Please answer Naruto

Chapter 47 Visit

There were noisy voices, and the metal front and back flashed.

On the streets of Konoha, Yu Xiaobai caught the coins in the air, the girl Waka, the cold samurai captain, the speechless "treasure"... He gained a lot from those months of escort missions, not only in displaying... On the railgun.

"But the 'Can't Bring Up the Jin Team' is really rich..." Yu Xiaobai recalled the entrustment share given when handing in the task. A B-level task can almost match the weight of an A-level task.

Of course, for a new-age ninja like him, the commission fee is by no means something he cares about. The spiritual wealth gained from the mission is the most precious.

Yu Xiaobai bought some food. He hadn't been home for a long time, and there must be nothing edible inside... He carried a bunch of things back to the yard, opened the wooden door, and a rotten smell came out.

After taking a look at it, Yu Xiaobai frowned and looked at it. No, this must be cleaned up, otherwise he would have to go back to the boys' dormitory.

After a long day of hard work, Yu Xiaobai finally had someone to live in. Yu Xiaobai threw down the rag and looked at the large house that was much tidier. He still felt a sense of accomplishment. He was indeed a ninja of the new era.

But looking at it, he always felt that something was missing. When eating alone at night, Yu Xiaobai understood, "It's still too spacious."

Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but smile bitterly. His interest in eating had dropped a lot. The allocated house was suitable for a ninja with a family. Living alone could only feel a slight sadness.

Somehow, Hoshino Junka's charming smile appeared, "If she sat across from me and ate with me now..." Yu Xiaobai was entranced for a few seconds, and quickly shook off the thoughts in his mind*** There is nothing bad about ***No Junka. The standard in modern society is white, rich and beautiful, but this is not a modern society after all. According to Yu Xiaobai's idea, ninjas can't give women a happy ending at all, unless you are the protagonist, an important role, the kind who will surround you with shurikens on the battlefield and encounter powerful enemies. .

Yu Xiaobai has seen countless scenes of ninjas dying in the line of duty, teammates in the team bringing their bodies, sometimes only ashes, and wives holding their children and crying.

Without worrying about this problem for too long, Yu Xiaobai went for a walk outside after dinner and rested early. After sleeping outside for so long, it was still very comfortable to lie back home.

Yu Xiaobai had nothing to do in the next few days. Qingchuan Wu gave him a week-long vacation. He mainly focused on mastering the railgun that had been successfully used. Because the sound was loud and the effect was cool, Yu Xiaobai had to run to Li Muye Village every day. It's quite far away and only when no one is paying attention. As for other things, there is no need to invest a lot of energy.

Yu Xiaobai mostly rested these days, and Kai Xiaoli's behavior was very reasonable.

As he reintegrated into the village, Yu Xiaobai also knew that what he noticed when he first entered the village was correct. The atmosphere was indeed not good, and it was becoming more serious day by day.

This kind of atmosphere cannot be felt among ordinary villagers and ninjas. It's just that Yu Xiaobai has worked in the intelligence department for a long time and has an insight into the plot. It can be seen that the top management of Konoha has already taken action against Uchiha.

Sometimes when walking on the road, some Uchiha clan members would look at Jōnin like Yu Xiaobai in a strange way. "Hey, are you so jealous? I don't know if I think I owe you money." He couldn't help complaining about the gloominess of some Uchiha people.

But just when Yu Xiaobai was preparing to stay away from this muddy water, and did not want to become a victim of political conflicts, Weasel came to visit, when Yu Xiaobai's vacation was about to end.

It was very quiet at night, and there was no one on the street outside the door. Yu Xiaobai looked at Weasel standing at the door with something in his hand, and was a little surprised.

Itachi's face was still so cold and cold, just like his later brother. However, it has been different since Yu Xiaobai and the time he went to Yuren Village. Qingse was almost invisible, and even looked at Yu Xiaobai with a bit of vicissitudes of life, and his black eyes.

"Excuse me for disturbing you, senior." Itachi bowed slightly and said with a smile. The way you smile is very unskilled. It’s been a long time since I smiled.

"Wow... It's a rare visitor, why are you here, Itachi?" Yu Xiaobai was really surprised. Now in Konoha's 56th year, I'm afraid the scarlet night will come soon. Yu Xiaobai had been talking intermittently in the department before. When I met Itachi, I could occasionally joke regardless of his status. I originally thought it was a fluke, but when I saw the atmosphere in the village a few days ago, I thought that this might be inevitable, in such an environment of Uchiha and Konoha.

"I remember I said I would come to visit my senior, but I never fulfilled it." Itachi picked up the fruit in his hand, "That's why I came."

Yu Xiaobai looked at Weasel's brows and could clearly see that there were many heavy thoughts in them, "Okay then, come on, let's go in first."

After bringing Itachi in, Yu Xiaobai took Itachi into the entrance hall and sat down in the living room.

Without saying a word in advance, Weasel, who suddenly came over, seemed to be quite embarrassed. He handed the fruit to Yu Xiaobai, appearing reserved all the way, and looked around curiously after entering the room.

"Senior, do you live alone?" Itachi looked at the furnishings and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I'm still single, but I'm still young." Yu Xiaobai replied, adding something as he thought of something.

Itachi didn't understand Yu Xiaobai's follow-up at all. He could only sigh that the senior was still the senior in his memory. After thinking for a long time, he said cautiously: "I hope the senior will find someone he likes as soon as possible."

Yu Xiaobai looked at Weasel strangely, why do you feel that these words are so inconsistent coming from your mouth...

After coughing twice, Yu Xiaobai poured tea and said, "I won't say anything anymore. Where is Weasel? Don't you have someone you like?"

"No." Itachi took the tea and said straightforwardly.

Well, I know you only have your younger brother in your heart... Yu Xiaobai sighed.

"Let me know if you want to come early, and we'll go out for a meal at another time. Don't worry, I'll treat you." Yu Xiaobai couldn't come up with anything to entertain him. The problem was that almost no one came to his house, and he lived a very homely life.

"'Rub'... No need for that, just sit for a while, I haven't seen the senior's house." Itachi was stunned, and then smiled, if Itachi was seen like this by the ANBU people, they would definitely not believe it, what? Have you ever laughed so many times?

"I heard that senior just completed a long-term escort mission. Was it hard?"

"It's nothing, but it's still quite rewarding." Yu Xiaobai waved his hands and briefly told the story of escorting the envoy who couldn't lift the energy. There really wasn't much to say. Sanada Hanjirō's secret skill, Yan Hui, was used to chop rabbits. It’s inconvenient to say.

"What about you." Yu Xiaobai turned the topic to the other person and looked at Itachi, "I heard that you have been promoted to captain of the dark department. How are you... lately?"

Thanks to Yunzhong Miaomiao, Azuyo, Book Friends 160426024***, z Kai Rui S, Sen Miao Xin Yaoyi, 545 Heat, Guanyue vs Thunder, and Lancer Ahuo for their rewards~

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