Please answer Naruto

Chapter 51 Scarlet Uchiha

When Yu Xiaobai saw the three words "psychic", he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have a psychic beast yet.

"This is a good way to improve your strength." Yu Xiaobai thought to himself, stepped forward, and pulled out the scroll introducing spiritualism from the bookshelf.

"Hai-xu-you-shen-wei." Yu Xiaobai looked at the above content and whispered the seal of the spiritism. He naturally knew the spiritism in the original work. After all, many famous and exciting battles were It is indispensable, but if you look at the scroll at this time, you will get more detailed information.

"If I learn psychics, who can I sign a contract with, Ma Hou Shaojiu (Magical Girl)?" Yu Xiaobai was thinking, but halfway through the thought, he jumped to some Xu's work.

Spiritualism can also be counted as a type of time and space ninjutsu, blood contract summoning and non-blood contract summoning. The former is well-known for summoning various creatures to assist ninjas in fighting, signing a blood contract, and then summoning a creature the size of itself. Chakra consumption is also related. The three ninjas represented by the psychic beasts, Gamabunta, Wanzi, and Slug are very famous; as for the summoning of the latter, they summon artifacts stored elsewhere to fight, such as Tenten's summoning scroll. , on the other hand, the fourth generation of Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique also used psychic techniques.

The psychic beasts summoned by the blood contract are either strong or weak. If Yu Xiaobai practices this trick, he will naturally want to sign a contract with a powerful psychic beast. Although there are many such as Kakashi's ninja dogs to assist in the battle. It's very useful, but Yu Xiaobai thinks it's better not to do it. If he does it, he should strive for the best. If he randomly finds a creature to sign, Yu Xiaobai will definitely not be willing to do it. Moreover, the psychic beast is weak, so it is better not to fight without it. He goes up by himself. Have less scruples.

"Where can I find a powerful psychic beast to sign for me..." Yu Xiaobai was worried. The famous and powerful psychic beasts in the ninja world are naturally in the major holy places, but signing contracts there is not that simple. Yu Xiaobai has no way. , He doesn’t know anyone well.

"Forget it, let's talk about it then." After thinking about it for a long time, Yu Xiaobai could only put down the idea of ​​necromanticism for now. If there was no suitable one, it would be better not to do it at all.

Putting down the scroll of spiritualism, Yu Xiaobai turned around and continued to study fire escape and illusion.

"Fire Escape, the art of dragon fire!"

Outside Konoha Village, in the open space where Yu Xiaobai often practiced, a long line of fire shot straight into the sky.

The flames burst out violently, twisting in the air and transforming into a fire dragon with fangs and claws. The flaming body more than ten feet wide twisted the air, and the blazing fire dragon rushed towards the unmanned front with power, and suddenly jumped out——


The Dragon Fire Technique was destined to be in vain. Yu Xiaobai had no intention of destroying the greenery and burning the grass. After feeling the power of this fire escape ninjutsu, he dispersed the chakra.

The air is filled with a burning smell that has not dissipated. This B-level ninjutsu is actually like an enhanced version of the Go Fireball Jutsu. It uses high-intensity chakra to form a flame dragon to attack the enemy. It is said that if it is used well, it can separate several flame dragons. , and can all be controlled by the caster.

Although Yu Xiaobai's fire chakra control skills are not as good as Thunder Release, he is still at the level of a real jounin. It took him a few days to be able to perform this technique freely. It is simple to activate and powerful. Yu Xiaobai's current attack method is crisp and extremely lethal, but he still wants to use more methods. It is difficult to improve physical skills and lightning escape, and he has no talent in illusion skills. What he is doing now is better than nothing.

The undercurrent of the atmosphere in the village still made him feel a little stressed.

In the 56th year of Konoha, the once glorious and glorious Uchiha clan will become history after this year.

In a run-down tavern in a Konoha alley, a man wearing a whirlpool mask sat in a dark corner, quietly drinking.

It was still daytime, but the light here was already as dark as night. There was only one employee in the tavern, the owner, who was sitting on the bar and fell asleep. Obito was tasting the bad wine he had just drank, which was mixed with many impurities. The Worst Ale, looking at the useless furnishings in the room, shook his head, I was afraid that this shop would close down soon.

"It seems that you are well prepared mentally. The genocide will begin tonight, and you are still in the mood to drink in this shabby place." A strange figure emerged from the ground, half of Jue's distinctive black and white body was exposed, and the lower body was exposed. Still underground, Bai Zetsu lowered his voice and spoke teasingly to Obito, who was sitting and drinking.

Black Zetsu said nothing, watching everything quietly, his pitch-black body completely hidden in the darkness. If it weren't for those yellow eyes, it would have seemed like half of White Zetsu's body was talking horribly.

Of course, Jue's body composed of two halves, black and white, is inherently scary...

"Haha." Obito poured a glass of ale. The boss in the distance was completely unaware of what was happening here, "They are just a group of people who are corrupt, ignorant, and short-sighted."

After speaking calmly, Obito, who was wearing a whirlpool mask, paused, "Before the genocide plan begins, we are going to visit someone."

"Oh, it's that guy named Chao Ming Yu Bai. He's very fast. He almost broke your heart last time in Yu Ren Village?" Bai Jue said as if he knew everything. His ability to survive in hiding and collect intelligence can be said to be He is the number one in the ninja world and has always been responsible for the intelligence work of the Akatsuki organization. He is fully aware of some of Obito's plans.

Obito was noncommittal, "The organization still lacks good hands." Having been brainwashed by Madara's rhetoric, he also claimed to inherit the other party's will, and planned peace with the wrong starting point from the beginning. This time he came to Konoha, except In addition to helping Weasel exterminate the clan and accept him into the organization, he also had the idea of ​​​​finding Yubai, the emperor's name.

Obito thought of the rainy night in the woods outside the rain ninja village. In addition to the pair of young kaleidoscopes, what impressed him deeply was the brilliant and decisive roaring thunder.

Uchiha Itachi will join Akatsuki after tonight, what about you, Asana Yubai?

"The sky is getting dark." Through the dim light, Obito saw that the light at the door gradually merged with the inside of the house, just like the white light was polluted by the darkness. He stood up and threw a few coins on the table. He pulled up his long coat. The hat entered the hazy wooden leaves in the evening.


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