Please answer Naruto

Chapter 72 The Ring of Kongchen

"Hurry up, run!"

"You guys, go over there and look -"

In the budding Sound Ninja Village, piled construction sand and stones can be seen everywhere. Occasionally, there will be uneven roadbeds uncoordinated in the middle. They are running sharply and chaotically. Groups of recruited samurai are urged by the ninjas to rush into the suspicious village. within the area.

"Sir, two more people fainted here!"

Someone shouted loudly, and the leader's middle-aged sound ninja's face twitched. He came to the discoverer like a wind. In an ordinary house, a couple passed out on the bed. They browsed hurriedly, and everything was filled with traces of being rummaged through. .

"Damn it..." the middle-aged Sound Ninja said through gritted teeth. This was already the fifth location. If he hadn't accidentally inspected the area outside the village to the west just now, he noticed that a Sound Ninja in the area was quite rigid and mechanical. It was inappropriate. He asked before asking, otherwise he wouldn't have known that the village had been invaded.

The middle-aged Sound Ninja's face turned hot when he thought of the Shadow Clone transformed into a falsetto ninja disappearing into smoke. The Ninja Village had just been established, and it was the time when they needed to give confidence to the big names and sponsors behind the scenes. Now they don't even know who to invade. I don’t know how long it has been lurking... How can such a scandal be established if word spreads about it?

The samurai holding torches crowded noisily into the streets and alleys. Several familiar sound ninja colleagues walked anxiously through the night sky above. A genin climbed over the high wall. He seemed to be an inexperienced in chakra control and stepped on the wall. He lost his footing and fell to the ground with a roll of dirt.

"S-Sir..." The young genin panted and crawled to his side. He opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly saw the murderous look on the middle-aged sound nin's face, and he became submissive again.

Extremely irritated, the middle-aged sound nin waved his hands and said coldly: "Say."

"The administrative building... has also been invaded!" the genin said eagerly, "Teacher asked me to tell you that all the important documents on the top floor... have been opened..."

The middle-aged sound ninja felt a surge of energy and blood, his vision went dark and he almost lost his balance. He staggered on his feet, stabilized his mind, and said with a tremor in his voice, "Are you sure?!"

That contains information about daimyo and countless high-ranking officials and investors. If this thing is spread out, the funds... can the Sound Ninja Village still be established?

The expression of the middle-aged sound ninja was as ferocious as if he wanted to eat someone. The genin was so frightened that he dared not speak out, but he still said incoherently: "Yes, yes, I am sure."


A sound wave transformed into chakra suddenly erupted, spreading and sweeping in all directions. Everyone's eardrums instantly felt extremely painful. The nearest genin even lay on the ground in pain, with blood flowing from his mouth and nose.

"Who are they! I must find them out and kill them!" The middle-aged sound ninja cursed angrily, completely ignoring his image.

At this time, most of the instigators, who were hated by the sound ninja, started another killing outside the village, and the remaining one was in a certain underground stronghold...


An explosion that was inexplicably stronger than the sound waves fired by the middle-aged sound ninja suddenly resounded through the night sky, and the air flickered for a few seconds. This unnatural phenomenon gave an illusion of the power of heaven and earth. When the light of day dimmed, , everyone turned their heads and saw the majestic black smoke burning somewhere in the village.

Flames burned in front of everyone like ridicule.

Did the attacker detonate hundreds of detonating symbols so wantonly?

"Follow me!" The middle-aged Sound Ninja was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted loudly when he realized what was happening. Regardless of whether it was a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain or not, his anger overwhelmed his reason. He jumped up high and rushed towards the explosion site.

Looking down from the sky, parting the dark clouds, the tiny Oto Ninja Village occupies a corner outside the border of Tian Country. In the small square, a large number of ant-like hands are busy squeezing towards the most conspicuous light spot.

The center of the explosion.

Snap, snap, the rocks and the original surface structure fell apart and hit the ground; the air was filled with a lot of burnt smell, and sparks exploded from time to time. The original underground space had been completely destroyed, and a huge one was blown up above. Through the opening, the moonlight shines in and is dispersed by the burning flames.

There are almost no intact things in the workroom. The tables and chairs were overturned and burned, and tattered scrolls were scattered on the floor. The snake tide that once filled the entire field of vision like an unstoppable wave... is completely gone. Traces, inconspicuous corners, maybe a little bit of tissue debris can be found.

Yu Xiaobai and Orochimaru were both thrown into the rubble by the initial explosion. At this time, they slowly crawled out, saw each other's messy appearance, and then... big eyes stared at small eyes.


Yu Xiaobai didn't expect that it would turn out like this. He threw out his shuriken in a critical situation and naturally used the rail construction of the electromagnetic gun. However, perhaps because the initial starting positions of the shuriken and the coin were different, the electromagnetic rail's The energy push caused a mistake. After the shuriken, which was not in the center of the orbit, was thrown, a violent explosion occurred.

The obstruction of the snake tide changed the direction of the shuriken, and the kinetic energy with nowhere to vent directly blasted through the rocks between the underground space and the ground. The original railgun had extremely strong penetration, and the shuriken accidentally hit instead of the coin, causing the current huge commotion.

"Ahem..." Orochimaru, who was still in the wind at the end, couldn't help but cough due to the black smoke.

The silence was broken, and the warm wind of the night blew into the exploded "well".

Orochimaru looked at Yu Xiaobai not far away. The other person's mask was covered with dust, but it was still not broken. He now wanted to know the face under the mask, and what kind of technique it was just now... He had never seen it before, damn, Where could such a person appear in Konoha?

"Perhaps shurikens can replace coins..." Yu Xiaobai thought in his heart, but if it were replaced by shurikens, the electromagnetic track would have to be rebuilt, the starting action would also be changed, and the static shot would become a dynamic shot. It's more difficult than anything.

Put this thought aside for now, there are more important things to do right now.

Although the technique was distorted, the consumption of chakra was still real. Yu Xiaobai had also activated Thunder Escape Possession before, and there was not much chakra left in his body. He put on his momentum, walked up to the shocked Orochimaru, exhaled and said.

"Now, can you listen to me?"

Orochimaru's eyes turned cold. This was just a clone of him. His chakra and strength were severely weakened. Judging from the strength of this Konoha Anbu, the clone was no match, but he had no intention of being scared at all.

Seeing that Orochimaru was silent and looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, Yu Xiaobai was too lazy to talk nonsense. He raised his head and glanced at the open door above his head, where he could see the starry sky and the large hole on the ground. After the reverberation of the explosion, there was a faint noise. The human voice was approaching quickly.

"Orochimaru, give me the 'Korachan' ring that the Akatsuki organization left with you."

Thanks Shuangwei for the reward~

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