Please answer Naruto

Chapter 57 Shock! The Third Hokage...

"Wow, it's a holiday again." Yu Xiaobai yawned, walked out of the bathroom, stretched out in the fresh morning air, "Let me think about the information I sent to Xiao this time. What……"

Yu Xiaobai held his chin and thought seriously, "How about the title says, 'Shocking! The Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen actually did such a thing'?"

Women shed tears, men remain silent, and there are strange stories in the ninja world. Hiruzen Sarutobi actually has a crystal ball that covers the whole village, and he takes pleasure in peeping into it every day...

"Tsk, tsk." Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, thinking maliciously, the UC shock department seemed to be very easy to use, and what he said was absolutely right, he had a feeling in his heart that the third generation could intercept the leaves of the leaf village at will. The crystal ball of the picture has been criticized for a long time.

Such an evil and shameless thing that screams for beatings... Why doesn't he have one?

Well, Yu Xiaobai can only make a joke in his mind. The wording of the information written to Xiao should not be so unrestrained. Just write an honest essay.

It has been a month since Obito and Jue Ye visited. Yu Xiaobai agreed to join Xiao Hou. At first, because of the difference in status, he was really nervous for a while. But after more than half a month, Yu Xiaobai discovered that his psychology The construction was all in vain, and there was no change in his daily life. He was doing whatever he was supposed to do, but it was strange that he had always been cautious.

Gen's side lost three spies, but they didn't come to look for trouble. At the same time, Yu Xiaobai did not take it lightly. This enemy must have remembered it, and he might be able to hold back his ultimate move and hit him hard at some point.

As for delivering information to Xiao on a regular basis, it is quite simple. Xiao has arranged chess pieces in the country of fire. Yu Xiaobai often goes out on missions. With a little attention, he can just give it to him and it will be done. As for the content of the intelligence, Yu Xiaobai had most of the secrets of the ninja world in his mind, but he definitely didn't want to work with all his heart. Yu Xiaobai tried his best to pick out some things that were not important or important in Konoha Village and reported them to him. The other party asked him, Take the strict confidentiality and impenetrable prevarication.

It will take a long time before Akatsuki plans to fight Konoha. Yu Xiaobai believes that Payne will not care too much.

During this period, Yu Xiaobai focused on training fire escape. He has mastered the dragon fire technique, but his improvement in illusion skills has been average.

There are many interesting plots, treasures, and secrets in the original work. Yu Xiaobai has some plans in his mind, but those all take time, and if he doesn't want to be noticed, the identity of the captain of the ANBU will hinder it.

After breakfast, Yu Xiaobai cleared away the dishes and heard a knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong."

Yu Xiaobai felt strange that he had a good relationship with his colleagues, but because he always worked alone, few people would come to his house.

Hinata Aida, or a colleague from the ANBU who came over to give orders?

Yu Xiaobai walked over, and his wild thoughts suddenly started to wander. Hey, could it be that his identity was exposed? The person who checked the water meter invited me to drink tea. There were already a group of ninjas outside?

"Please, please, is anyone here?"

A young and cold voice, a little hesitant, seemed very familiar to Yu Xiaobai.

"Excuse me, is this the home of Chao Ming Yubai?" After a few seconds, no one responded, and the boy's voice rang again, and now Yu Xiaobai came to his senses.

Two pillars?

He simply took a few steps forward and opened the door. The figure that reached his chest was standing outside the door. Sure enough, it was Uchiha Sasuke.

"Ah, I'm here." Yu Xiaobai looked at Sasuke outside. The other person tried his best to remain indifferent, but it was probably a rare visit to others, and his face was slightly shy.

Yu Xiaobai remembered the note he had given to the other party in the mourning hall on the day before the memorial service at Uchiha Mansion ended, with his name and address on it. At that time, he said that he would come to me if he had any difficulties... But Yu Xiaobai looked at Er Zhuzhu's arrogant expression and thought that he probably wouldn't come.

"It's Sasuke..." Yu Xiaobai said, "You won't go to school today?"

The tension in Sasuke's eyes faded a little. Fortunately, this ninja still knew his name. It would be embarrassing if he couldn't say it... He decided to come last night after thinking about it for a long time.

"Well, vacation."

"What's the matter?" Yu Xiaobai asked. Seeing Sasuke's awkward look, he was only an eight-year-old child after all, so he stepped aside and said, "Come in and sit down first."

Looking at the yard and houses inside, Sasuke nodded.

After boiling water and pouring tea, Yu Xiaobai sat down in front of Sasuke who was sitting upright in the living room. He cleared his throat feeling a little funny, "Well... how have you been lately."

Sasuke took the tea and thanked him. When he heard Yu Xiaobai's question, he tried his best to make himself look at the other party's level and said calmly: "No problem."

"Well, that's good." Yu Xiaobai laughed and said, this is not a good topic. Yu Xiaobai glanced at Sasuke's seat and suddenly thought that this seemed to be the place where Itachi once sat. He was holding the cup of tea like this at that time.

"Asana-san, I saw you came to my house last time to pay homage. Did you know any Uchiha clan member?" After a long time, Sasuke finished thinking and said.

"Oh, this." Yu Xiaobai's eyes flew to other places. He didn't know anyone else, but he had a good relationship with Uchiha Itachi... I was afraid that if he said it, Sasuke would immediately fall out with him.

"We are acquainted... We have a good relationship. We went on several missions together..." Yu Xiaobai said without confidence.

"Excuse me, what's the name of that tribesman?" Yu Xiaobai felt troubled not knowing why Sasuke asked these questions.

"Ahem, I work in the ANBU, so I can't explain the details clearly." Yu Xiaobai could only use confidentiality as an excuse. In order to increase his persuasion, he also found his ANBU certificate from the cabinet.

"Hey, I didn't lie to you." Yu Xiaobai waved the certificate at the confused Sasuke like he was coaxing a child.

"Captain of the ANBU?" Sasuke's eyes narrowed. He saw these small words, his brother, no, it should be said that it was that man. He remembered that he was also the captain of the ANBU.

Sasuke's doubts gradually dissipated, and then he looked at Yu Xiaobai with a keen eye, "Is this person on the same level as 'that man'?"

"What's wrong?" Yu Xiaobai saw that Sasuke no longer had any doubts. Just as he was relieved, he realized that the other person's eyes seemed wrong when he looked at him.

"Asana-san... I know this request is very abrupt..." Sasuke lowered his head and said with great effort, "The daily ninja school homework and learning things are too slow for me. The teacher taught me Things are not very advanced ninja skills..."

"So, I wonder if you can teach me something when you have free time!" Sasuke pursed his lips. It took a lot of determination for him to ask for help.

Sasuke's initial plan was to ask Qing Yu about Xiaobai's origins, and then hope to learn more about ninjas. Since he had an old relationship with the Uchiha family, he would not refuse too much. What the teachers in the school taught was too simple. . The person in front of me is the captain of the ANBU. If he can give some guidance, he should be able to learn for a long time.

Yu Xiaobai didn't expect Sasuke to say that, and was stunned for a while. Sasuke wishes he could mentor him, four years before graduating from ninja school?

The familiar plot in his memory seemed to have been cut into pieces. For some reason, his mind was in a trance, thinking of comics, the scenery in front of him, the living room, tea, tatami, and one of the future protagonists was sitting in front of him.

Everything seems to be instantly dyed black and white, falling in three dimensions and being reshaped in two dimensions. Lines are attached and brushed, pencils are moved diligently, circles of dialogue are pasted one by one, frozen expressions, eyes, etc. It's just a storyboard.

Will these be painted in?

Thanks to Zhou Wuxiong, a name that no one else has thought of yet, hkt3hhh, no nightgu no moonge, the super cute Huang Tingting for the reward~

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