felt helpless and could only retreat to a distance of nearly twenty meters.

The bachelor officials had already scattered and ran away, but when they calmed down a little, they were ashamed and scared that they had just watched Hoshino Junka being held hostage. The warriors who were able to move also surrounded the remaining wave ninja and glared at him.

The skinny Ronin was very excited, but when he saw the people around him wanting to have sex but not daring to do it, he knew that he had caught the rightful owner. He felt a little at ease, rolled his eyes, and was about to speak.

"It's not an option if this goes on. How about this?" Yu Xiaobai suddenly said. He stared into Hoshino Junxia's eyes, and the other party was also looking at him. "How about tossing a coin?"


The skinny Lang Nin looked a little confused and didn't understand what Yu Xiaobai meant. The samurai including Sanada Hanjiro also looked puzzled.

Yu Xiaobai took out a coin from his pocket and said, "Heads, you win. If you take that 'treasure' and leave, tails, you lose."

"Hey..." The skinny Ronin looked dissatisfied. Who the hell wants to tell you whether he wins or loses? The hostages are in my hands now, I can threaten them at will...

But Yu Xiaobai didn't give the other party a chance to speak, and just ignored him. As if he was immersed in his own world, he tossed the coin high with a "ding" sound.

People can't help but look over.

The moonlight shines down slantingly——

Yu Xiaobai also looked up, not knowing what to think, looking at the faint reflection of the metal.

There was a feeling in his heart that he had never felt before. When the coin fell in front of his eyes, lightning flashed around his right hand.

The railgun has three times the speed of sound. What is the concept? When the skinny Lang Nin saw a flash of light like a comet, half of his body was destroyed.

The skinny Lang Nin blocked Hoshino Junxia in front of him, but because the former was petite, half of the skinny Lang Nin's body was exposed. Yu Xiaobai deliberately turned his direction and missed the opponent. But this was enough to make the skinny Ronin unable to even generate consciousness, so he decomposed half of his body and died.

Like the passing brilliant power of a comet, it was shocking but short-lived. The fleeting light streaked across the dark woods behind for dozens of meters before disappearing silently.

Everyone was speechless.

Hoshino Junka was the first to react. She threw away half of the skinny Lang Nin's body that was still hanging on her body, and ran towards Yu Xiaobai with all her strength.

Without any preparation, Hoshino Junxia jumped directly into his arms, and Yu Xiaobai froze in place immediately. He even forgot the joy of successfully performing a move he had studied for a long time.

"Yu Baisang..." The girl on the chest said in a suppressed voice, her shoulders trembling slightly.

For several seconds, Yu Xiaobai could only send out dry comfort, saying: "It's okay."

"Something's wrong." Hoshino Junka still buried his head. After all, he was still young. In modern society, he might have just graduated from high school, and he had been exposed to peaceful people all year round. This was the first time in his life.

Yu Xiaobai could only laugh twice at the girl's answer. He looked up at the warrior bachelors who had just recovered from the shock of the electromagnetic cannon. He raised his hand and said, "Who can help?"

The temporarily quiet camp became chaotic again...

Fifteen minutes later, Hoshino Junxia calmed down with the help of Yu Xiaobai and several maids. After the helpless officials and bachelors also comforted them, everyone agreed that they had to leave this place of right and wrong. , simply packed up and set off immediately.

After driving for a long time all night, some of the weak ones could no longer hold on and stopped to rest. However, at dawn, although all the enemies were wiped out, the team was ready to move on again. This made Yu Xiaobai very emotional. It turned out that the enemy The effect will be so significant under the attack.

The spirit of the unmotivated envoy team was restored, resulting in a greatly shortened time to Kyoto, and Yu Xiaobai's prestige among the envoys was truly established. His performance that night was undisputed, but Yu Xiaobai didn't care about it. .

Afterwards, Yu Xiaobai curiously asked Hoshino Junxia what the "treasure" those three wandering ninjas were talking about could attract covetousness. The result was beyond Yu Xiaobai's expectation. It was neither a priceless jewel nor a scroll. When Hoshino Junka opened an ordinary box with a wry smile, what appeared inside was only a large pile of books...

This was obtained during the last exchange of gifts in the Land of Tea. It is indeed a "treasure" for people like Hoshino Junka, but for those who wander around Kusano and are greedy for money, it may be too heavy to carry.

Yu Xiaobai could only shake his head at this, not knowing what to say.

One month later, Kyoto, the Land of Fire.

Yu Xiaobai sent these dozens of people into the city, and the people in the envoy team would report the situation. Yu Xiaobai quickly received praise and proof that the mission was completed.

He had already said goodbye when he entered the city. Yu Xiaobai was about to walk out of the city when a red and white figure caught up with him.

"Yu Baisang!"

Seeing that it was Hoshino Junka, Yu Xiaobai stopped and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Are you leaving? Why don't you stay in Kyoto for a few more days?" Hoshino Junxia bit her lip and looked at Yu Xiaobai with twinkling eyes.

"No, there are still many things going on in the village." Yu Xiaobai pretended not to see Hoshino Junxia's hint and declined politely.

"I will wait for you." The disappointment flashed away, and Hoshino Junka immediately said firmly.

This was almost a confession. Hoshino Junka's face turned red immediately after saying it.

Yu Xiaobai is not young mentally. Hoshino Junka could tell what Hoshino Junxia was thinking by relying on him to talk along the way. Yu Xiaobai also thought about it, but the lives they faced were so different. He is no longer the high school student who would be excited for a long time when someone of the opposite sex confesses his love.

"I'm passing by when I have time... I'll come and see you." In the end, Yu Xiaobai was still not heartless and said something special.

"Yes!" Hoshino Junxia nodded happily, and Yu Xiaobai waved away. She stood on the street and watched the Konoha ninja disappear.

PS: I saw some readers saying that they had waited a long time to see the reaction of traveling between two worlds, so they gave up. . Well, my writing power is limited and I can’t make every ten thousand words enjoyable. The focus of this book is indeed the setting. Only then will it be really interesting and exciting, with all the pretense. But from the current point of view, it will take some time to lay the groundwork and accumulate strength, but within a hundred chapters, when the seventh team is established, it will

You know, please give me some recommendation votes~

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