Please answer Naruto

Chapter 64 No Results

Facing the guard who was close at hand but still didn't notice anyone behind him, Yu Xiaobai shook his head and surrounded him with his hands as if to hug him. The moment he invaded the edge of the opponent's line of sight, he suddenly accelerated!

Avoiding the trachea, the kunai was wiped cleanly, severing the arteries that powerfully transported blood in the neck like tofu. The guard only felt the cold, stimulating touch on his neck, and the life valve that opened in the next second caused his consciousness to dissipate uncontrollably.

Yu Xiaobai pressed the opponent's cervical spine with his other hand. The sharp weapon cut open the skin, but the blood vessels were compressed and the blood that should have spurted out did not appear. There was no panic or stagnation. Yu Xiaobai covered the opponent's mouth and nose with his hand, confirming that the opponent After dying without making even a sound, he slowly placed the body on the ground.

If you want to wipe your throat truly quietly and silently, it is by no means as simple as cutting your neck roughly. The position of the trachea, preventing blood from spraying, and delaying death, there are many things that need to be paid attention to. Yu Xiaobai didn't know when he went from jerky to smooth and smooth. But that obviously doesn't matter anymore.

The corpse fell to the ground, the carotid artery was cut open, and the blood would eventually surge out. Before it formed a spurt, Yu Xiaobai calmly grabbed a piece of soil and stuffed it into the bleeding area very unceremoniously.

The process is quite unhygienic, but you won't feel anything since you are already dead.

"It seems that the cervical vertebra should be dislocated..." Yu Xiaobai murmured. His series of connected movements seemed to have been rehearsed, and the effect was very good, but there is still a more optimized method.

This blame has to be passed on to Yu Xiaobai’s former students. It’s a habit. It can also be seen from the original work. Because of super powers such as chakra and various blood inheritance boundaries, ninjas will naturally ignore some things. Taijutsu movements are far from as sophisticated as those on Earth.

Time is tight, there are scattered torches not far away, and someone will pass by after a while. Yu Xiaobai made a seal, and with a "bang", he had turned into the appearance of the guard he killed.

Another seal came out, and a shadow clone exactly like Yu Xiaobai came out, using the same transformation technique, and took the place where the guard originally stood. After half an hour of observation, he had memorized the patrol rules of this area.

Glancing at the corpse on the ground, Yu Xiaobai took out a reagent from his pocket and dumped it. The corpse began to decay and shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is an ANBU thing, equipped all year round.

Yu Xiaobai glanced at his shadow clone, and without stopping, Yu Xiaobai sneaked into the large unfinished building inside.

I don't know what happened to the ANBU of the other two teams, but different people must have different infiltration methods, and Yu Xiaobai is relatively reassured about those teammates.

In addition, deviating far away from Yu Xiaobai, three Konoha Anbu have been exploring the Sound Ninja Village for a while.

Many tall buildings are in the middle of construction. Looking around, large keels and building structures are exposed in the dark night.

In a private house, two dark units conducted a blanket search, and the couple who lived here were found unconscious in the bedroom. An ANBU was lurking in the alley across the street, his eyes scanning the surroundings warily.

Five minutes later, certain that the couple would pass out until the next day, the group regrouped.

"not found."

The three of them nodded, and the leader was Kakashi. He cast his gaze deeper into the village, thinking about what to do next.

After they came in, they searched roughly one by one and knocked anyone unconscious. They would only give up if there were too many ninjas gathered.

Seeing that the captain had not yet spoken, the other two Anbu took advantage of the opportunity to rest on the spot. An Anbu with a white cat mask moved his calf and whispered to his companion: "I don't know how the other two teams are doing."

"It should be fine. So far none of the sound ninjas have reacted."

"Oh, that ANBU captain who is alone, don't capsize in Xiao Ninja Village." Kakashi's team encountered little resistance when they sneaked in, and the tone of the ANBU in the white cat mask was slightly frivolous. One person and one team. Outside this circle of nine, if you don't fit in, you will always get some strange views.

"Let's continue walking inside." Kakashi said coldly, staring at the two teammates for a while, "Keep quiet during the mission." After saying that, Bento walked in the shadows.

The indifference that Kakashi had accumulated over the years was still very annoying. The two Anbu didn't know what bad luck they had touched. They looked at each other, shrugged, and followed silently.

What Yu Xiaobai didn't know was that the area he chose to infiltrate was the place where the guards of the Sound Ninja Village were the most dedicated and dedicated. The members were samurai and the original Sound Ninja. They had fulfilled their responsibilities by changing defenses and patrolling. Little did they know that there were more than a hundred people outside. Holding a torch, a large number of wandering ninjas and rebel ninjas basically did not perform their duties properly. They felt that no one would be able to sneak into the little-known ninja village after eating enough. They chatted in a daze to save face, and some thorny people sat around and played together. There are gambling games.

So Kakashi's team and Ishida Shenghei's team took advantage of the opportunity and slipped in before Yu Xiaobai. Yu Xiaobai lay down for half an hour, wondering why the guards were still decent, and finally had to put in some trouble.

At the beginning, the target is the "Ninja Village". A prudent approach can be to integrate into the local area, or directly pretend to be a wandering ninja and go there to seek refuge, and slowly infiltrate, but that will take a lot of time. Once you have the general details of the Sound Ninja Village, The ANBU of Konoha felt that this was not necessary just to deal with the small country's ninja village. Ten experienced jounin, it can be said that if they don't encounter a strong Kage level person, even if they don't cover up, they can rush into the small ninja village, set a fire and then escape safely.

Yu Xiaobai exited from a pile of bookshelves. The dull environment in the basement is the easiest place to accumulate dust. He clapped his hands and was not in the mood to sort out the messy books he had turned over. He stepped over several sound ninjas who fell on the ground and returned to the ground. .

"It's strange, I didn't find it." The fresher air on the ground cheered up Yu Xiaobai. He had been wandering around the Sound Ninja Village for twenty minutes. There was basically nothing strange about it. All the signs were consistent with the initial construction. The image of Xiao Ninja Village. A few minutes ago, Yu Xiaobai was lucky enough to find a basement guarded by ninjas. He went in with great expectations, but found that it was just a file that hid information about foreign ninjas. There were a bunch of rebellious ninjas who could not be brought to the table. value.

Along the way, Yu Xiaobai had a tacit understanding with the Konoha Anbu in several other places and kept quiet, but they did not bother to remove the traces. They all acted with masks. If the Sound Ninja knew about it alive, they would only go crazy.

When another fifteen minutes passed, there was still no harvest. Not only Yu Xiaobai, but also other Konoha Anbu were feeling a little anxious.

Thanks to Vast Sea Piaomiaoxian, Mi Youyou, Qian Sing Evening Song, and book friend 168****69 for the reward~

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