Please answer Naruto

Chapter 80 The Art of Phantom Body

"If I quit then, that guy Aokawa Takeshi will definitely go crazy." There was some noise in the room behind him. Sasuke should have taken a shower and changed clothes soon.

Yu Xiaobai thought that Anbu's resignation was not about quitting just because he wanted to. The procedure would be different from that of ordinary ninjas. Although the ANBU under the third generation of power have different roots from Danzo, they wear masks during combat and live normal lives. The restrictions and supervision on their members are not that great. Many ANBU proposed to withdraw due to psychological reasons and other factors. After confirmation, they signed a confidentiality agreement. They all went back to their hometowns. But the captain of the dark department like Yu Xiaobai is different. He is considered a very core member of the organization, and it will definitely be a bit troublesome to resign.

Either it's like Hinata Aida, who retires at the end of his term; or like when Kakashi left ANBU, a senior figure like the Third Hokage came forward to guarantee it.

"Teacher Yu Bai..."

Hearing Sasuke's voice, Yu Xiaobai turned his head. The other party was already fully dressed, with some watery hair and blue and white short sleeves with the clan emblem printed on them.

"Oh, okay." Yu Xiaobai stood up. He was also wearing a set of casual clothes. The combat uniforms had been changed out of Tian Zhiguo due to concealment needs. "Then let's go and eat barbecue."


"Hey, I haven't had barbecue for a long time. The one on Xiqing Road. Sasuke, do you like spicy food..."

Sasuke followed Yu Xiaobai's tall back, listening to the words of a voice that seemed to be a few years younger than him. Since they met, the scars in his heart caused by the death of his relatives and the cruelty of his brothers seemed to have become less painful.

There is a barbecue restaurant with a good reputation on Xiqing Road. Yu Xiaobai has accumulated a lot of money over the years. He ordered dozens of barbecues without being stingy, and finally stopped eating until both of them couldn't finish it.

During a fulfilling dinner, the boss who kept coming to deliver barbecues couldn't help but take a few more glances at the combination of Yu Xiaobai and Sasuke. After all, it was common knowledge in the village that there was only one orphan left in the Uchiha family.

Sasuke felt sensitively the occasional glances from passers-by, but Yu Xiaobai, who was sitting opposite, didn't pay attention at all. He would eat and drink when he should, and he would yell when he felt like it. Such behavior gradually made Sasuke let go.

After chatting about home affairs, little Sasuke, who was still wearing a lot of plasters, asked about the teaching content after climbing the tree.

"Practice your size. Let's heal your injuries first!" Yu Xiaobai immediately gave the child a chestnut after hearing this. "There is no need to practice any more during this period. You will rest after school."

Sasuke has a strong competitive spirit. After Yu Xiaobai saw the big tree with kunai scratches on it, he knew how Sasuke had been practicing during this period. Being able to climb to the highest level in a week not only shows the opponent's extremely strong talent, but also the intensity of training in order to climb a tree is very unscientific.

Eight years old is really not suitable for doing this. The healthy growth of the body is the most important, so Yu Xiaobai told Sasuke not to think too much and recover from the injury first. In addition, climbing trees and treading water is nothing more than exercising the subtle control of chakra, which is closely related to the chakra used all the time in ninja battles. I believe Sasuke's strength will be greatly enhanced. Greed is not enough and the snake swallows the elephant. At present, just climbing trees can help me to consolidate.

After eating, Sasuke didn't get any other tips and was told that he no longer needed to come to Yu Xiaobai's house. He felt a little depressed and went back with a cool face. Yu Xiaobai also returned home.

After cleaning up as usual and practicing the excellent values ​​of the three good ninjas in the new era, Yu Xiaobai took a shower and studied Orochimaru's forbidden techniques in the room.

Copy the Psychic Rashomon, the Five Elements Seal, and the Double Illusion Killing Technique separately, and write them into a blank scroll and keep them. Then Yu Xiaobai began to read the contents of Orochimaru's scroll carefully. Although he could not use anything, the handwritten notes of one of the three ninjas of the generation and a master of ninjutsu were still very valuable for learning.

There were sounds of frogs in the yard, and it was quickly approaching early morning. Yu Xiaobai stretched out and got out of the messy scroll.

"As expected of Uncle Snake who is a pervert, a scientist, and a human trafficker all in one..." Yu Xiaobai complained. There was a lot of insights in the scroll, and he was already late at night without realizing it as soon as he read it.

After exhaling, Yu Xiaobai released a little bit of chakra that changed in nature and burned all the scrolls he had read.

After doing this, fatigue came over him. Yu Xiaobai, who had planned to watch the Forbidden Technique again, gave up and went to bed first. However, at this moment, the "empty Chen" ring placed on the table flashed. .

"Huh?" Yu Xiaobai was stunned for a moment and took a few steps closer. He saw that the ring was indeed flickering slightly. He was right.

Thinking of something, Yu Xiaobai picked up the ordinary ring and said to himself: "Contact me so soon? The incident in Sound Ninja Village has not been long ago, are they so sure that I can get it?"

The moment he put it on, the feeling of the space ninjutsu continuing to work was even stronger. Yu Xiaobai sat down and took a deep breath, without too much hesitation, and immersed himself in it.

The art of magic lantern body.

(Members of "Akatsuki" sit and emit "waves of thoughts" converted with chakra, and Payne, as the commander, receives these waves, amplifies these waves of thoughts and then displays the illusion in a specific place.)

Yu Xiaobai's consciousness suddenly traveled back and forth, and mountains, rivers, and rivers seemed to have crossed countless distances at once. When he could feel it again at the next moment, the scene in front of him had completely changed.

Samsara Eye blood succession limit, space ninjutsu... Yu Xiaobai had to sigh at the power of this cheating thing - he was in darkness, the location seemed to be inside the hollow of a huge mountain, deep and quiet, with ten stone pillars in the shape of The circle stood out abruptly.

He lowered his head and looked at himself. He had the same physique, and his hands and feet were present. However, his whole body was as illusory as a solid shadow, with a slight flowing color. If there was a mirror, he could see that his eyes were extremely bright.

"Sure enough, you got it from Orochimaru, Yu Bai." A very familiar voice came from the left. Yu Xiaobai looked over calmly. There were two identical magic lantern bodies standing on the stone pillars. Above, there are red clouds on a black background. The speaker is Obito. His face is covered with a whirlpool mask and is instantly recognizable.

Facing Obito's words, Yu Xiaobai just nodded, and then focused more on the other slide. The other person stood at the top of the stone pillar with a cold face. The most strange and magical thing was the other person's eyes. , spreading in ripples in circles, more conspicuous under the slide where only the face is relatively clear.

Samsara Eye, the apparent leader of the Akatsuki organization, Payne.

It seems that he got the ring and the leader of the organization officially meets the new members and bids farewell to the mountain.

"This is the leader of the organization, codenamed 'Zero'." Obito saw that Yu Xiaobai didn't pay attention to him, so he wasn't angry and followed the introduction.

"Hello." Yu Xiaobai said to Payne, the man who stirred up the turmoil in the ninja world.

Pain nodded slowly, his samsara eyes looking at all things without any emotion, "He performed well in the Sound Ninja Village."

"Haha, just so-so..."

"This kind of gathering for a meeting is quite strange." Yu Xiaobai made a gesture and curiously touched his slide body. After a while, he looked at the two people who didn't speak and said directly, "Then why did you call me here?"

Thanks to the unique official Gui, the emperor-level bookworm, drinking and having fun, and the Ten Nights Emperor for the reward~

There will be another chapter later

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