Please answer Naruto

Chapter 52 Are you interested in joining Xiao?

In the corner near Yu Xiaobai's yard, two "root" ninjas wearing masks were waiting here quietly.

"Isn't the target back yet?"

"Still outside the city, the 'mountain wolf' is watching."

The lurking place fell into silence again. After asking Yu Xiaobai a few days ago to no avail, Gen sent a three-person team to monitor Yu Xiaobai's daily actions. Under Danzo's instruction, Gen's move was just to keep track of Yu Xiaobai's movements. In addition, in order not to be discovered, the surveillance scope was very wide, resulting in the fact that sometimes Yu Xiaobai's people could not be seen, and they could only wake up. To the lowest detection effect, but for Gen, these are enough.

Unfortunately, God's wish did not come true. When the night covered the leaves and a crescent moon hung in the sky, the root members who stayed around Yu Xiaobai's house discovered something unusual.

Gen's actions this time were very careful, and they were secretly monitored to the point where Yu Xiaobai was not aware of them for the time being, but their hiding was still in vain in front of someone's creation.

A man wearing long clothes, walking with his head lowered and his face covered by a hat came to the door of Yu Xiaobai's house. He looked at the closed door and paused slightly.

"Who is that person?" The two men raised their keen awareness and looked at each other from a distance. They were ready to take action. First, they took a closer look...

Suddenly, the unknown man turned his head and looked at their hiding place, and his direct gaze made people tremble.

Weird whirlpool mask.

How is it possible, so far away, when was it discovered——

Before such thoughts could arise, a faint voice came from behind, "How long are you going to hide?"

The shock really broke out from the heart, the battle broke out in a small place, the kunai was swung out with all its strength under the beating heart, the cold light flashed through the night, blood spilled out in the next second, one person covered his neck and fell, the terrifying face of black and white combined... The remaining one wanted to scream out in shock. His mouth was halfway open, and his throat seemed to be strangled by ghost hands.

The man in the whirlpool mask appeared in front of him at some point, and he got so close that he even saw the eyes under the black hole of the other man's mask, a scarlet three-magatama... Is this the Sharingan? ! Consciousness dissipates in the rotation of heaven and earth.

"This dress... How come there is a 'root' next to Chao Mingyu's Bai family? Hahahaha, it seems that Konoha doesn't trust him very much." Bai Jue looked at the two corpses on the ground playfully, "The person from the Ninja Village who worked for him With the assassination force monitoring them, your chances of persuading them to join Akatsuki are a little higher."

Obito was also a little surprised by this development, but it was not a bad thing for him. Under the whirlpool mask, he sneered slightly, "Konoha is really good at playing chess."

"Chaoming Yubai hasn't come back so late?" Obito looked back at the closed door of the courtyard, wondering.

"I'll be back soon." Bai Jue stretched out, but unfortunately his other half, Hei, would never cooperate and was still pretending to be serious, which made him act stupidly. Ever since he learned that he would cooperate with Uchiha Itachi, He had already set up a plan in Konoha Village. He had many clones, and combined with the floating technique and the spore technique, it was an important means for him to master information without anyone noticing.

Yu Xiaobai practiced fire escape ninjutsu diligently outside the village. It was almost time for dinner before he stopped to rest. After eating the food prepared during the day and recovering his chakra, Yu Xiaobai returned home in the darkening sky.

Along the way, Yu Xiaobai looked at the lights on many houses on the street and walked towards home. He frowned slightly, and had a strange feeling in his heart. He seemed to be being watched all the time... But this feeling was very weak, and Yu Xiaobai couldn't be sure. He searched several times to see if anyone was following him, but found nothing, so he could only Able to let go of doubts.

The moon hangs among the dark clouds today, appearing and disappearing intermittently. The moon is dark and the wind is high, which is not very auspicious.

When Yu Xiaobai came to the street where his home was, his steps unconsciously slowed down... The long street was empty, and he felt something was wrong.

The breeze blew, his nose moved and his eyes changed.

But just as his body tensed up, the dangerous sound came not from the front, but from behind.

"Ah!" screamed.

A man in long clothes but with a really strange appearance walked out from the corner of the street, carrying a motionless body in his hands, his arms in the clothes dragging feebly on the ground.

Yu Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and glanced at the deceased. Under the moonlight, he could tell that it was Gen's clothing.

The recent uneasy feeling was answered. Yu Xiaobai looked at the person who "helped" him. When the other person approached with a smile, he was stunned.

The characteristics of the black and white clone were too conspicuous, and Yu Xiaobai immediately recognized it as Xiao Zhi's "Xuanwu".

"Hello." Bai Jue greeted him heartlessly.

When Xiao appeared here, Yu Xiaobai immediately thought of the night of the Uchiha genocide. Could it be today? That person...

"Long time no see, Chao Ming Yu Bai." A somewhat familiar voice came out. Obito, wearing a whirlpool mask, squatted on the wall of Yu Xiaobai's yard and said calmly. At this time, Jue had already walked to him. , the body of "Mountain Wolf" was thrown on the ground, "As soon as I came here, I seemed to have solved a problem for you."

Yu Xiaobai took a deep breath, faced the two core members of Akatsuki, and paid full attention. He was more diligent than the time in Yu Ninja Village, and looked directly at the two people without fear, "Do you dare to come to Konoha Village?"

Although he knew the other party's purpose of coming to Konoha, Yu Xiaobai still had to go out and ask. Look at the way Obito and Zetsu stood under the night wind. They killed one person at the beginning and the POS was all set up. Yu Xiaobai still had this sense of cooperation.

"I just came to do some errands and passed by here." Obito said nonchalantly.

Who would believe it if he passed by here, Yu Xiaobai complained, but the other party did not do the exciting and exciting copy of genocide, and took the time to come to him, so he had to be vigilant. Could it be that he came to avenge the incident in Rain Ninja Village? But it doesn’t look like it.

Yu Xiaobai looked around and saw that no one had noticed it yet. If the villagers saw him talking to strange people late at night, there would be misunderstandings. Yu Xiaobai glanced at the body on the ground and pushed the door open into the yard.

"Don't worry, the body will be taken care of." Bai Jue saw Yu Xiaobai's inner thoughts and said with a smile. Then he fiddled with it for some reason, and then followed Obito to the open space in Yu Xiaobai's yard.

Oh, Obito was squatting on the wall and jumped in directly.

"I don't welcome you here very much." Yu Xiaobai got straight to the point and expressed his meaning concisely. Yu Xiaobai didn't want to offend Xiao too much, but at this time in Konoha Village, he was not afraid of the other party at all.

"Cao Ming Yubai, are you interested in joining Akatsuki?" Obito pondered for a while and said without any mincing words. Such a person would definitely be scolded to death by his leaders if he engaged in MLM in modern society.

The last time he was in the Rain Ninja Village, Obito didn't have time to say anything to recruit him before he was swallowed back by Yu Xiaobai and Itachi's desperate resistance. This time, he said it normally.

Thanks for not knowing what I ate that day, Canhe, Azu, yes, this is a nickname reward~

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