Please answer Naruto

Chapter 55 Bad Guy Uncle

The door of the Uchiha mansion was deserted. When Yu Xiaobai was about to turn around, a white cloth floated into his hand.

Subconsciously catching it, Yu Xiaobai knew that it was something tied to the arm to show respect when paying homage to the deceased. After such a big incident, the village respected Uchiha, the fireworks that had been burning unwillingly alone, towards the end after the curtain call. The visit and ceremony were very solemn, but what made people a little speechless was the messy mess that no one had finished after the heat had passed.

Near the mansion, you can step on the wreaths and coins as you pass by. There are no people around, and there are no kind people to help clean them up.

Yu Xiaobai couldn't help frowning when he thought of this. With Sasuke's small frame of eight years old, it's impossible for him to organize all this. Then those people in the village can't send Buddha to the West?

"I wish you all the best for the festival."


A couple walked out of the mansion with the door open, followed by a child with childish faces.

The couple seemed to have come to pay homage to an old friend that Uchiha knew. White cloth was tied to their arms. After the two came out, they said to the boy who followed them with a gentle expression.

Yu Xiaobai tilted his head. The Uchiha clan emblem was printed on the back of the boy's clothes, which would be the only one in the village from now on.

The couple looked at the tall mansion and the short child in front of them, sighed, said something, and left.

The boy watched blankly as the couple walked away from the street and returned to the door. He put his hand on the doorknob and pushed it up with difficulty.


Yu Xiaobai opened his mouth as he watched Uchiha Sasuke send off the last batch of condolences.

Sasuke was halfway through closing the door when he suddenly saw Yu Xiaobai, who had been stuck in place. His eyes glanced at the white cloth in Yu Xiaobai's hand. His eyes moved, and he opened the door again and stood to one side.

"Please come in."

Sasuke, who was already familiar with this, lowered his gaze and sounded numb.


Yu Xiaobai was a little embarrassed. He scratched his head and paused for a few seconds. When Sasuke looked up in confusion, he exhaled and stepped into the door.

"excuse me."

Sasuke didn't say anything. He glanced at the messy white wreath outside the house and followed Yu Xiaobai.

"Go here."

"Okay." Yu Xiaobai responded with a smile. Sasuke, who didn't even reach his chest, led the way. He didn't expect that his meeting with Er Zhuzi would be like this. After turning a few corners, he saw the huge mourning hall.

Entering the hall, Yu Xiaobai was shocked by the solemn atmosphere in front of him. Among the large memorial tablets, names that Yu Xiaobai did not recognize were listed at the front. The top one was Uchiha Fugaku, the father of Itachi and Sasuke. The leader of the Uchiha clan.

After entering the mourning hall, Sasuke knelt aside without saying a word, looking at the ground blankly, as if waiting for Yu Xiaobai to finish.

Yu Xiaobai had no one he knew well in Uchiha, and the only Itachi he knew was the murderer... It was really inappropriate for him to come in.

Embarrassed on the spot, Yu Xiaobai could only pretend to take a few steps, then clasped his hands and bowed, "The dead one is the greatest."

Yu Xiaobai secretly observed the environment of the Uchiha mansion. There were many independent houses inside, which were probably where the Uchiha people lived. They were in the same area. Every family in the past was gone. As far as the eye could see, it was really deserted. .

Yu Xiaobai looked at Sasuke who was kneeling aside and bowing his head in a daze. From now on, he would live alone. He hoped that he could sleep well when facing the shadow left by his brother every night.

"Itachi, you are so cruel..." Yu Xiaobai sighed, and outsiders would look down upon him.

"Your name is Sasuke, right?" Yu Xiaobai walked up to Sasuke and said softly.

Sasuke didn't react. He didn't want to entertain guests at all. There were so many people here in the past few days, whether he knew them or not. He couldn't feel anything after seeing them.

"Yes, my name is Uchiha Sasuke." Sasuke looked up, regained some of his energy, and then stood up. Well... he still had to look up. Sasuke glanced at Yu Xiaobai's forehead protector.

It's a ninja.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Yu Xiaobai was a stranger to Sasuke, and his words were polite and lively.

"Ah, it's nothing." Yu Xiaobai glanced at the deserted place outside the mourning hall again, "Are you studying in a ninja school?"

"Yes, sir." Sasuke replied obediently, but unfortunately his tone had the coldness of his grown-up character.

"Then work hard." Yu Xiaobai once again demonstrated the level of awkward conversation, making an opening sentence, coughing, and getting straight to the topic.

"This is my address." Yu Xiaobai handed Sasuke a note, "From now on, if you...well, if you encounter difficulties in life, you can come to me."

Sasuke took it with a strange expression, read the words on it, looked at Yu Xiaobai with a look that was wary of a bad guy uncle, and said stiffly: "Thank you for taking care of me."

"..." Yu Xiaobai felt as if he had shot himself in the foot. Was he too sudden and unreserved? But the words had already been spoken, and Yu Xiaobai did this to seek peace of mind, both from Itachi's side and from his own heart.

Sasuke casually put the note into his pocket, not caring about it, and even frowned. He would not ask for help from others at all. The clan had enough money for him to spend until graduation, and he had never thought of asking for help.

Sasuke gritted his teeth cryptically.

On the scarlet night, his brother waved the butcher knife in front of his face and strangled his neck. Those words that were so cold and cruel will never be forgotten. From that moment on, he would no longer be the stupid brother.

He must take revenge.

Seeing that Sasuke didn't speak, Yu Xiaobai felt even more embarrassed, "Well, it's okay, so I'll leave first."

Sasuke nodded lightly.

Lifting his feet and walking out of the mourning hall quickly, Yu Xiaobai looked at the branching road in front of him, hey, which way did he take when he came here...

At that time, I was so focused on sighing about the two pillars that I didn't remember the route at all. Why did Uchiha build such a big mansion?

He scratched his head and didn't leave at all. He formed a seal, chakra surged, and he used the teleportation technique——

Sasuke came out with his head lowered. He was about to send this guest away, but he was stunned.

The smoke cleared and there was no one outside.

"Ninjutsu?" Sasuke is considered a well-educated family and has some experience. "He is actually at the level of jounin..."

Sasuke muttered, the strange guest's forehead protector flashing through his mind, "How rude."

The note that he originally wanted to throw away was left behind by some strange mistake.

The sun was shining brightly, and Sasuke returned to the mourning hall and stayed there for a while, then came out with a broom.

Looking at the mess outside the door, he pursed his lips, ignored the sight of outsiders, and started cleaning.

Not far away, Yu Xiaobai leaned against the wall, looking at the small body of the Uchiha clan emblem busy in the dappled sunlight, and shook his head.

Thanks to Mi Youyou for singing evening songs and Chen Jializi’s reward~

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