Please answer Naruto

Chapter 65 Institute of Biology

In an office building close to the central area, Ishida Kappei put a stack of paper back into the cabinet whose lock was broken, and shook his head at his two companions.

They were in the office area on the top floor, with only the emergency lights emitting a faint light. Fifteen minutes ago, in addition to helping the two ninjas on the ground floor get rid of the pain of staying up late and throwing them into the front desk, there were people everywhere along the way. The guarding warrior fell in the corner.

"Is the information wrong? This is really just an ordinary little ninja village?" an ANBU asked doubtfully.

Ishida Shengping didn't say anything, but he was mostly convinced of this inference.

"Captain, it's been more than an hour since we entered the village." Another ANBU reminded.

Ishida Shenghei frowned. Indeed, their team has been wandering around for a long time. The intensity of the guards at each location on the periphery was different. Yu Xiaobai was unlucky enough to encounter the most dedicated group, while Ishida Kappei and the others could be said to have encountered the most diligent group of wave ninjas. After only observing for a few minutes, shouting, banging the table and cursing, Ishida Kappei couldn't bear to waste time and continued watching them play cards, so he entered the Oto Ninja Village as if he were passing through his own back garden.

Correspondingly, their team searched the widest area, almost half of the Sound Ninja Village was visited, and the three of them searched exhausted. Unfortunately, they still found nothing.

One hour has been a long time, and there are not too many traces of cover-up. No matter how bad the sound ninja is, there is a high possibility that someone will detect an intruder. Moreover, for the sake of colleagues from the other two teams who don’t know the situation, it would be terrible if the seven scattered people are trapped in a sea of ​​people. .

"We didn't get any valuable information, let's withdraw." Ishida Kappei made a decision in his mind and said to his teammates.

Ishida Shenghei looks rough, but he is steady when performing tasks. Although the central area has not yet been searched, the records of material transfer and salary settlement that they stole along the way show no abnormalities. The most important thing is that the document Ishida Kappei just read is about the general outline of the construction of Oto Ninja Village. The initiator, person in charge, and sponsorship support have nothing to do with Orochimaru.

The high-rise office building of Oto Ninja may still be worth a try, but at this time, Ishida Kappei was not prepared to take greater risks. The three of them tidied up hastily, hoping to slow down the time for Oto Ninja to notice. When they left the building, they came and went. The road goes back out.

Kakashi's team in the other direction is in a similar situation. As time goes by, no matter how hard you bully someone, you can't stay longer. If you are discovered by the sound ninja, no matter how weak the ninja village is, they will rush over and fight. Kakashi and the others also failed to find a connection with Orochimaru, so the second sequence of the mission, "destruction", was out of the question. In this deep darkness, except for Yu Xiaobai, the other six people withdrew from the Sound Ninja Village one after another.

Many facilities in the Sound Ninja Village were not perfect, and street lights had only just begun to be installed. Most of the streets were shrouded in darkness. Yu Xiaobai dragged a lifeless body into an alley.

"Huh..." After disposing of the body, Yu Xiaobai wiped his sweat and breathed a sigh of relief. He had just bumped into a sound ninja who was alone for some reason. He really loved who he met around the corner. Fortunately, the sound ninja reacted slowly. After a beat, Yu Xiaobai broke the other person's neck before he could issue a warning.

"We can't go on like this. We might be discovered and the Sound Ninja will explode." Yu Xiaobai thought worriedly. He didn't know whether the unlucky Sound Ninja who just went to see the Six Paths Sage was out for convenience or to watch the moon. Have you been with other Oto-nin before? Yu Xiaobai didn't know, and he sneaked in to kill a sound ninja. The shadow clone couldn't fish in troubled waters for long by relying on the memorized route.

"Should we withdraw?" Yu Xiaobai thought unwillingly. Not to mention that Orochimaru's forbidden technique was not found and Orochimaru's people were not seen, let alone Akatsuki's ring. Although there would be no trouble if he went back with nothing, the forbidden technique was not found. I'll think about it later. Just write a note to Akatsuki about the ring and let it pass. But in the future, before officially leaving Konoha, the chance of meeting Orochimaru will be very small.

He stayed there for seven or eight minutes, feeling uneasy and clueless. Just when Yu Xiaobai couldn't prepare to retreat, a building crowded among various rooms stopped Yu Xiaobai.

"Medical clinic?"

Yu Xiaobai looked at the words on it. Maybe this was a place to treat people in the village. He saw that the surroundings were all inconspicuous houses, and outside was an open space. Yu Xiaobai gritted his teeth and said to himself: "Take a last look at this, and leave if you don't have it."

As soon as his figure flashed, he jumped directly to the edge of the second floor. Through the closed window, he made sure that no one was there. He attached the thunder attribute chakra to the kunai. The thunder light shined like fireflies in the dark night. Yu Xiaobai could only stand in the small room. Controlling the current at a large output without making any noise, the kunai attached the lightning bolt and then cut the iron like mud, quickly cutting the window glass into a rectangle like cutting a cake, Yu Xiaobai dexterously turned over and got in.

By the moonlight, Yu Xiaobai saw that the room was similar to a ward, with several beds placed. The curtains that separated the beds were closed, and the layout was clearly visible.

On the third floor of this medical building, although Yu Xiaobai didn't feel anyone, he still went out cautiously. He first checked all the wards on the second floor, and then went up to the third floor. All he found was a pile of blank medical records and a lot of medical drugs. .

Yu Xiaobai opened several bottles of reagents with expectation. There were clear drug instructions next to them. After confirming that they were just ordinary drugs, Yu Xiaobai reluctantly came to the first floor.

The place for consultation was similar to the public health clinics in rural villages and towns that Yu Xiaobai remembered. After walking through all the places, Yu Xiaobai was about to sigh when he saw the back door on the first floor.

At this point, he was close to opening the door. Yu Xiaobai twisted the handle directly. When he pushed the door and went out, he was stunned for a moment. What he saw in front of him was not the walled house he saw when he was observing outside, but a simple one-story building. .

"Institute of Biology." The printed words made Yu Xiaobai's heart beat faster. Unexpectedly, there was a bungalow hidden among the buildings erected everywhere.

There was no one guarding him. Yu Xiaobai walked around and there was only a locked front door.

There is nothing to say. Kunai cut off the big lock. It seems that the level of door locks in this world needs to be improved. This is what Yu Xiaobai thought when the door opened with a sound.

His sight was open, and a staircase leading to the underground was placed in front of Yu Xiaobai.

Thanks for saying: Quiet, book friend 1404201150****, come up with a name, difficult and difficult, - light wine - reward ~

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