Please answer Naruto

Chapter 48 Take Care

"I'm okay." Itachi forced a smile. This was of course a lie. It was hard for Yu Xiaobai to imagine how much better Itachi's current situation could be.

"I gained a lot from being in Kakashi-senpai's team. Being the captain of the ANBU not long ago is not something worth showing off. Senior, you were promoted to captain not long ago."

Itachi was in an embarrassing and dangerous situation at this time and it was difficult to mention it. He was drifting between the third generation and Uchiha, and he would have to go to the Akatsuki organization in the future. He could only bury his inner tangle in his heart. Speaking out at this time would only cause Yu Xiaobai to get involved.

Yu Xiaobai scratched his head and realized that his question was in vain. He followed the other person's words and said, "Well, the squad leader is really not interesting. The salary is small and there are many thieves."

Itachi's expression stiffened, it seemed that wasn't what I wanted to express...

After finishing a cup of tea, the two casually chatted for a few insignificant words. Itachi was not a talkative person. Seeing that the scene was about to enter the stage of awkward chat, Yu Xiaobai promptly asked if he wanted to visit the room.

Weasel said he was very happy, and Yu Xiaobai took him around his house. Of course, there was nothing interesting about the process. Yu Xiaobai lived alone all year round and didn't have the time to make many beautiful decorations or meaningful layouts. Soon the two of them soon People came to the wooden corridor and looked at the yard under the moonlight.

"I have been living alone, and there is nothing interesting." Yu Xiaobai laughed and said, it was embarrassing that there was so little furniture.

"It's nothing." Itachi and Yu Xiaobai stood side by side. This must be the first time that he came to a friend's house alone without the company of his parents and clan members. The tour of the house also allowed him to see another side of Yu Xiaobai. In the past, he lived in a big family, and the most indispensable thing was people. Although too many people also brought a lot of troubles, but here, just walking around can feel how deserted it is.

"Senior, you probably don't have parents, right?" Itachi tried to say.

"Well, I was alone when I first came here." Yu Xiaobai said calmly. This was the truth. He still had family on Earth, but he was indeed alone when his six-year-old body appeared in the Land of Fire.

When Itachi heard it, he had another meaning. This was a standard "tragic life experience". He wanted to say some old-fashioned words of comfort, but he felt that it was unnecessary if it was from Senior Yu Bai.

"Itachi, you have a lot of relatives and friends in the big family, and it should be quite lively at ordinary times." Yu Xiaobai said casually. He was wondering why Itachi came here tonight. He was not just a guest on a whim, thinking about the village at this time. environment, seeking his help? There is no need or need. As a Itachi, it is natural for him to walk on a tragic path in silence.

Yu Xiaobai felt that Weasel might have come to say goodbye to him.

"Well, there are a lot of people, and they all live in the same place..." Itachi's eyes wandered, "But not all clan members can get along with each other, and there will be conflicts. My father is also very dignified when eating at home."

"Oh, there are a lot of rules in a big family." Yu Xiaobai nodded with deep understanding, "It's better to be alone. By the way, Itachi, do you have a younger brother, what's his name?"

"My foolish brother is Uchiha Sasuke, he is eight years old this year." Itachi said, a smile unconsciously appeared on his lips, "How do you know, senior?"

Yu Xiaobai's eyes drifted to the moon in the sky, "Well, well, there is a child who is always ranked first in the ninja school. He is from the Uchiha family... You will know it if you listen to the gossip of the villagers."

"Sasuke's level is still very bad, far from it." Itachi felt a little happy in his heart, but he still said calmly.

"Why are you so strict as a brother? Be careful he doesn't like you in the future." Yu Xiaobai teased.

"Senior is joking."

The cool moonlight shines in the yard, casting mottled shadows on some potted plants.

" also for better growth." Itachi said softly.

Yu Xiaobai's expression moved, but he still didn't say anything.

After a long time, time passed. Yu Xiaobai had been looking at Weasel for quite some time. Should he change the topic a few times and then go back to his own house to sleep. It's better to forget about trying to get Itachi to stay overnight. Yu Xiaobai was afraid that the third generation would point his finger at the crystal ball and be peeped madly. Moreover, if Kishimoto recalled that when he was writing about Itachi, he had slept in the same room with him... Fujoshi among fans can be very scary.

"Senior." Itachi suddenly said, "Will you be a team leader in the future?"

Yu Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, then reacted and said uncertainly: "A jounin teacher who leads the genin team... A friend I know retired to do that, maybe..."

Yu Xiaobai doesn't really want to work in the Anbu anymore, but he definitely won't change his career to be a team teacher. Isn't this just bringing three oil bottles? How can he improve his strength? This is just polite and polite. Glancing at Itachi's face, Yu Xiaobai suddenly understood. Was he not worried about Sasuke?

"Senior is a very good ninja. I think if Sasuke is taught by you after graduation, he can grow up quickly." Itachi smiled and said. He also heard the perfunctory tone in Yu Xiaobai's tone, "But as for senior, Personality, you might like someone more.”

"Hey, what you said is still not quite right. It depends on the person." Yu Xiaobai patted Itachi on the shoulder, "What is the relationship between you and me? We have been through life and death in Yuren Village. I also teach How do you collect information correctly? Haha... If you have a chance in the future, you can guide Sasuke."

Knowing that even Itachi can do absolutely ruthless things, he is expressionless on the surface in the original work and shows no pity for Sasuke, but deep down, there is still a trace of worry. After all, in the future, the other eight-year-old child will have a child. People grow up.

Yu Xiaobai said that I, a three-good ninja, definitely have a warm heart. Of course, after saying the words of guiding Erzhu, a feeling of awesomeness arose in his heart. Erzhu will be one of the two biggest wall hangings in the future. one.

"That's it, thank you, senior." After hearing this, Itachi thanked him sincerely without doubting that he was there.

After a while, Weasel offered to resign and politely asked him to stay, and Yu Xiaobai sent Weasel outside the yard.

"Senior, that's all." Itachi said calmly, his face gradually regained the coldness towards outsiders, "I wish you a good sleep."

This might be the last meeting as a ninja of Konoha. Yu Xiaobai sighed in his heart. He looked at the other person and turned around. He did not say be careful on the road and have a sweet home. Instead, he hesitated for a while and said: "Take care."

Itachi paused and tilted his head.

"Take care of yourself."

Thanks to hkt3hhh, Azuyo for the reward~

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