Please answer Naruto

Chapter 50 Spiritualism

Under Konoha, the base of "Root" is located.

The third generation said that as long as there are leaves flying, fire will burn, the shadow of the fire will shine on the village, and new leaves will sprout. This sentence of positive energy chicken soup compares Konoha to a tree, and the "roots" organization, as the name suggests, is hidden underground and concentrates darkness. Some things that are completely invisible to the light are done by the roots.

Danzo may have the idea that his "roots" are the support of Konoha and that he is Konoha's defense line. Let's talk about the heroes separately. The tangled passages, the dim lights, the fleeting masked personnel, the root base The internal environment is completely consistent with the mysterious appearance of the intelligence department, although when Yu Xiaobai watched it in the animation, he felt that it was the villain's lair.

"The mission failed..."

In a room, the two root members who had been beaten to the ground by Yu Xiaobai half-knelt in front of the leader. In anxiety, they reported the truth about the conflict that occurred when they went to Yu Xiaobai's house.

"Useless thing!" The lecturer was an old man. He was one of the top leaders of Gen. He was responsible for Uchiha Itachi's follow-up matters, although the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen had been in higher meetings. Determining the issue of the Uchiha incident, Uchiha Itachi is mostly inclined to the "people" of the third generation faction, but they will never lower their attention to Uchiha, "The other party is only an elite jounin at most, you two are just Was he defeated so easily?"

"..." The two roots were not as good as others, and they were speechless, but they had some complaints in their hearts. If you have the ability, you can try it yourself... The one wearing a dog-head mask whispered, "The one named Yu Bai, there is Strong strength... is not a fight to the death, and the subordinates are not opponents."

Yu Xiaobai fought the two roots and threw them out, but the battle between the ninjas was not a life-and-death struggle. However, the words of the roots wearing a dog-head mask were obviously more to save face for himself and his teammates. When it comes to fighting, we are still very interested, but the outcome is not certain...

The old man snorted coldly, ignoring the excuses in his subordinate's words, with anger on his brows. Just as he was about to say something, someone came in from outside.

Hearing the opening of the door and the footsteps of several people, the old man looked up and his expression immediately became respectful, "Lord Danzo."

The two men buried their bodies lower.

Danzo, who had his right eye wrapped with a bandage, walked in with a stern face and nodded to the old man. He was about to go to his office when he passed by and looked at the two Gen who were half-kneeling on the ground, "What happened? "

The old man's tone was calm, without the dignity of reprimanding his subordinates. After recounting the incident, he said: "It was my incompetence in doing things, and I will continue..."

"No need." Danzo said to stop the old man from pursuing further investigation. He didn't know what he was hiding in his one-eyed eyes, "The current situation is sensitive, so don't make any big moves."

The name Yubai, these four words passed through Danzo's mind. It seemed that he had some impression of a jounin with good strength. Uchiha Itachi had a good relationship with him and had once recruited him, but the other party refused.

"Just send a few people to keep an eye on it. Uchiha Itachi won't be stupid enough to tell the other party what he is going to do." Danzo waved his hand and after giving the instructions, the old man bowed his head and said yes, and left with the others.

In the eyes of some big shots, the name Yu Xiaobai does not have much weight after all. He is an outstanding elite jounin and the mainstay of Konoha. These meanings may pay more attention to Yu Xiaobai for people like the third generation, but if they are like Tuan Zang, Mito Enmon, and Koharu, are just one of the more powerful among the many jounin. There are no bloodline boundaries, family background, famous master and apprentice background, and traditional concepts make them unconsciously ignore Yu Xiaobai. The fact that Yu Xiaobai easily dismissed two roots at this time may make Danzo pay more attention, but there is no big surprise. There is a gap in strength between ninjas, even if they are both jounin, The strength of the two will not be the same, and there is no clear quantitative standard. Danzo himself has never fallen behind in physical training and understands this better. Anbu and Gen may sound like masters, but not all of them are jounin, and the strength comparison between jounin will also change due to various reasons. The name Yu Bai was probably indeed a very capable ninja. This thought flashed through Danzo's mind.

Yu Xiaobai has completed many high-level tasks, and his strength has already improved by leaps and bounds, but if he really wants to enter the attention of some big shots, he lacks a battle to become famous.

"Let me see, time and space ninjutsu..."

In the ANBU's information room, Yu Xiaobai was looking through something.

After beating away two roots, Yu Xiaobai returned to the ANBU to report as normal the next day. He knew that the other party would not say anything, and he had not committed any crime. At most, he would be charged with assaulting a colleague. Someone might come back later to bring the situation back, but Yu Xiaobai was not guilty at all, unless Danzo took action himself, but that possibility was too low.

When Yu Xiaobai arrived at Anbu, he found that he had nothing to do for the time being. Qingchuan Wuze warmly invited people who were interested in learning the leadership work of Anbu. Yu Xiaobai flatly declined, saying that he was not interested in this, and then went to the reference room in the base to prepare to learn some knowledge. .

The reference room in the base can be borrowed upon request. It is filled with scrolls of various books, including ninjutsu, lurking, and combat experience. Yu Xiaobai also looked at them when he had time, but there were so many scrolls with dense writing. Yes, Yu Xiaobai didn’t have the courage to stay in and watch it all.

Yu Xiaobai's original intention was to find some information about time and space, but he soon became disappointed. There was very little information about this aspect, and most of it was vague and unclear. Reading too much was like listening to fortune-telling nonsense. , In this situation, Yu Xiaobai might as well go back to modern society and look up physics books. At least the wave-particle duality and quantum theory sound a little more reliable...

Yu Xiaobai quickly gave up trying to find scientific exploration in this area, and found scrolls about fire escape and illusion.

At present, Yu Xiaobai's accomplishments in the thunder attribute may not be surpassed by anyone in Konoha. Without the ultimate move of the railgun, light and thunder escape combined with physical skills, it is already difficult for Yu Xiaobai to find an opponent at the shadow level.

Unknowingly, except for the illusion that he was slightly weaker, Yu Xiaobai's strength had improved a lot compared to two years ago, and he had reached a height that exceeded many people's imagination.

But not many people knew about Yu Xiaobai's progress. Yu Xiaobai didn't care about it, as long as he knew about his improvement in strength.

Looking at the illusion scrolls does not mean that Yu Xiaobai is preparing to practice illusions. He probably has no talent in this area at all. He only needs to increase his ability to resist illusions in battle. As for the fire escape ninjutsu, he has many skills but not too much.

But when Yu Xiaobai finished reading a scroll and put it down, he saw something different from the other scrolls in the corner of the bookshelf.

"Psychic skills." Yu Xiaobai read out the name.

Thanks to Strange Zero, Strange Willow, Monkey~~~, Shuangwei, Azuyo, melancholy little eyes, and book friend 171****69 for the reward~

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