Please answer Naruto

Chapter 62 His ring is yours

Black shadows flew across the land leading to the north from the Kingdom of Fire.

Yu Xiaobai was at the end of the team. He looked at the three teammates in front of him who were marching in a "pin" shape, and smiled bitterly. Those nine people were all transferred from the team, and now they all follow the familiar circle. , I am the only one, so now I have to be alone at the end. It's said that you are responsible for "overseeing the overall situation". It's not nice to say that you just have to play by yourself first.

There was nothing I could do about it. Yu Xiaobai had always worked alone, and there was no way to cooperate with this group of people. Rather than join in abruptly, he was honest.

Yu Xiaobai and the others had already set out from Konoha Village for two days. They were all jounin and worked in the ANBU. Their experience was more than that of ordinary ninjas. While ensuring their combat power, they were traveling very fast. At this time, they were about to touch the ground. The northern border.

After another two hours of climbing over cliffs and walls, they proved their identities with the ninja guarding the border, checked that everything was correct, and camped at the foot of a mountain to rest.

The chirping of cicadas and frogs are hidden among the trees and swamps. After climbing over the mountain, you will reach the country of fields.

"We will enter Tian Country in disguise at seven o'clock tomorrow, check the intelligence brought by our colleagues, and then go to the so-called Ninja Village in the evening." Among the fires, the captains of the four teams sat together to discuss the temporary plan. Ishida Kappei said in a rough voice.

It was a decent decision, and no one had any objections. As the only polished commander, Yu Xiaobai was quite embarrassed to join this combat meeting. Everyone said very well during the meeting. After all, experienced people would have nothing to do without him. Yu Xiaobai He kept nodding his head, acting as a mascot.

They were all in the same department. After telling each other their names, the information became clear. Yu Xiaobai was roughly familiar with the characteristics of his temporary teammates. Ishida Kappei was good at earth escape and strong, Minamino Shuichi was specialized in wind escape, and Kakashi was Not to mention, he is known as the "Konoha Technician" and is said to have copied tens of thousands of ninjutsu. Yu Xiaobai is not too interested in the rumored areas. He actually wants to learn about the swordsmanship of the Hatake clan. The fact that Kakashi's father "Konoha White Fang" can achieve such a great reputation speaks volumes. Unfortunately, Kakashi has Without the Sharingan, he has lost interest in the sword skills inherited from his family.

Kakashi didn't study sword skills very much, and he might not be generous enough to tell outsiders, so Yu Xiaobai suppressed his thoughts.

The order of the vigil was decided, and everyone lay down. Each captain took the initiative to take on more of the hard work, and Yu Xiaobai agreed with pain. Ishida Kappei and Minamino Shuichi were on duty in the first half of the night, and Yu Xiaobai and Kakashi were on duty in the second half of the night.

In the undisturbed wilderness, it was extremely quiet in the early morning. When Nanno Xiuyi approached Yu Xiaobai with gentle steps, Yu Xiaobai opened his eyes in response.

"It's shift change." Nanno Xiuyi said softly, not surprised when he saw Yu Xiaobai getting up without waiting for him to call.

After driving a lot during the day and continuing to concentrate for several hours at night, Nanno Xiuyi went straight to bed after Yu Xiaobai nodded.

When Yu Xiaobai climbed up a tree, he saw that Kakashi had also finished handing over to Ishida Shenghei and came to the opposite tree.

The two of them were about the same height. Kakashi glanced at Yu Xiaobai but had no reaction and turned back to mind himself.

"Looks like I'm not interested in chatting." Maybe the other party's "glance" was a greeting to his colleagues. Yu Xiaobai thought of the last chance encounter at Ichiraku Ramen, and he gave the other party a slightly rash reminder to be careful about Danzo. Tsk, really cold.

"Well, thank you for last time."

The sound came and Yu Xiaobai jumped.

Unexpectedly, Kakashi suddenly spoke. Yu Xiaobai looked back in shock. He couldn't read minds.

Regarding the topic of Danzo, both of them were from Konoha, so it was not easy to say anything, so Yu Xiaobai waved his hand and dismissed it.


It seems that Kakashi’s entanglement between the third generation and Danzo is still the same as in the original work.

The night continued to be quiet, even the croaking of frogs disappeared. Yu Xiaobai scratched his forehead. Kakashi was now a piece of ANBU wood. There was a rumor that he kissed a beautiful woman during a mission, and then turned a blind eye to the beauty. , leave as soon as you say, without a cloud. But things changed after a few years. Not to mention being addicted to the paradise of intimacy, I was also going further and further down the road of laziness and cancer.

Time passed endlessly in silence. When a faint white light began to light up at the boundary between the mountains and the sky in the distance, Yu Xiaobai found an excuse to go to the toilet.

When he reached a place where his teammates could not detect it, Yu Xiaobai took out a scroll from his backpack, made a few seals, and patted it on the scroll full of runes.

A wave of chakra vibrated into the land at a special frequency and spread.

Yu Xiaobai was no stranger to the method of contacting Xiao, so he waited patiently.

Five minutes later, the soil nearby stirred, then broke open, and a white figure came out.

It looks the same as Bai Zetsu, and this is one of Bai Zetsu's many clones.

Yu Xiaobai looked at the clone calmly and handed over a scroll with something written on it.

The clone Bai Jue took it, nodded, said nothing, and disappeared without a trace.

The process was very fast, less than a minute. Yu Xiaobai exhaled, looked around, covered up the traces, and went back pretending to be fine.

This is one of the contact methods agreed between Yu Xiaobai and Xiao, but it is only used in special circumstances. Yu Xiaobai's trip to Tianzhi Country this time is expected to take a lot of time. If he can't contact Xiao on time, he can't cause misunderstandings. There is no chance in the village, so he can go outside now.

In the scroll, Yu Xiaobai also said that he was targeting Orochimaru this time, saying that he was still very loyal and honest to the organization. I also want to know Akatsuki’s attitude towards Orochimaru who left the organization.

As the sun rose, a new day began. Yu Xiaobai and his Anbu teammates made final arrangements, then all separated and infiltrated into the Kingdom of Tian in order.

Time passed, and when everyone came back to gather in the evening and discussed the information, Yu Xiaobai took advantage of the rest time to leave everyone's sight again.

Xiao's message was answered quickly, and Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the words written on the paper.

Nothing was said, just one sentence.

"His ring is yours."

After a few seconds of silence, flames burst out, and Yu Xiaobai watched the "instructions" turn to ashes in the flames.

"The meaning is easy to understand, but why does it feel like you are testing my level?"

It's the probation period again, and it's just a few pounds. It seems that Payne and the others are not quite at ease with him.

Yu Xiaobai waved his hands and walked back indifferently. He had secretly planned to trouble Orochimaru during this trip to Tian Country. He had a desire to understand those forbidden techniques, and he did lack a ring.

Thanks to Qian Sing Wan Ge, book friend 160330104***, book friend 193****20 for the reward~

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