Please answer Naruto

Chapter 74 Escape

The sound of piercing the air was heard endlessly, and within the sight of the shuttle, several shurikens were shot over with a cold light in the dark night.

His body dwarfed, and the sharp shuriken in progress barely brushed past his head. The coldness of the contact between hair and metal at that moment made Yu Xiaobai even calmer.

Several sound ninjas were on the road ahead, and there was only one shadow on the house. The shurikens were shot sporadically as described, and there were also people who fearlessly jumped up to kill, and the objects facing each other were exchanged in hand-to-hand combat - it passed in an instant. For the first one, Yu Xiaobai inserted it into his neck faster than the other one. When the blood was spilled into the night sky, the second one's kunai stabbed his heart. The two almost collided with each other, and the kinetic energy was exchanged in chaos. Yu Xiaobai held the stabbing wrist, and the person had already passed the opponent. The kunai he had just pulled out in his right hand turned around and stroked, sucking fresh blood into the blade that was still stained with blood.

"Bang, bang." The two people whose faces could not be seen clearly fell to the ground. Yu Xiaobai rushed through the defense line with the hidden weapons of some cowardly ninjas.

There was still some tension, but Yu Xiaobai suppressed it in his heart and turned it into controllable excitement that inspired him.

There were dozens of ninjas of varying levels chasing after him, and swish...several jounin who looked quite troublesome were on the same plane as him.

Yu Xiaobai took a glance and saw that this group of sound ninjas who looked slightly less novice should be the elite of the sound ninja village. Orochimaru shamelessly gave him the ring and watched him fish out several scrolls. He must not have been in a good mood. After keeping the secret of the experimental location, he will definitely instruct his subordinates in the Sound Ninja Village to hunt him down. With a clear goal, Yu Xiaobai can't bear to attract all the firepower. At this time, he controls the chakra output, weakening or stopping it for a few seconds. Got into an absolutely terrible situation.

Several Otogakure jounin wanted to come close to test his edge. Electricity surged from Yu Xiaobai's feet, and his speed immediately increased a lot to throw him away. Yu Xiaobai would not be stupid enough to contact the opponent. For a sound ninja of this level, anything he said was enough to hold him back.

A minute later, Yu Xiaobai's fast and slow rhythm made several Yin Yin jonins feel very excited. Finally, one of them couldn't bear it and broke away from the team. The air behind him was distorted and the wind was blowing. He was accelerated by Yin**. Yu Xiaobai stepped forward, stepped forward, made fists with both hands, and smashed towards him with the harsh power of sound waves.


Yu Xiaobai really didn't want to waste chakra, but there was no other way. The two blinked close to each other, and the other shouted. Yu Xiaobai stretched out his right hand, and the thunderball condensed and shone. The sudden light made everyone in the dark night squint. With a squeaking sound, the Chidori flashed and disappeared. The chest of the shouting Otogakure was broken open, and he rolled down the eaves, bringing up large pieces of tiles with a crash. He screamed and then fell silent in the middle of the scream.


"grown ups!"

The sound ninja behind were astonished, and some were even slowed down unconsciously by the sharp technique. The jounin who was still on the same plane quickly distanced himself vigilantly, looked back at the corpse of his companion, his face was ugly, and when he heard a few words from the person behind him, he continued to press with suppressed anger.

Yu Xiaobai threw Yin Nin's reaction behind him like the wind. He looked at the empty scenery in front of him. Compared to the time in Yu Nin Village, both himself and his opponent had changed. The pressure this time was still smaller.

Outside the Sound Ninja Village.

The small-scale battle had been going on for some time. In the explosion that shook the entire Sound Ninja Village, a small group of people suddenly rushed out and killed a large number of wandering ninjas. These wanderers who joined for money had no integrity at all. , retreated a long distance, and naturally said that they would go back to report and ask for support, but for some reason, the commotion in the village seemed to be even greater, and the promised support has not been seen yet.

"Captain Ishida, shall we charge?" An impatient ANBU left his hiding place and threw an earth tornado at the wandering ninja, rolling over more than a dozen people with a roar.

Ishida Katsuhei looked quite hesitant. He looked at the Sound Ninja Village where the flames were rising in the distance. The huge explosion there had attracted almost all the threats. Now they only faced kittens and puppies. They could stay or leave as they pleased. "Wait a little longer." Wait..." After a long time, he still said.

At first, someone in the ANBU couldn't help but strike the first blow, and the conflict inevitably unfolded. Fortunately, there were only a handful of wandering ninjas who could reach the level of Jonin. The nine of them united, and there was no real danger. .

However, as time went by, the wandering ninjas also gathered together. Facing the strange ANBU who knew how to use the terrain, they adopted a very rogue method, which was to throw things from a distance. Ninjutsu and hidden weapons were all-encompassing. When they get close, a group of people come together. It is not that the Jonin of the ANBU have no means to break the deadlock. For example, Kakashi's Raikiri can cut open the mob. However, in the Land of Fire, you must reserve a certain amount of energy unless there are special circumstances. Chakra, after all, there will definitely be ninjas in the sound ninja village. The most important thing is that most of the sound ninja's men have returned to the village to capture Yu Xiaobai. Ishida Kappei, Minamino Shuichi and the others can be the most benevolent and righteous if they stay and hold on for a while.

"I say, it's almost time to withdraw." Kakashi blocked a few darts, threw a shuriken with his backhand and pierced the shoulder of some unlucky guy from a hundred meters away, he said calmly.

His father's incident still has an impact on Kakashi's heart. He originally proposed to ignore Yu Xiaobai who was deeply trapped in the Sound Ninja Village, but he did not agree with the ANBU's move to stay here temporarily. It's not that he dislikes Yu Xiaobai, he just weighs the pros and cons. There is no doubt that he is right.

Ishida Shenghei and Minamino Shuichi glanced at each other, saw each other's emotions clearly, and nodded, that's all. Asana Yubai did not rush out. Although they dealt with a lazy attack, there were still dozens of them. It takes a lot of energy from a person, mentally and physically.

Sighing, Ishida Shenghei raised his hand and was about to speak.

A certain ANBU suddenly pointed to the left, "Hey, look, what's wrong with the sound ninja there?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and couldn't help but look in the direction they were pointing at. Under the firelight and moonlight, they saw a few kilometers away from them and on the edge of the Sound Ninja Village on the other side. Countless figures were densely jumping and chasing each other, shouting. You can feel the ground changing from ethereal to close.

"They are chasing people! Is Chao Ming Yubai ahead?" Nanno Xiuyi asked in surprise, but the night was so far away that even with the best of his eyesight, he could only see a large black shadow running like crazy. As for what was in front of him? Tempting, only the dark outline of the building is unreal.

"Let's go and have a look!" Ishida Shenghei changed his tone and said decisively.

Minami Shuichi looked struggling, and finally held the hand holding the kunai tightly. The ANBU slowly moved away, Kakashi looked at these with cold eyes, knowing that it was useless to object.


Thanks to AN232323 and Shuangwei for the reward~

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