Please answer Naruto

Chapter 75 Meteor on the ground

Yu Xiaobai led his men around, and he could already see the half-high wall of Yin Nin Village as he ran, but the sight on the wall made his heart sink.

Twenty or thirty people stood on the wall, ready.

As time goes by, the difference in everyone's strength becomes apparent. Of the forty or fifty people who had been chasing behind them at the beginning, only about thirty were left, and they had opened a considerable distance, but seven or eight jounin still held on very tightly. In fact, Yu Xiaobai could get rid of it if he insisted on using Thunder Release to stimulate the cells, but the sound ninja who was not afraid of death and rushed out of the way from time to time would always stop him once or twice.

The ninjas on the wall each deployed their maximum amount of chakra, obviously having ninjutsu ready to give him. Yu Xiaobai gritted his teeth. He had no choice. It was too late to go around now, and there was no guarantee that no one would be guarding him in other directions. He jumped high and continued to move forward.

Concentrating, at a certain moment the wind suddenly became louder, Yu Xiaobai's pupils shrank, and countless dots shining with thrilling cold light fell towards him like rain in the night.

"Chop chop chop -" The shuriken was inserted into the wooden board, and Yu Xiaobai struggled to dodge the sound of the shuriken being inserted into the wooden board. His eyes caught something and his whole body froze. The shurikens thrown in the darkness all had detonating charms tied on their backs.

"I go……"

"Boom, boom, boom!" Cannian's qualities were overwhelmed by explosions that exploded like firecrackers in an instant. The detonating symbols detonated automatically, and the small fireballs shone and expanded, and the night in the Sound Ninja Village was completely lit up.

Yu Xiaobai, who was constantly shaking in the explosion, wanted to scold a wave of quality ten companies, but unfortunately the surging shock wave made him unable to speak. It seemed that the sound ninja was really trying his best, even if he did not care about the destruction in the village. Leave him alone.

Dozens of detonating talismans were more useful than anything else. It was impossible for Yu Xiaobai to avoid all the bombings. If he avoided them, he would lose more and more center of gravity in the waves of non-stop attacks.

He stumbled into a certain room, and there was a continuous roar. Even the sound ninja who were chasing him did not dare to step forward, for fear of being accidentally injured by friendly forces.

No part of Yu Xiaobai's clothes was clean, and a corner of his mask was broken. He huddled under the collapsed rocks. Yu Xiaobai touched the ring and scroll hidden on his chest, feeling a little at ease.

"Boom!" A detonating talisman exploded near him with great luck, "poof", even though there were rocks to offset part of the impact, Yu Xiaobai still spat out a mouthful of blood.

After taking a few breaths, Yu Xiaobai fumbled for the soldier's food pills and the medicine to temporarily suppress the injury from his ninja bag, swallowed them together, and waited a few more seconds to make sure that the sound ninja on the wall had thrown away all the detonating talismans, and then he encouraged Pulling up chakra, the force he brought up knocked away the rock that was pressing on him, and he rushed out.

"There, not dead!"

"kill him!"

There were ruins all around, and the room was brightly lit by the fire. The sound ninjas could easily spot Yu Xiaobai who suddenly appeared in the ruins area.

"I was wrong, the pressure is very high this time..." Yu Xiaobai complained in his heart. No matter how small a Ninja Village is, it is still a Ninja Village. If it has many people and resources, it can kill you. The last time it rained in the Ninja Village, it was Pain. With instructions and recruitment, there were not so many ninjas chasing after him.

There was another overwhelming shuriken. Yu Xiaobai pressed his index and middle fingers together, bang bang bang, and split into two shadow clones. They deliberately staggered several times and rushed towards the three sides of the wall in front.

"Peng!" One of the shadow clones was directly inserted into a hedgehog by the densely packed shurikens without blind spots, and the other one was also restrained by the earth escape swamp technique that came from nowhere in a few seconds, and more than a dozen wind blades attacked. Come on, sudden, sudden, sudden, the ground was hit with rubble flying all over the sky, and the shadow clone was shot through without any doubt.

Cold sweat remained, and the shadow clone died after not holding on for a few seconds. He had only run a short distance. It seemed that he was about to leave the Sound Ninja Village. The Sound Ninjas stopped holding back at all, and their offensive level was no longer at the same level.

"Water escape, waterspout technique!"

"Fire escape, fire bullet technique!"

"Wind escape..."

At this time, thirty people with a smaller distance from behind all arrived. After standing firm, they stopped talking at all, and all kinds of powerful ninjutsu that could be used were thrown at Yu Xiaobai. Suddenly, Yu Xiaobai was surrounded by colorful ninjutsu special effects in all directions.

Using a combination of teleportation and thunder escape to stimulate the cells, Yu Xiaobai managed to avoid the ninjutsu bombing. At this time, he had almost touched the wall, and he could clearly see the murderous eyes of the sound ninja above.

Hatred came irrefutably to Yu Xiaobai. Without explanation or discussion, the ninjas fought together like this again, focusing on fighting and forming seals - who can tell in the beginning, and you can't see the future. If the sound is blocked, The pantomime was so moving and depressing, a shuriken was inserted into the body that was bleeding, the kite dropped, and Yu Xiaobai rolled several times. When he got up, there was an extra coin in his hand, and the wall was away from him. Only fifty meters left.

Electricity surges - there is a sentence in the next scene that is very appropriate. God said, let there be light.

Light can circle the earth seven and a half times in one second. A beam of light that arrived faster than anyone could react pierced the sky.

The wall melted silently, and at the same time...or rather the ninjutsu that hit earlier, the ice evaporated when it met the fire. The stars in the sky were still there, but on the ground, it seemed like a bunch of comets were launched from the earth, dragging The tail light was printed in the air.

"What is this?!" The Jonin led by Oto Nin stood stunned on the spot. It was a real meteor, with faint orange light spots still floating in the air. The trajectory was arranged diagonally through the wall. It was a real meteor. The railgun had dissipated fifty meters away, but the magnificent phenomenon made people mistakenly think that it had already flown into the deep starry sky above at that second.

At this time, all the ANBU of Konoha who had just arrived at this side of the wall were also shocked. They watched the changes in the sky for a long time. Only when the blip disappeared in a flash did someone finally react.

"That's... a ninjutsu?" an ANBU said in disbelief, and immediately refuted himself after saying the words, "impossible!"

The three captains inside remained calm. They were the first to notice a figure staggering out of the huge hole that had "melted" in the wall.

"That's Yu Xiaobai, go and pick him up!" Nanno Xiuyi said excitedly, Ishida Shengping had already rushed to Yu Xiaobai first.

The emotions in Kakashi's eyes turned. He took one last look at the sky that had completely returned to its original state, and he also started to rush towards Yu Xiaobai.

As soon as Yu Xiaobai escaped, he saw several more figures heading towards him. Despair had already risen in his heart. Chakra and physical strength were exhausted. Now any chuunin could kill him. However, when he saw the mask that the other party was wearing, he suddenly felt relieved.

"Wow, you guys are here." Yu Xiaobai said weakly, covering the wounds caused by rushing all the way. To be honest, he caused a huge commotion in the sound ninja village, and when he was surrounded by the sound ninja, he didn't give much hope to the ANBU. His colleagues will come to the rescue. No matter how loyal he is, it is impossible for just a few people to rush in and fight with him, right?

But it is enough that these people can still wait outside.

When Yu Xiaobai leaned on someone's shoulder, he handed his entire weight to the other person, and it turned out to be Kakashi. His half-broken mask finally fell to the ground without looking at the weight.

"thank you all……"

Raising a smile and saying this sincerely, Yu Xiaobai lost consciousness and passed out.

Kakashi hugged Yu Xiaobai blankly, the indifference and indifference in his eyes caught off guard by the pure joyful smile just now.

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