Please answer Naruto

Chapter 66 Ice Cubes

Pulling away the third-rate guards outside the Sound Ninja Village, the moonlit night was as quiet as ever. The waist-high weeds behind the hill were immersed in ink-like blackness. Under the swaying dark green, at a certain moment, three masked ninjas suddenly rushed in.

"came back."

Ishida Kappei exhaled and spoke softly. The two Anbu behind him no longer restrained themselves and began to pant slightly. A one-hour latent search, all done under bass, consumes a lot of physical energy.

Minamino Shuichi's team who stayed outside to provide support early observed the return of Ishida Katsuhei's team. The two parties nodded to each other when they met, and there were no signs of injury. Minamino Shuichi felt relieved, patted Ishida Katsuhei's shoulder, and said: "We have been gone for so long. I almost thought you were assassinated by counter-attacks."

This was obviously a joke. After hearing this, Ishida Kappei laughed and said, "There really aren't any powerful characters in Xiaonin Village."

Minamino Shuichi smiled. The smoothness of their actions was expected, but after waiting outside for an hour, some worries would accumulate. He stopped chatting. After just two sentences, the greetings were over. Minamino Shuichi's expression under the mask became straightened. , "It's been an hour, haven't you found anything?"

Seeing Minamino Shuichi's eyes sweep over the empty hands of the three people in the first team, Ishida Kappei said helplessly: "Well, yes, no abnormal information was found. We will talk about the specific situation later."

The three supporting teams of the second team were stunned. They dispatched ten people to mobilize the troops. The more demand was to confirm the relationship between Orochimaru and the Oto Ninja Village and then "sabotage" it. If the situation was true, Konoha would definitely have In the follow-up actions, they will only be the first batch to come to make trouble.

"Let's see how Team Kakashi's situation goes later, and that Chao, uh, Chao Ming Yubai."

"Okay." Nanno Shuichi could only respond like this.

In just five minutes, the weeds in the distance seemed to be more messy due to the wind. As soon as Ishida Kappei and the others retreated, Kakashi and the others suddenly appeared in front of everyone, wrapped in black shadow.

"Team three returned, no casualties." Kakashi glanced at the six people hidden in front of him and said directly.

"not found."

"..." Ishida Kappei and Minamino Shuichi were both choked up. Could it be that the previous batch of ANBU colleagues who followed Orochimaru got the information wrong?

After exchanging condolences, the space behind the hill seemed crowded after nine people were crammed into it.

"Well, the only one left, Yu Bai, who is named Chao Ming, hasn't come back yet." An ANBU said after counting the number of people in his mind.

"Almost an hour and twenty minutes."

"Hold on……"

Several people whispered, and the three captains looked at it. Of course, this situation would have to wait.

However, when the time slipped by another ten minutes, several ANBU became a little bit impatient and asked, "Isn't the other party ready to evacuate yet?"

No one answered, but many people had the same idea. It was a one-person operation. Although the operation might be more covert, the search would be more difficult. Ishida Shenghei Gang also revealed that he had traveled almost half of the Sound Ninja Village. If Yu Bai doesn't gain anything, he should evacuate wisely, right?

However, soon a burst of noise that obviously exceeded the surrounding area came from a certain guard point and interrupted everyone's thoughts. The torches were concentrated in a small area. The leading sound ninja stood up and called for running. The large group of scattered Lang nin were ordered to slow down. Moving slowly, someone is directing the response.

The expressions of the nine Anbu in Konoha changed. The fifty-six people, led by the Namin ninja, began to disperse outside. The remaining Oto ninja and samurai retreated into the village to search for something.

Seeing the torches coming from people all over the mountains and plains, Nanno Shuichi frowned, "Has he been discovered?"

Ishida Shenghei remained calm, "Not necessarily, it's also possible that the traces of our previous actions in the Sound Ninja Village that were not covered up were noticed."

A few wandering ninjas who were walking fast were already approaching the hill. They could even see each other's shabby clothes.

The atmosphere was silent for a few seconds that should not have happened. The decision came suddenly and suddenly - Minami Shuichi gritted his teeth one by one. At the same time, half of the ANBU took out kunai.



Suddenly, the indifferent words were like ice cubes smashing into the silent lake. This chilling proposal stirred everyone's hearts.

"Mission first, exposing everyone for one person will not only result in failure, but also escalate the situation to the diplomatic level."

"So... let's retreat first."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Kakashi with strange and shocked eyes. The companions behind Kakashi also looked at their captain with complicated expressions. Some people may have this idea, but they will not be so straightforward and leave no trace. feelings.

Focusing his gaze, Kakashi was silent, the light in his eyes was as hard as ice as his words.

"Tap, tap, tap...", dense footsteps, the firelight illuminated the sand and stones of the hill, the enemy was here.


What Ishida Kappei was going to say made the ground tremble slightly.


The sky suddenly lit up, then darkened again, and then, a violent explosion unreasonably tore apart the silence of the night!

In the distant Sound Ninja Village, an inexplicable change suddenly occurred. The firelight shone with high intensity, and the black smoke from burning buildings rose higher into the night sky. At this moment, everyone's rhythm was disrupted and everyone was in a hurry.

"what is that?!"


"Wait...someone, ah——"

The man and the horse were flawless, and someone couldn't help but make the first stab. When the screams were uncontrollable, the torch fell to the ground, sparks splashed with blood, and the weeds snapped. This small piece of chaos reached its peak under the cover of the explosion.

The camera pulls back.

Step by step, Yu Xiaobai walked on the steps leading to the unknown depths, raising his alertness to the highest level in his heart.

In a closed environment, it became even quieter and more depressing. Yu Xiaobai held a kunai in his right hand, ready to deal with danger at any time.

"Institute of Biology... the name seems to be closely related to Orochimaru. Isn't Uncle Snake a famous scientist-biologist..." Yu Xiaobai thought of some vulgar things to lighten his mood. This place is probably Orochimaru. a small stronghold. There was a quietly burning oil lamp on both sides of the stairs for a while. The light was poor and the air was not good. Yu Xiaobai frowned, isn't it? Uncle Snake, your scientific research environment is quite harsh.

PS: I failed the exam (crying). Today is the day of the Honor of Kings competition that I organized a few days ago. I don’t have much time to code, so I stopped here. There will be another exam in the next few days. Guys, the update situation is very serious!

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