Please answer Naruto

Chapter 71 The Python Disaster

The connection with the shadow clone that had always existed was suddenly severed, which disrupted Yu Xiaobai's originally orderly attack and defense, and his figure became a little messy.

A large amount of information was returned to the brain, and chakra suddenly poured into the body after the shadow clone was released. Unprepared, a white snake egg hit him with full force, and the kunai in his left hand was knocked away. The yellow eyes of the other white snakes that were not seriously injured lit up. They keenly caught the opportunity, and everyone rushed forward excitedly when they smelled the fishy smell!

Yu Xiaobai hurriedly stabilized his movements, and the kunai in his right hand stabbed into the eye of a white snake. Amidst the sharp and painful hissing, the white snake in his left hand clung to him impatiently. The cold touch was chilling, so he shook it off with all his strength. White snake, but the next second another white snake wrapped around his body.

When his footsteps were restricted, the situation became uncontrollable. In just a few moments, Yu Xiaobai went from being relaxed to being overwhelmed. At least seven or eight white snakes came together to kill him. Yu Xiaobai tied them into rice dumplings.


The body of the big white snake watching the battle has been completely deformed, like some kind of body that provides nutrients. Two white hands stretched out from the inside, grabbed the thin snake skin and tore it apart. Wow, a naked human body was just like that. out.


Orochimaru was still covered in mucus. He saw the white rice dumplings in front of him and sneered.

"Zi la la..." A trace of electricity leaked from the rice dumplings made of white snakes.

Orochimaru's expression changed, and even when the sneer expression on his face still remained, blue lightning suddenly came like a sharp sword that broke through the night.

All the wrapped white snakes flew out with their scorched bodies. The dazzling electric light shined without any obstruction. The room was as bright as day. All objects were covered with jumping blue light. The crackling of the heartstrings was heard. The thunder snakes swam away and the lamp on the workbench banged. The ground exploded and sparks sprayed into the air like a fountain.

Chakra was output wildly, Yu Xiaobai took a step with a black face, "Bang bang bang...", the sound of shattering glass was even denser than when Orochimaru appeared before, and the scattered electric currents involved rows of shelves. The vessels on the boat were banging, banging, and the ships were in the storm, and the violent thunder was like an angry god.

The shadow clone sent back not only the discovery information, but also a large amount of chakra. Yu Xiaobai did not give the order to fight at the beginning.

Being discovered meant that his stay would be shortened drastically. A clone of Orochimaru was right in front of him, and Yu Xiaobai had no time to play anymore.

After the shock, Orochimaru was not frightened back by the violent electric current, and even had a more interested look on his face.

"There is still hidden strength..."

Most of the white snakes were roasted to death by the instantaneous peak voltage, but as test subjects, they were very tenacious and did not die completely.

Yu Xiaobai had a few wounds on his body, but there were no signs of toxin invasion. After looking at Orochimaru who seemed to have no regard for life and death, Yu Xiaobai took out a new kunai and activated it at a completely different speed than before.

When he arrived at Yu Xiaobai's place, Lei Dun's control was almost arbitrary. He came in front of a white snake and chopped off the opponent's head when the opponent did not react. In order to prevent regeneration, he did not remove the current around him, just like continuously After turning on the enhanced version of Thunder Escape, the white snakes were easily harvested one by one, and their bodies were turned into charcoal.

Wrapped in lightning, the thunder snake ran wildly, and no creature within a few meters could be spared. The extreme speed brought the body out of the phantom, as if this was Yu Xiaobai's realm composed of superb lightning escape.

The fierce White Snake a moment ago was swept away, and fear finally rose in Orochimaru's eyes. The sudden burst of this Konoha Anbu's chakra was used without any scruples. It would be an exaggeration to say that it was like thunder and hell.

"Orochimaru, I don't have time to talk to you anymore."

Yu Xiaobai walked over, and the electric light gradually converged, with only the occasional trace of electricity splashing out restlessly.

"The shadow clones arranged when we came in have been released. The sound ninja will search the village immediately." Yu Xiaobai hid his face under the mask and said coldly. In conjunction with the previous wave of thunder, it was still very intimidating.

"So..." When Yu Xiaobai said this, he paused and glanced at Orochimaru's hands. There was nothing on his pale fingers.

"So you want me to obediently give you the scroll containing the forbidden technique, and then let you escape before a large number of sound ninjas arrive?" Orochimaru took the words thoughtfully, tilting his head, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Although the strength Yu Xiaobai had just shown was far superior to that of an average jounin, Orochimaru, who was full of imposing threats, was not cold at all and looked into Yu Xiaobai's eyes with confidence.

Yu Xiaobai did not speak. It is conceivable that there must be countless torches searching the dim streets now. Not to mention whether Ishida Shenghei's team and Kakashi's team have evacuated, even if everyone left the Sound Ninja Village safely, they It is impossible to hide the traces of sneaking into the village for a while. At that time, the sound ninja's reaction was definitely extremely angry.

However, Yu Xiaobai did not panic. Countless experiences told him that being anxious was of no use. He became calmer and thought of something, "Orochimaru, you..."

"Hidden Snake Hand!"

Orochimaru shouted loudly, stretched out his hands, and countless pythons rushed out like a flood!

Yu Xiaobai's eyes narrowed. He could clearly see that part of Orochimaru's lower body was still attached to the snake's body. At this time, his outstretched hands stretched incredibly and turned into countless pythons.

He stopped talking and faced the ferocious fangs and maw that rushed towards him. He sneered and advanced instead of retreating. Since he would attack at the slightest disagreement, he wouldn't do much.

"Chidori!" A squeaking noise filled the eardrums. The skill that had been refined for thousands of years was completed in an instant, and the extinguished thunder light shined again. The blue light streaked straight from the starting point to the contact point, and the snakes screamed and dispersed. A drop of cold sweat fell from Orochimaru's forehead. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth wide at the Chidori who was charging forward——

"Hiss!" More crazy snakes surged out. It's hard to imagine how this modified Orochimaru body could hold so many snakes. The densely packed snakes that can cause trypophobia crowded into a frenzy, overwhelming. Pressed over!


Chidori cut open one piece after another, but big snakes kept rushing up, and the electric light gradually began to weaken. When the speed slowed down to a certain level, Yu Xiaobai took a breath, no longer persisted, and suddenly stepped back.

Thousands of big snakes did not retreat or stop, and without the obstruction of thousands of birds, they pounced on the retreating Yu Xiaobai without stopping.

The lightning was gone, and in the critical moment, Yu Xiaobai took out a kunai from behind, and circles of electric current surged out of his entire arm.

Without much time to think, Yu Xiaobai threw the kunai out with all his strength!

Thanks to Sin Sin Ye Lang, Shuang Wei, and beibei163 for the reward~

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