Please answer Naruto

Chapter 82 The Book of Sealing

In the office, intermittent words kept happening, and it turned out to be a wave of attraction that would make even the most indifferent person who was indifferent to fame and fortune have a rosy face and a warm heart. Sarutobi and Aokawa Takeshi had obviously agreed in advance to talk to Yu Xiaobai. With tacit cooperation, praise inside and outside, salary increase and promotion, description of prospects, a beautiful picture of marrying Bai Fumei and reaching the pinnacle of life unfolded. Sarutobi's increasingly kind words also made Yu Xiaobai extremely uncomfortable.

With such an honor, Yu Xiaobai certainly had to be humble, but he couldn't stand Sarutobi's ingenious language skills, and in the end he didn't even bother to refute.

Sarutobi mentioned the "root" with a smile. Yu Xiaobai perked up and immediately expressed his disdain and resistance to this kind of extremism and department. He was not at odds with the root in the first place, so he naturally refused to criticize the root at this time. spare energy. But I don’t know why recently, Gen has not taken any action against him. Is Danzo thinking of some bad ideas or does he simply despise him? Yu Xiaobai is more inclined to the latter.

He also vowed to express his loyalty to Anbu and Konoha. Sarutobi and Aokawa Takesai gradually became normal. Yu Xiaobai's statement was very important. The combat power of Kage level or close to Kage level was a stroke of luck. With a huge chip, they have laid down a stone.

Unfortunately, what Sarutobi and Aokawa Takeshi don't know is that Yu Xiaobai, the "mainstay of Konoha in the future" in their hearts, has already made ulterior deals with their biggest enemy in the future. The various promises Sarutobi hinted at in the past Yu Xiaobai would be very moved after hearing this and live peacefully in this world... But now he doesn't care at all.

"By the way Yu Bai, does the technique mentioned in the mission that destroyed the wall of the Sound Ninja Village have a name?" Seeing that it was almost done, Qingchuan Wu changed the subject.

Yu Xiaobai hesitated for a moment, then said: "Yes, it's called the electromagnetic gun."

Yu Xiaobai has considered the problem of the electromagnetic gun being reflected in reality. There's no point in changing his name. He originally borrowed his tricks from the anime "A Certain Scientific Railgun", and his movements are the same. If he were drawn into a comic, anyone with a discerning eye would be able to spot it right away.

Yu Xiaobai, who has experienced all the way, is not a passive person. When he thought that the same orange comet light would be emitted from his hand, he was thinking, what should you do when the serialization reaches this point... Comic author?

Will it be reflected truthfully, or will it be tampered with? When reality and comics begin to conflict, clues to the truth may be revealed.

It’s a counterattack against the unknown. Bite me if you can.

"Oh... this name is a bit strange." Qingchuan Wu held it in for a few seconds and commented.

Yu Xiaobai scratched his head. It was difficult to say anything. It did feel wrong to apply the tricks from another work to a different world view.

"According to the description, this should be an S-level or above thunder escape ninjutsu, right?" Sarutobi said. Seeing Yu Xiaobai nod, he stroked his pipe and said with a smile, "I remember you created it many years ago, Yu Bai The powerful single-target lightning escape ninjutsu 'Chidori' was released..."

"Ordinary ninjas may not be able to develop practical and effective ninjutsu in their lifetime. Yu Bai, you have actually created two. You are truly talented." Sarutobi said leisurely. He looked at Yu Xiaobai, considered for a few seconds, and said, "Actually, Someone in the village came to talk to you, Yu Bai, and wanted to write your skills into the 'Book of Sealings' and pass them on as a valuable asset to the village."

Yu Xiaobai's expression turned serious. Hearing what Sandai meant, did he want him to hand over the electromagnetic gun to the village?

"But you seemed to have used the excuse that 'Kakashi of the Hatake family can also perform similar ninjutsu' as an excuse." Sarutobi's calm tone did not change, and he spoke so that everyone should not be nervous, "Hey... Although it’s not good to mention it, the village really needs to be enriched with powerful ninjutsu so that Konoha can always stand in the ninja world..."

Sarutobi spoke a lot of truth, and his tone and look were very sincere. Konoha's top management had different methods, but they all really did it for Konoha. Moreover, Sarutobi could be said to be the gentlest among the top management.

There was a long line of compliments to win over, and the atmosphere was very friendly. Sarutobi took this opportunity to express his purpose: "I hope Yubai can provide the technique to the village. We promise not to leak it. In addition, it will be used as a reward." ...Yu Bai, you can also browse the sealing techniques."

Sarutobi's promise that he could finally watch the sealing technique made Yu Xiaobai's face feel a little better, but only a little better.

The atmosphere in the office suddenly became quiet, and the familiar conversation seemed to be starting to fall into a trough. Qingchuan Wu felt Yu Xiaobai's faint resistance and was a little anxious. A shadow from a Ninja Village could persuade you with good words, and there would be corresponding rewards. If it were another Ninja Village, it would not be impossible for him to overbear you directly. Who said you don't have a big family background behind you...

Qingchuan Wu felt in his heart that Yu Xiaobai had no reason to refuse, and it was just a little bit, so he just had to overcome it. He worshiped the mountain with the third generation. In addition, he also trusted Yu Xiaobai. In a few years, it would be difficult to say who the next head of ANBU would be. Yu Xiaobai is confused.

Yu Xiaobai would definitely be embarrassed if he listened to Qingchuan Takeshi's monologue. He seemed to have worshiped two mountains in a short time... Besides, he really has no interest in the head of the ANBU...

Sarutobi was not in a hurry and waited quietly for Yu Xiaobai's reply. On the contrary, when Qingchuan Takeru reminded him, Sarutobi stopped him, "Let Yu Bai decide on his own. This is his own technique. It is his freedom whether to give it to the village or not."

Yu Xiaobai glanced at Sarutobi, who was very firm in what he said, but the other person, Men Yan Koharu Danzo, still had reservations about Sarutobi's tough political attitude.

"Let's do this." Yu Xiaobai said, "Chidori, I can write down my experience on using Thunder Release, but as for the electromagnetic gun... please forgive me, Lord Hokage. I wonder if we can talk about it later?"

Aokawa Takeshi glanced at Sarutobi, who looked calm after hearing this. Sarutobi said: "That's fine... I'll send someone to take you to the Hokage's office building on the specific day. After that, you can browse the contents of the sealing technique at will."

Sarutobi agreed. Qingchuan Wu was speechless.

Yu Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the third generation still had character. A single ninja has to serve politics. If he is forced to do so, he will definitely act like a brother and cut corners.

Seeing that everything they wanted to talk about this time was almost covered, Sarutobi and Takeshi Aokawa were ready to conclude and leave.

Yu Xiaobai scratched his head and spoke first.

"Um, Captain Qingchuan... Actually, I came here to talk about something."

"What?" Qingchuan Wu asked casually.

"I want to quit ANBU."


Thanks to AN232323, Yizhenyifandream for the reward~

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