Please answer Naruto

Chapter 56 Similarity


The shuriken flew through the air, its sharp edges whining and rubbing, and the strength of control caused it to draw a slight circle. After a graceful arc, with a stacking sound, the black shuriken accurately hit the target.


"Sasuke is so awesome..."

"so hot--"

Standing among a group of children of the same age, Sasuke looked at the result of the hit a hundred meters away and relaxed slightly. However, the annoying noise of the girls around him made him frown, and with a straight face, he walked to the corner of the team wordlessly.

The teacher teaching concealed weapon throwing couldn't help but nod, write down the results on the roster, and thought to himself: "He is indeed an Uchiha genius."

However, when he saw Sasuke's arrogance and coldness and ignored the classmates around him, he sighed, "It's a pity, life is bad." When Sasuke first entered school, although he didn't get along with the classmates around him, he talked and laughed a lot, but that night he was shocked After the genocide of the entire village, the face of the only surviving boy only turned cold.

"Next." The teacher shouted. The name on the roster came into view, and he couldn't help but paused, "Uzumaki Naruto, it's your turn."

"Yoshi!" A boy with golden hair like his father jumped out. Under the sun, the hidden weapon throwing teacher was distracted for a moment. Naruto adjusted his goggles seriously and picked up the shuriken used for teaching. , the aftermath of the female classmate's nymphomaniacal scream was not over yet. Naruto glanced unconvincingly at Sasuke, who was pretending to be cool in the back. He looked at the target that turned into a small dot a hundred meters away. He took a deep breath, took a posture, and threw it hard. go out.

"Whoosh -" the hidden weapon throwing teacher came out of his recollection. The sound of the shuriken in the air was erratic, and there was a big problem with the strength... Sure enough, the shuriken didn't even touch the target in the end, and went straight into the ground.

"Missed the target." The teacher said helplessly. He was getting old. His few seconds of déjà vu were in vain. This child still has a long way to go.

"Next...Hinata Hinata."

Naruto waved his fist in frustration. Damn it, he couldn't even hit the target. It felt good at first, as if he could penetrate the target... Many children laughed and booed. Missing the target really didn't look good, Naruto The person lowered his head and walked to the end of the line. The boy, who was completely disturbed by the small setback, did not notice the white-eyed girl behind him quietly watching.

"Hinata Hinata? It's your turn."

"Yes, it is!"

The sun was setting, the quiz was over, and the class at the ninja school was also over for the day. As the student with the lowest grades, Naruto had the unlucky chance of picking up the scattered teaching tools.

This was not the first time. Naruto kept picking up heavy shurikens one after another, panting quickly. When he was almost finished, he wiped his sweat and looked up just in time to see the Uchiha clan emblem, carrying it alone. Bao, left school.

Naruto was a little strange, why did Sasuke go home alone? Not long ago, he saw someone picking him up.

"Naruto, have you finished cleaning up?" A familiar voice called from the other side of the classroom. The man with a scar between his nose and eye had his hands on his hips and his eyes were evil.

"Iruka-sensei, you'll be fine soon!" The child's simple mind immediately forgot about the stinky Sasuke, and Naruto shouted the same, but it seemed that Iruka-sensei's expression was not right.

"Are you last in shuriken throwing again?"

"It was just a mistake, I will definitely be number one next time." Naruto curled his lips and whispered unconvinced.

"You said the same thing last time." Iruka came closer and slapped Naruto on the head, "Don't be playful! Aunt Mishima on the West Street came to complain to me again. Why do you always make trouble? If you don't work hard and be careful, It’s always been the tail end.”

Naruto covered his head in pain, "Who said I didn't work hard..."

Iruka looked down at the golden child's muttering, looked up and smiled silently, "Teacher, I'm off work too, let's go home together."

"Oh!" Naruto seemed to have heard some good news. He was in high spirits and completely forgot about his worries. "Iruka-sensei, treat me to ramen!"

A black line crossed Iruka's forehead, "Here you go again."

Another unceremonious slap on the head.

And then, the two of them went to Ichiraku Ramen, noisily.

The afterglow of the evening sun shone on the river, crossing Konoha, and the crooked river flowed slowly. Sasuke sat on the small dock, staring at the water without speaking.

A section of the rope holding the boat was half soaked in the water. As the waves undulated, the boat could be seen swaying in the sunset from a distance.

Occasionally I stopped, and the mansion on the other side of the road home was empty. It was the same when I went back morning and evening.

There is also a small dock like this in the family. It is on the edge of a small lake. It seems that the first fire escape ninjutsu he learned was also there.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

"Father, how are you doing?"

"It's just average. Compared with your brother, it's still far behind."


The fingers pressing against the board were so hard that they turned white. Sasuke thought of that man, "Not enough, not enough at all."

The unprecedented weakness and lack of resistance that night hit him again. He was still too weak now, and the things taught in the ninja school were not enough. Ranking first among a group of children of the same age, with physical skills, ninjutsu, and genjutsu, the natural joy in the eight-year-old's immature mind was immediately washed away by a heavy shadow.

He can complete the homework assigned every day immediately. To achieve this goal, he continues to increase the amount of training for himself. However, if you surpass your classmates and receive praise from the teacher, you will not feel any sense of accomplishment. That insurmountable gap still stands in front of us.

"I must become stronger." Sasuke clenched his fists with firm eyes.

He had seen the training of powerful ninjas from his clan before, but he didn't understand it at the time. He took a quick glance at it and now regrets it. It’s not a good idea to explore on your own and flip through scrolls.

Sasuke thought of something, stretched out his right hand, and took out a note from his pocket.

That Jonin who knows the teleportation technique...

"Plop." The sound of pebbles falling into the water.

Sasuke glanced at the splash a few meters away.

There were footsteps on the slope behind him. Sasuke looked over and saw the orange clothes, goggles, blond hair... was he the top guy in the class? What it was called, I forgot.

Naruto threw a small stone casually and was startled when a figure that was facing him turned its head.

The clan emblem printed on the clothes suddenly struck him. This impressed him very much and always made him stand out.

"Tch", subconsciously straightening his back and holding the back of his head with his hands, Naruto walked past coolly.

The warm light of dusk is still there, reflecting the slopes and docks.

After walking far away, Naruto looked back and was surprised to see the prominent fan clan emblem still sitting there.

Sasuke looked at the blurry reflection on the river, and the blond boy was wandering on the road.

At this time, neither of them realized that deep in their hearts, the loneliness they desperately tried to hide from others was similar.

Thanks to Azu, Book Friend 2017041301**, Singing Evening Songs, and Chen Jia Lizi’s reward~

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