Please answer Naruto

Chapter 81 Three Generations

The whistling wind blew leisurely through the sleeping Konoha. Except for the ninjas on duty who guarded their homes conscientiously, most people had already rested. The dark clouds gathered and drifted away, and the moon sank a little. In the house in a corner of the village, Yu Xiaobai opened his eyes.

"I communicated with the big shots again." Yu Xiaobai sighed, and his consciousness was communicated on the other side for a long time. Payne called him this time. In addition to paying homage to the mountain to express his formal acceptance and welcome you to become a member of Akatsuki, he also issued new instructions.

It was quiet everywhere. Yu Xiaobai lay on the bed and thought about life for a while, then fell asleep.

the next day.

Not long after Yu Xiaobai woke up, and just after breakfast, a ninja came to visit.

It was the Anbu who sent the message. Qingchuan Takeshi wanted to see him. Yu Xiaobai was not surprised. Yesterday when he reported on the mission, a bunch of people gathered together. After that, he let them rest early to show his compassion. It is very possible to have a private conversation later. .

After following the people to the ANBU base, Yu Xiaobai walked straight to the innermost office.

Along the way, I saw many colleagues who greeted him with smiles. Many people looked at him with a hint of admiration in their eyes. Maybe his deeds had been publicized by the ANBU who were traveling with him when they were bragging. Unexpectedly, after walking for a while, he happened to see Kakashi. When he was about to go out, Yu Xiaobai took the lead in raising his hand.

"Hey, Kakashi." Yu Xiaobai showed a sunny smile, "Where are you going?"

"Call senior." Kakashi looked at him calmly and said.

"..." Yu Xiaobai's bright smile suddenly froze, and the corners of his mouth moved, "Okay, senior..."

No matter what, he is only a few years older than me. I should have known better than to pretend to be so familiar with you!

"I don't have anything to do today. I'll report here and then go back." Kakashi heard Yu Xiaobai say senior, his tone became a little more comfortable, and then he answered the question.

"Oh, that's it. Qingchuan Wu came to see me for something, and I was called here..." Yu Xiaobai's voice became neither salty nor bland, and completely lost the vigor at the beginning. Before, whether it was Itachi, Sasuke, or other ordinary people, Colleagues, they are all older than each other, and their positions are higher even though they are not older. Now I meet Kakashi. He has been hearing others call him senpai, and now it is his turn to call others, which is really a bit uncomfortable.

Kakashi nodded his head to indicate that he understood. He passed by Yu Xiaobai as usual. Suddenly something occurred to him and he turned around and said, "By the way... how was the meal at the party after the mission yesterday?"

"Ah?" Yu Xiaobai scratched his head and suddenly remembered that when the reporting mission was over, Ishida Shenghei suggested that everyone have a meal together. The ninja profession is unpredictable, and the team will get together after completing a hard mission, both to celebrate and relax. , the others had no objections, but Kakashi coldly proposed that he would not participate.

After Kakashi left, Yu Xiaobai was also very embarrassed. He was in a small team, and everyone would just talk and chat while eating and drinking. He was not very familiar with it, so it would be very painful to eat alone next to him. This kind of This situation had happened before, so Yu Xiaobai thought about it, declined it politely, and then went straight to the Uchiha mansion.

"Kakashi...senior." Yu Xiaobai continued to call senior uncomfortably, "I didn't attend the party, so I don't know very well."

Kakashi was stunned for a moment and nodded subconsciously, "That's it."

Yu Xiaobai was thinking about how to stop calling each other senior, and Sasuke would call him teacher now. In the future, when these new Konoha youngsters graduate and Class 7 is established, Kakashi becomes Sasuke's teacher again. In this way, the two As a teacher, I have to call others "senpai". This is too shameless. I am obviously the one who came first but become very low. This is absolutely unacceptable.

"It seems that it is urgent to quit the ANBU." Yu Xiaobai nodded deeply to himself, thinking aloud in his heart, and quickly waved goodbye to Kakashi to avoid having to say a few more words about his seniors.

After turning twice and taking a few steps, he arrived at Qingchuan Wu's office. He knocked on the door and heard a calm "come in" voice, then he pushed the door open and went in.

"Captain Qingchuan, what do you want from me... uh." Because he was already familiar with him, Yu Xiaobai asked without any scruples as soon as he came in, but he stopped mid-sentence.

There was another person sitting behind the original desk, and Takeshi Qingchuan was standing next to him.

"Hello, Third Hokage..." Surprise flashed through his heart, Yu Xiaobai immediately calmed down, bowed and said seriously, "I didn't expect you to come."

While bowing, Yu Xiaobai's mind was spinning and his body was quietly on guard.

When he first found Orochimaru, he had nothing to hide his identity due to time constraints. He took the ring and the scroll. Orochimaru was annoyed and secretly informed Konoha of his suspicious identity in Akatsuki. This possibility Sex is not absent.

"No, it can't be Orochimaru." Yu Xiaobai overturned the guess in his heart. Orochimaru is a person with a very far-sighted vision. If he gets out of his anger that he is an Akatsuki spy in Konoha, then he himself will be in trouble. The layout of the Sound Ninja Village was also exposed in disguise. There is no benefit to either side, and Orochimaru will definitely be reluctant to part with the resources in the Sound Ninja Village.

Moreover, before Orochimaru rebelled against the village, he was very close to Danzo. One provided the environment and human body, and the other shared the experimental results that Danzo wanted. He should have told Danzo so that the benefits could be maximized.

After thinking about this, Yu Xiaobai slowly relaxed and looked straight at the sudden appearance of Sarutobi Hiruzen. He must not have happened to be a guest when Qingchuan Wu called him. Let's see what happened.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is now in his sixties, which is quite a young age among ninjas, especially since Sarutobi grew up since the establishment of Konoha Village. Under the "Fire" cloak, the face is wrinkled and the skin is lifeless, but the figure is still upright and the eyes are vicissitudes of life. He was nine years old when Konoha was founded. During the three great ninja wars, he can be said to have witnessed Konoha's development. A few people who thrive and change.

The shadow of Shinobu still remained, but his eyes were no longer so sharp and powerful. Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Yu Xiaobai, whose face was still as young as eighteen years old, shook his pipe, and sighed: "The name of the court is Yu Bai, the sound is I understand the mission of Ninja Village to investigate Orochimaru, he is really a young genius, unlike us old people, your generation will be the mainstay of Konoha Village."

Sarutobi was full of praises as soon as he came up. Yu Xiaobai did not dare to be careless and said modestly: "Nothing, I have a lot to learn. Lord Hokage is also at the peak of spring and autumn, and Konoha Village will naturally continue to be strong. .”

No matter how many times he hears good words, he still likes to hear them. Sarutobi looked at Yu Xiaobai with more kindness. He turned his head and signaled to Qingchuan Wu.

Taking a step forward, Qingchuan Takeshi said: "Yu Bai, I heard about your performance in the mission this time. Your strength has surpassed that of ordinary jounin and even most of the ANBU. So the Hokage came here to see how outstanding you are." Ninja."

"..." The praises came one after another. A mediocre student like Yu Xiaobai, who had not had very good grades since childhood and had never been praised by his class teacher for being first or second in grade, was a little unbearable.

"It's understandable to win over each other. Anbu is originally from the Sarutobi family. But isn't it a bit exaggerated to say so..." Yu Xiaobai complained.

Thanks ~Toulang~ for the reward

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