Please answer Naruto

Chapter 77 Results

The weather is still hot, but the chirping of the cicadas has disappeared. As autumn begins, people will occasionally feel a bit of coolness. But when the white clouds drift away and the sunshine from the clear sky shines on the earth, heat will accumulate in the air again.

The sun had been shining on my head for half the afternoon, and the sweat dripped from my cheeks and disappeared into the grass.

"Ha ha……"

In the Uchiha mansion, a boy wearing a short-sleeved shirt with a fan clan emblem was practicing.

With wet hair sticking to his forehead, Sasuke looked up at the tall oak tree directly in front of him. This was the same height as the tree Yu Xiaobai climbed when he showed him how to climb it.

Covered by green shade, the hot wind shook the leaves on the ground. Sasuke took a few deep breaths and stretched his body a few times - his hands and feet were covered with plasters, and white bandages were scattered around the injured areas. There are also a few bruises on her childish and delicate face. He retreated outside the green shade, which was about ten meters away from the main trunk of the tree. The exposed skin climbed onto the golden tentacles. The corners of Sasuke's mouth twitched unconsciously. The suffocating heat under the bandage felt like the wound was about to burn.

Gathering up the little chakra he had left, he rushed toward the tall oak tree, a process he had repeated countless times in the past few days.

The man's easy step up flashed in his mind. His eyes were lowered as he ran, and when the cracked black and gray bark was clearly visible, Sasuke jumped up and stepped on the trunk of the tree. Chakra adhered smoothly to the soles of his feet, and reliable stickiness came from him. His vision was reversed, and Sasuke looked at the tree trunks that turned into roads in front of him, briefly but not simply - he had fallen down countless times, and what Teacher Yu Bai said back then was not a joke.

After just a pause to adapt to this state, Sasuke suddenly increased his speed. His feet were staggering on the tree trunk like stepping on a tightrope. He suddenly passed the height he climbed on the first day. Dark light shone through the gaps between the dense branches and leaves, steadily. Holding his breath, he held the kunai in his hand, ready to carve the "score".

The continuous practice was not in vain, and there was no imbalance. In the next second, he surpassed the best height achieved yesterday. From left to right, he began to see slender branches growing under the green shade, criss-crossing each other, and a half-yellow leaf happened to touch his hair. The touch made Sasuke nervous.

"Can we get to the top this time?"

This thought couldn't help but couldn't be suppressed. Sasuke tried hard to calm down, but he still had trouble with his steps. He couldn't see the ground around him, and a height of almost twenty meters was floating in the air like rootless duckweed... The bark of the tree was trampled off, and Sasuke secretly thought that it was terrible. The familiar feeling of being out of control came over his whole body. Gravity pulled him down. Sasuke held his breath. At the last moment, he stretched out his hand with all his strength, regardless of the fact that his body completely entered a place that was beyond the control of strangers. The kunai in his hand could row higher, and in the end he used all his strength on the kunai.

"Prick." The sound of the bark being cut, the heat and pain all over his body seemed to have disappeared, and the clear flow from his heart made him forget about the discomfort, and he scratched the mark to the highest level.

However, the joy of celebration was too late to last, and Sasuke's expression changed due to the sudden fall caused by a sudden change. In order not to miss this opportunity, he was eager to achieve the best result, which made his body unable to use any strength. He couldn't reach the branches or even touch the trunk. The speed of falling immediately reached a very dangerous place. "It's over."

Neither borrowing force nor landing buffering protection worked, and he was completely in an embarrassing situation. The ground was soft grass, but he fell from nearly five floors... Sasuke gritted his teeth and concentrated his chakra desperately, preparing to face this unknown impact. .

A figure suddenly rushed out from one side, and his hands caught his out-of-control body. He leaned firmly against a soft and reliable place, and the huge potential energy was eliminated without leaving a trace.

The regret that might have caused him to be disabled was saved by someone in time... Sasuke looked at the person who caught him in surprise. The familiar face made him surprised and said: "Teacher Yubai?!"

"You committed suicide." Yu Xiaobai said angrily with a sullen face. After landing, he threw Sasuke away unceremoniously, "At least he jumped off a building. If you jump off a tree, you still know how to play."

It was really dangerous just now. An eight-year-old child fell from such a high place. Yu Xiaobaiguang was very frightened at a glance. If he hadn't just returned to the village with the idea of ​​​​taking a look at Sasuke, something would have happened.

"I'm sorry, teacher..." Sasuke was thrown to the ground and pressed against his wound. He grimaced in pain. Yu Xiaobai's tone was very bad when they first came back, but he had no reason to refute. He was really too impatient just now. After getting up, He lowered his head and quickly admitted his mistake.

"Wow, I told you that climbing trees is very dangerous and you will fall. You should be careful. Are you still doing it like this? Do you have such practice? If you fall and become permanently disabled, how can I and your brother..." Yu Xiaobai waved Showing the dignity of the teacher, he said a lot of words without politeness, but stopped mid-sentence.

Sasuke lowered his head to accept the criticism attentively, just like a student receiving a lecture from the homeroom teacher. He is accustomed to only listening briefly. When he saw Yu Xiaobai suddenly stopped talking, he raised his head carefully.

Yu Xiaobai almost said something he shouldn't have said, and was secretly relieved to see that there was only doubt in Sasuke's eyes.

"Forget careful next time." Looking down, Yu Xiaobai saw the bruises on Sasuke's face, and the large and small wounds on his body were also reflected in his eyes.

"How young are you? Just take your time with the training." Yu Xiaobai sighed inwardly and softened his tone. After all, nothing happened.

Sasuke nodded, Yu Xiaobai said nothing. At this time, teachers and students without formal teacher-student certificates had met for a long time. They should say something. Sasuke opened his mouth, but the words he thought he could say could not be said at this time. He slowly said, "Teacher, welcome return."

Yu Xiaobai's eyes were empty, he glanced at Sasuke's rosy face due to a lot of exercise, and coughed.

In order to avoid possible misunderstandings among fans of the original work in the future, Yu Xiaobai turned sideways and looked at the big tree used by Sasuke for practice with a straight face.

One by one, there are dense carvings, and the bark is opened to reveal the white tree flesh, like steps, implying the progress of the owner. The entire main line is full of traces of engraving, with certain clear boundaries between dense and sparse passages. Just looking at these can make people faintly feel the belief of being trapped in suffering and breaking through countless times.

The last high mark fell in Yu Xiaobai's eyes.

Sasuke stood behind, quietly watching Yu Xiaobai look up at his "report card".

Touching his face, Yu Xiaobai exhaled. He had no choice but to turn around and show a smile to Uchiha Sasuke like this.

"Well done."

Thanks to Shuangwei, the magic on the tip of the pen, and book friend 1604262112**** for the reward~

Special thanks to the boss Shuangwei. It seems that I have been giving rewards continuously for a long time. Thank you.

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