Please answer Naruto

Chapter 73 Confrontation

The small flames burned cracklingly, and Yu Xiaobai's words fell in like pebbles falling into the lake.


Surprise appeared in Orochimaru's cold pupils, or he didn't understand. Konoha Anbu and Akatsuki are two things that should not be related.

Listening to the faint voices of people as the fire spreads outside, these noises will soon overwhelm the burning fire. Yu Xiaobai took a step closer and said, "Not long ago you were one of the core members of Xiao, and you have the 'Kong' ring as a symbol of status, right?"

"..." Orochimaru looked at him coldly, noncommittal.

"But since you have withdrawn from the Akatsuki organization, please return that thing." Yu Xiaobai had a stern face. Now that time is tight, there is really no room for planning, so he can't do much by directly speaking, "You won't be able to use that thing anymore. , give it to me and I’ll stop.”

A few words from Yu Xiaobai were enough for Orochimaru to understand the situation, "'still'?" Orochimaru emphasized one word maliciously, and then carefully looked at the ANBU mask on Yu Xiaobai's face, and his expression Suddenly he became happy, and even couldn't help but laughed suppressedly, "Hahaha..."

"I see..." Orochimaru's original hostility towards Yu Xiaobai disappeared a lot, and a strange and disgusting smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "It's so interesting, why did you go to that place? I don't know. The famous ANBU lightning escape user."

Yu Xiaobai frowned. He really didn't want to talk nonsense with Orochimaru. He knew that if Orochimaru felt the relationship between him and Xiao, he would have to keep himself entertained for a while.

The electric current knocked down a pile of burning firewood, and Yu Xiaobai's right hand began to light up with lightning. He looked coldly at Orochimaru, who was less than three meters away, and threatened: "Orochimaru, this is not your body, it can't be me. The opponent, so I say what I say, don’t babble.”

Orochimaru's inner laughter at the memory of his old teacher was interrupted, and his smile instantly faded. Hearing the threatening words, Orochimaru looked at Yu Xiaobai sinisterly, and said: "Hehehe...since you know this It’s my separate body, so what if you destroy this body, why should I agree to it?”

"You are the one who should be anxious, right?"

These words are very true. On the surface, it seems that Orochimaru is completely justified in Yu Xiaobai's life and death threat. Most of the sound ninjas are coming soon, and when the encirclement is formed, unless you are strong enough to kill a thousand people, just one person will definitely be drowned in the sea of ​​people.

"Really?" Yu Xiaobai sneered. Orochimaru was right. He was indeed anxious now, but he may not be the only one who was anxious.

Yu Xiaobai was thinking about this issue after Orochimaru appeared. "Of course it's nothing to destroy your body, but what about destroying this stronghold? Or, in other words, the news spread that 'Orochimaru, the maniac of human experimentation, secretly established a stronghold in the Sound Ninja Village and reached a dirty deal with the leader of the Ninja Village.'" Are you anxious after you get out?"

Orochimaru's body stiffened, and the look in his eyes at Yu Xiaobai was different. This is indeed what he cares about most in his heart.

Whether on Earth or in the ninja world, human experimentation is an inhumane act that most people hate and avoid. Orochimaru does gradually control the Sound Ninja Village secretly, but it does not mean that he can stand up openly. Not to mention that this place where experiments on the human body and all kinds of active life are conducted will be exposed to the eyes of the large number of samurai and ordinary ninjas who are coming.

It is by no means an easy task for Orochimaru to establish an experimental base with sufficient backup support. It doesn't matter if the studio is bombed, it can be rebuilt, but a few years after the place is made public, his hard work will be destroyed, and he has to Went outside to play.

"How about it, Orochimaru? I just want something that is completely useless to you. You give it to me and I leave. I can even tell you some of the biological knowledge that I know that is ahead of the present... It's you who caused this situation. If you were the first to attack, we could have had a good talk." Yu Xiaobai saw the change in Orochimaru's expression and knew there was something going on, so he withdrew the lightning as a sign of goodwill, with a rare "sincerity" in his tone.

Yu Xiaobai threw all the pots on Orochimaru's head. Orochimaru twitched the corner of his mouth and sneered. After a few seconds of silence that seemed like days, he finally spoke slowly again.

"I dare to risk my life... Konoha's ANBU, I will remember you. Isn't it just Akatsuki's ring? No problem."

Yu Xiaobai secretly breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he was really afraid that Orochimaru would not be able to save his dignity and fight him to the end. In that case, Orochimaru would lose a lot but at least his life would not be in danger. Yu Xiaobai might risk his life. If there is a super The electromagnetic gun, the final move to clear the field, is also not safe.

Catching a glimpse of Orochimaru looking at him with eyes as cold as knives, Yu Xiaobai silently avoided his gaze. No matter what, Orochimaru completely hated him this time. Masters are all arrogant. Yu Xiaobai will meet Orochimaru in the future. , it will definitely not be easy.

"Ugh--" Orochimaru opened his mouth and spat out suddenly. There was a sound of vomiting that made Yu Xiaobai's scalp numb. He really didn't know whether the other party was real or just pretending to disgust him. Orochimaru stretched out his tongue, accompanied by mucus, He spat out a ring with the word "empty" engraved on it.

"..." Yu Xiaobai stared blankly, hesitating whether to raise his hand or not.

Orochimaru didn't talk nonsense to him and just threw him away.

"Zi la la..." When Yu Xiaobai was about to get the ring, electric current came out of his palm and directly roasted the surface of the ring. After making sure that the disgusting liquid had evaporated, Yu Xiaobai could feel free to get it.

It feels cold to the touch, and the texture is not unusual. There is nothing too shocking, but what is important is that there is a faint fluctuation of chakra on the ring. Akatsuki's ten rings all have formations on them. Only a small amount of chakra can be transferred to allow part of the caster's consciousness to leave the body and be transported to a designated area. Through this, when there is a meeting and decision within the Xiao organization, Yu Xiaobai can participate, and the meaning of this is very different. The convenience of transmitting messages also allows Yu Xiaobai to not have to go through so much trouble in transmitting information level by level in the future, but can go directly to Pain Obito.

"Thank you." Yu Xiaobai said politely, put the ring into his underwear pocket, looked at the messy scene on the left and right, and said politely, "Then I'll leave first. You can clean up the trouble so that no one sees it."

Electricity flashed across the surface of Yu Xiaobai's body, and he actually used thunder escape to stimulate his cells. He directly increased his speed to the highest speed and rushed towards the tattered scrolls scattered on the ground.

Orochimaru's eyes were even colder, and the light in the depths could almost freeze his soul, but he didn't take action. He was too weak to stop Yu Xiaobai.

"Earth Release, Rock Flow Transformation!" Orochimaru made a seal with his hands, making a rumbling sound, the gravel and dust fell, the ground trembled, and the raised rocks were about to seal the hole opened above his head.

Yu Xiaobai quickly caught a few, and was not greedy. As long as time really did not allow it, when Orochimaru Earth Release Seal ended, he had already rushed up, and the blue light and shadow intertwined with the closing of the rocks.

"Hmph." Orochimaru snorted coldly. After briefly covering the scene, he found a cloak that covered his face from somewhere and quietly came to the ground.

Several of the fastest Sound Ninja jumped over from the house, including the middle-aged Sound Ninja. They came here with the wind. When they saw Orochimaru's figure, their faces turned to one side, and they knelt down on one knee, respectfully. Said: "Sir."

Orochimaru felt very tired of the newly formed team. He pointed in the direction in which Yu Xiaobai was escaping, and saw a black shadow moving away very quickly. The sound ninja he encountered on the way were either thrown away or killed by thunder, " Didn’t you see that person? He’s the culprit who sneaked into the village.”

Several people were shocked. After looking over, they all knew what they should do, "It's your lord, lead people to chase him immediately!"

In a flash, the figure disappeared again. At the same time, a large number of people who had not yet arrived changed their original route to their destination and surrounded Yu Xiaobai.

So excited, Keepyourdreams – congratulations WE!

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