Please answer Naruto

Chapter 67 Underground

One step at a time, there are no more stairs. Based on the previous steps, I should be about ten meters underground.

The oil lamps are more densely packed here, and the walls on both sides extend to the end like soybeans wrapped in a halo.

I don’t know how big it is inside, and whether there are other entrances and exits... Yu Xiaobai counted the time, and it was more than an hour since he started taking action. The possibility of the shadow clone being exposed was already very high.

Yu Xiaobai decided to continue exploring. He walked in the corridor with several people side by side. According to the long-term influence of movies and television, he was always on guard against hidden weapons and mechanisms that might appear above and below his head. However, until the end, nothing happened.

Well, it’s normal to overthink things.

"It's built underground, in a relatively hidden place. How can you be so cautious?" Yu Xiaobai muttered to himself, and even criticized Sound Ninja. He looked back at the corridor that he had walked dozens of meters away. When he came, he actually saw a room on each side. Yu Xiaobai carefully held the door handle and tried to go in. Not only was the door unlocked, but there was no one inside.

Since time was tight, Yu Xiaobai quickly checked and found that the room seemed to be occupied by people. Although it was not big, it had beds, tables, chairs, and simple furniture displays. This confirmed Yu Xiaobai's in-depth thoughts. There were traces of someone. It means there is always something valuable here.

The other room was larger, but it contained a bunch of messy books, which seemed to list various fields, including very obscure and strange knowledge. The books and information were frequently turned over by people. Yu Xiaobai took out a few books and went through them roughly. , there are actually readers’ marks in many places, random thoughts, densely highlighted points, and circles... Yu Xiaobaixu looked at the scary books and materials in no less than half of the library, and picked out a few more books, but none of them were found. Exceptions, or more or less, there is a place for taking notes. What is this, working tirelessly to prepare for the college entrance examination?

Yu Xiaobai opened a book and looked at a diagram of the structure of the human body. Below it were several lines of small words, "The organs of the human body include the heart, liver, lungs, stomach..." After muttering softly and rubbing his head, Yu Xiaobai suddenly recalled The biological knowledge I learned in my first year of high school: "Well, the largest organ is the skin."

"There is also research on cells here..." Yu Xiaobai casually read a few lines, which seemed to be an overall description and definition of cells.

"Is the largest cell made of ostrich eggs?" The writer's understanding of cells is obviously subjectively small. Wow, Yu Xiaobai suddenly felt superior in IQ.

Putting aside these, some texts about experimental research in the books have already explained the problem. Moreover, the books related to the human body and medicine are placed in the most conspicuous position in the room, and they are also the most worn. Yu Xiaobai sighed, and he was already sure that this is the place. One of the places where Orochimaru studied biology. Uncle Snake, you are really a good role model for the majority of students. Compared with your hard work, those who are going to college or CET-4 should be ashamed.

"But Orochimaru doesn't seem to be here..."

Yu Xiaobai secretly thought that he had been wandering around for almost ten minutes. Even if he restrained his movements, Orochimaru should have discovered it long ago and made a classic disgusting appearance. For this, Yu Xiaobai had no choice but to attribute the reason to the fact that the Sound Ninja Village had just been established and Orochimaru was busy dealing with other things. The arrangement here was only in its initial stage, and he was lucky enough to catch a time when no one was around.

However, flags cannot be set casually. When Yu Xiaobai walked out of the corridor, his sight widened, and he was stunned by the scene inside.

He seemed to have arrived at a serious experiment site. The space was quite spacious. There was a workbench on the right, several beds with questionable uses and blood stains, an operating table, various knives and tweezers, and paper and pens spread out on the workbench. Strangely, A desk lamp suddenly lit up.

The light from the desk lamp illuminated a small area of ​​​​the workbench. Yu Xiaobai's body stiffened, and the kunai he had put back after searching the room was instantly taken back.

There are people here.

After being alert for a few seconds, when he stopped moving, the underground space seemed to be completely silent, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

There was still no breath. Yu Xiaobai frowned, feeling conflicted in his heart. His perception based on years of experience with real guns could not be wrong. After all, there were only so many places in this place, and there was no place to hide people... But why was the desk lamp on? , did you forget to turn it off before going out?

For a full minute, Yu Xiaobai slowly put down his kunai, keeping his face calm, and walked to the left area.

This is undoubtedly one of Orochimaru's many human experiment laboratories. There are no strict regional boundaries. Things are placed in convenient places according to the owner's preference. For example, the pushable operating table is not far from the workbench. Yu Xiaobai I even thought of Orochimaru's sword and pen, stained with blood while selflessly recording.

This is not the time to accuse the other party of being cold-blooded, not to mention that Yu Xiaobai is planning to use the "results" of the other party's accumulated blood debt research. He is not a person who only distinguishes right from wrong.

The things on the left look much more horrifying. In addition to the scrolls with the word "secret" engraved on them, there are also bottles of various sizes, which contain some animal embryos. device.

Soaked in the anti-corruption potion, the exposed tissue was quite scary. Yu Xiaobai glanced at it a few times, but he got used to it. He focused on the scrolls, and his eyes flashed with emotion. Even if these were not big snakes, Maru's lifelong efforts are also the results of research here.

Orochimaru is undoubtedly a genius. He is well aware of the fragility of life, including himself, who is known as the Sannin, and turns to the pursuit of immortality. In the anime, he sheds his skin and is reborn again and again, relying on the super power system of chakra. He really seems to have found a way. Of course, no matter how miraculous the secrets Orochimaru masters are, they cannot be compared with the rigorous and systematic biology of the earth. Before Yakushi Kabuto, Orochimaru had always been a human being, and his life was limited. Those changes in the human body that were deeply and extremely modified were not Based on the theoretical basis, can you really tell us why it is so or not?

But Yu Xiaobai didn't have to worry about that much, as long as he could get a few forbidden arts, he gave the ring to him and handed over to get off work.

There was still no breath in his perception. Yu Xiaobai took a deep breath and reached out to the "Secret" scroll.

Thanks to Shuangwei, -Guangjiu-, Bidi, and book friend 217****63 for the reward~

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