Please answer Naruto

Chapter 63 Infiltration

The pale moonlight poured down on the ground, and the stars twinkled dimly. Under the cover of the night, Yu Xiaobai and ten people approached the Yin Nin Village silently.

Driving into the flat land occupied by various crops, Platycodon, small mosquitoes brushed against his clothes, rustling, and countless weak frictions wrapped around Yu Xiaobai. He moved extremely gently, walking through the waist-high wild grass like a breeze, Although the movements in the air were as gentle as stroking the skin of a lover, when they stepped on the ground, they secretly encouraged their body strength to maintain the rhythm. Yu Xiaobai followed at the back of the team.

According to the intelligence gathered previously and the understanding of Bai Tian, ​​Yu Xiaobai and others, the Sound Ninja Village was established outside the Kingdom of Tian. It sounds a bit strange, but because the Kingdom of Tian is a fairly small country, the Ninja Village is not located outside the country. It is a far away uncontested land, but the distance from the capital is actually not that far.

Yu Xiaobai knew that the Sound Ninja Village was built by Orochimaru, but who knew the specific process. After the nine ANBU who accompanied him infiltrated into the Kingdom of Tian, ​​they mainly wanted to find out the relationship between Orochimaru in the Country of Tian and the Sound Ninja Village. For this purpose, two talented people boldly entered the residence of a high-ranking official. Unfortunately, except for the fact that someone contacted the daimyo of Tian Country for discussion some time ago, there was no particularly conspicuous news.

In the next few years, when the Chunin Examination was held, Konoha and Sunagakure Village cooperated, and the ninjas of Sound Ninja also participated. If they knew that Sound Ninja was a minion of Orochimaru, they probably would not have invited them. The possibility of taking advantage of the trap was very small. After all, Konoha seemed unprepared at that time, not to mention the back-up plan, and suffered heavy losses. The third generation even got involved.

It seems that the original development was that key intelligence was not obtained for this ANBU operation.

Yu Xiaobai thought about this. The longer it took for him to be sent back to the earth, the more he transcended the idea of ​​being in a limited corner of the world. Anyway, he had to go to the important guarded place of Oto Ninja Village to check if there was Orochimaru's forbidden technique. Although it was unkind to take the fruits of other people's years of labor, Yu Xiaobai had to endure the temptation of quickly improving his strength. Put down some of the great qualities of Miyoshi Ninja.

"The Akatsuki ring on Orochimaru's hand is 'Kora', right? Kong Chen, how can we speak when we meet?" We need to take into account concealment, and no matter how skilled we are, the speed cannot be increased too much. Ishida Kappei and Minamino Shuichi are in the final Opening the way ahead, in the middle of Kakashi, Yu Xiaobai continued to beat the soy sauce at the end while thinking about the ring.

The ring is a symbol of Akatsuki membership. Although Yu Xiaobai has now joined the core of Akatsuki, the so-called heavenly group, but if the probation period is over, there will be a meeting and a face-to-face meeting. Oh, you don’t have a ring. Then they are not considered "regular employees" after all.

"Uncle Snake, I grew up watching your perverted and disgusting ways. Now that I have been interviewed by Xiao, the organization asked me to interview retired employees. I also want to take back the ring. It is a small act of kindness to make it easier for you and me. Uncle Snake, give me the ring. It will be easier for me to clock in at work in the future, what do you think?"

Yu Xiaobai raised his head and twitched the corner of his mouth to look at the spotless vast starry sky, "If I dare to say that, Orochimaru would dare to think that I am mentally retarded."

After retracting his confused thoughts, Yu Xiaobai sighed. It was already a good result that Orochimaru could throw the ring in his face with a look of disgust and disdain. He definitely didn't show any ninja pride and took the ring directly. Leave. The trouble is that he is occupying the manhole and refuses to poop, and he is determined not to give anything. Yu Xiaobai curled his lips. He is not afraid of the opponent now. If he can't fight, he will run away.

"Attention everyone, we're almost there."

A low-pitched reminder came from the front, and it was Ishida Shengping. Yu Xiaobai looked at it intently. Sure enough, although the light was dim and blocked by vegetation, with his excellent eyesight, he could already see the edge of the building.

Their infiltration route cut directly through a small half of Tian Country, and in front of them was the half-constructed Oto Ninja Village.

The torches spread. No matter how small a country is, a Ninja Village is still a Ninja Village. It is in the stage of being renovated. There are still many people patrolling at night. At a rough look, there are at least a hundred firelights jumping and moving. However, after observing for a while, , and it was seen that at least half of them were just ordinary warriors.

Now that the structure of the ninja world has been confirmed, a new small ninja village has been established. In addition to the existing close confidants, it will take two or three years at the fastest to train a new batch of ninjas. Therefore, it is estimated that many of the current sources of ninjas are wandering ninjas. Rebel ninjas from various countries , the level is uneven, and discipline is even more of a problem. The patrols on the periphery seem to be very powerful, with a large number of people, but the difficulties faced by Yu Xiaobai and the others are not as high as they appear on the surface.

Yu Xiaobai and his group of Konoha Anbu stopped on the back of a hillside, and several captains gathered together to decide on the next plan.

Certainly not all ten people could go in, and not even one of them would be able to go back and report the news if something went wrong.

A few minutes later, the plan was finalized. Minamino Shuichi's second team of three people stayed outside to provide support. Ishida Kappei and Kakashi's team, plus Yu Xiaobai, first tried to sneak into the Sound Ninja Village.

Yu Xiaobai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this group of colleagues did not trick him into leaving him alone outside in a daze.

Sneaking into the Ninja Village is by no means an easy task, and it is impossible to pretend to be a wanderer at this time. Merchant can only enter the village by relying on their own hard skills. People like Yu Xiaobai are all veterans, and the people in front of them are not yet experienced. The small ninja village was established, otherwise they would never dare to easily enter the gathering place of other ninja villages at night.


Without any unnecessary arguing, the seven of them climbed out of the hillside and silently walked toward the Oto Ninja Village, which was reflected in red and shadow by the lights.

Before, it was nothing to rush on the road or to inquire about information during the day in Tianzhi Kingdom. Now, he was stretched on a spring, and he was surrounded by dangers. Yu Xiaobai did not feel relaxed in his heart. He concentrated on exploring some roads forward and then lurked. Start observing patrol patterns.

After discussion beforehand, Ishida Shenghei and Kakashi acted as their previous teams, while Yu Xiaobai continued alone.

For half an hour, Yu Xiaobai remained motionless, as if he was like a stone blending into the environment. In other directions, there was no sound from Ishida Kappei and Kakashi's team.

Any noise proves that the operation failed.

Finally, Yu Xiaobai moved, gently moving his somewhat stiff body. The kunai slipped into the palm of his hand, seemingly slowly but quickly, and came behind a ninja who happened to turn around and turned his back to him.

Thanks to Azu, Misaka Mikoto’s brother, the super cute Huang Tingting, loser heart, so cheating hbvhj, AN232323, Bingxing Chenling for the reward~

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