Please answer Naruto

Chapter 76 Famous

The newly built Ninja Village Otogakure was broken into by an unknown person, and a large amount of key information was stolen. After the Oto Ninja discovered the intruder, he started to chase him, but the masked ninja was defeated by one against a hundred, and the battle was directly destroyed. He visited half of the Sound Ninja Village, and finally walked away with a super ninja move...

When Yu Xiaobai woke up from a coma, he and his group became famous.

His injuries at the time were not too fatal, with multiple bruises, a shuriken hit on the waist, and some internal injuries caused by the constant vibration of the detonating charm. He looked scarred, but after the professional treatment of the other nine ANBU members, It won't be a big problem, it will only take a while to cultivate physical energy and chakra.

"Kakashi, where's lunch?"

In a small town in Tianzhi Country, Yu Xiaobai and his group were walking in twos and threes on the street. At noon, smoke slowly rose from many places and the aroma filled the air. Yu Xiaobai followed an ANBU and saw Kakashi and others. An ANBU came over and said with a smile.

"Go on." For some reason, the injured Yu Xiaobai was assigned to Kakashi's team. The two members of the team looked at Yu Xiaobai with strange expressions as he greeted Kakashi familiarly, but Kakashi actually followed suit. He handed a piece of food to Yu Xiaobai with a calm expression.

One day ago, four teams of Konoha Anbu left the Sound Ninja Village, which was causing a lot of commotion. At this time, a group of them all changed into ninja costumes and put away their masks, revealing their true appearance.

Of course, except for Kakashi, the mask maniac.

After they dealt with Yu Xiaobai's injuries, they decided to stay away from Sound Ninja Village, a place of right and wrong. Except for Yu Xiaobai, who was the only one who knew about it, everyone else thought that Sound Ninja Village had nothing to do with Orochimaru. The mission ended here. Before the Sound Ninja Village sent people to hunt down and take revenge, they naturally had to return home as soon as possible.

They were all good players, and several of them carried on in succession, carrying Yu Xiaobai on their backs and escaping for dozens of miles before dawn. Now that we have arrived, we can leave the country of fields tomorrow and return to the village is just around the corner.

After Yu Xiaobai woke up, he thanked these colleagues. Before setting off to the village, these people had more or less bad thoughts about him, but at the critical moment, the ninjas in the same village were still very reliable. Yu Xiaobai had no reason not to be grateful. Otherwise, with his weak state at the time, it was still a question whether he could escape from the pursuit after the Sound Ninja reacted to the power of the electromagnetic gun.

The atmosphere in the team is also more harmonious. In Yu Xiaobai's impression, the first person who supported him was Kakashi. Before the injury healed, he naturally joined Kakashi's team, although sometimes Ishida Kappei and Minamino Shuichi's eyes were a little bit It's strange, but Yu Xiaobai's trip to Sound Ninja Village met his expectations, so he was in a good mood and didn't take it seriously.

Can Ishida Kappei and Minamino Shuichi not be surprised? Kakashi was the one who very tactfully suggested giving up the rescue and evacuating immediately. Now the wounded man Yubai and Kakashi are very close to each other. It's not uncomfortable. That's weird.

However, other people will not take the time to tell the "truth" again. After all, no one is wrong, so there is no need to cause discomfort.

The four of them passed by a teahouse. The door was only half-closed. It was noisy inside. A group of people gathered around a few people and listened to something. It was like a few storytellers singing and me singing in harmony with each other, causing everyone to exclaim from time to time. Yu Xiaobai and others could hear the heated discussion clearly as they passed by. After listening to a few words, they discovered that the Sound Ninja Village had been broken into again, and the mysterious man was beating a hundred of them one by one.

Kakashi walked in front and showed no reaction. Yu Xiaobai touched his face, looked at each other with the two Anbu next to him, and smiled awkwardly. Good things are not publicized, but bad things spread thousands of miles. The fame mentioned above is that every time Yu Xiaobai and the others pass by a crowded place, they can hear some rumors about their sneaking into the Sound Ninja Village that night.

The huge movement that day could not be concealed at all. The ordinary people around, the wandering ninjas inside, the samurai... the news was passed from one to another, and in the end it became more and more outrageous. Since Yu Xiaobai attracted the most firepower, the whole thing was The protagonist became Yu Xiaobai, who was loved by everyone. And the last move of the railgun that pierced the night sky was also said to be a super ninjutsu. When people were discussing it, they wished they could add ten more S's in front of it to show that they were intruders. of Niucha.

This made Yu Xiaobai very embarrassed, and at the same time, it felt chilly behind him. The feeling of being surrounded by countless sound ninjas was still vivid in his mind. This time, the sound ninja village was in disgrace, and he was probably going to be at the top of the opponent's must-kill list. .

Fortunately, Yu Xiaobai's mask didn't fall off until the end, and the sound ninjas that continued to disperse were no threat to the experienced ANBU. As long as they kept a low profile, they could still return to the Land of Fire safely.

Regarding everything done in the Sound Ninja Village, Yu Xiaobai naturally had to modify it a little when reporting the information to the other three captains, omitting the part about Orochimaru. The reason why it was discovered was that the shadow clone was seen through, and the violent explosion pushed the Sound Ninja to That’s okay, anyway, there was no one else at the time, so I could say whatever I wanted.

As for the final railgun... Yu Xiaobai couldn't hide or deceive him. After all, he was almost separated from the ANBU by a wall. He could only say that it was a thunder escape ninjutsu developed by himself. It was very powerful and very expensive. big. Ishida Shenghei and the others became stunned after hearing this. They developed their own thunder escape? The power is indeed quite powerful... A beam of light shooting straight into the starry sky flashed in his mind, and everyone felt scared. The captains of the dark department would also compare themselves with each other. When Yu Xiaobai said that the cost was huge, his face became slightly better. Sure enough, there was There are gains and losses... everyone still has something to fight for.

It will be some time before everyone returns to the village. A brief report on this mission has been sent to Konoha Village in advance. Yu Xiaobai's "semi-unknown" performance in Sound Ninja Village will also be reported to Konoha truthfully. of high-rise.

To fight one against a hundred is a bit exaggerated, but to be able to fight back and forth against the strength of a small ninja village and still escape is also an astonishing fact.

This will inevitably attract the attention of many people, and Yu Xiaobai is also prepared for this. The display of strength also increases one's own weight.

"Speaking of which, I wonder how Sasuke's tree-climbing practice went?" While eating, Yu Xiaobai looked up at the sky, and his thoughts began to wander to Konoha Village.


Several people walked outside the town, Kakashi walked in front silently. Yu Xiaobai suddenly slapped Kakashi on the shoulder, causing him to tremble and his aloofness disappeared.

"Kakashi, is there anyone you care about when you return to the village?" Yu Xiaobai asked. He now has a very good impression of Kakashi. After all, he was the first to support the injured him.

Kakashi looked at Yu Xiaobai with empty eyes, glanced at the hand on his shoulder with concern, and said lightly: "No."

"Wow, so miserable?"

Yu Xiaobai smiled dryly and patted the other party again, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Kakashi, you will be there in the future."

"..." Kakashi looked at Yu Xiaobai's younger face, with no expression visible under the mask.

"Call me senior."

Some people are talking about the protagonist's combat effectiveness. Let me say a few words here.

The detonating talisman exploded next to me. I don’t know why it’s okay... The master in Naruto stabbed me with a knife. Didn’t he bleed? Then why did the detonating talisman explode next to me? There were no protective measures and there was a reason why he wouldn’t be injured. Or is it reasonable to say that nothing will happen if you are rolled around twice and covered in dust?

When being chased by the Sound Ninja, the protagonist can kill everyone by rushing into the crowd, but can he kill all the Sound Ninja Village? There was no reason to fight, so just run.

If you really put it into perspective, shurikens, detonating charms, and ninjutsu are coming from all directions, not in one wave, but continuously, and if you fall into this rhythm, please tell me how to pretend to be calm and calm without special means.

What is a Kage level and what is a Jonin. In my impression, there are many masters who can defeat a group of players by one person, but there are prerequisites for that.

Watching anime, the strength of each character, whether Kage level or Jounin, fluctuates up and down. Sometimes it feels like they are easy to kill, but why are they always stained? With all due respect, the original Naruto novel is so long, and the combat power system does not have a very rigorous feel. To make concessions for the plot, there is no way to fix the leaks in the front room and patch up the holes in the back...

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