Please answer Naruto

Chapter 83 Resignation

As if something had stopped the time in the office, Sarutobi and Takeshi Aokawa looked at each other, startled by Yu Xiaobai's sudden words.

The scars on Qingchuan Wu's face trembled. Just now, he was thinking about Yu Xiaobai taking over as the head of the ANBU. He heard the news not long after.

"Yu Bai...what did you say?"

Yu Xiaobai calmly met the eyes of Takeshi Aokawa and Sarutobi. He knew that some people would be surprised, "Captain Qingchuan, I said I wanted to quit ANBU, but I just quit."

"Why?" Qingchuan Wu came back to his senses and asked in confusion, "Aren't you young and energetic? You are the perfect age for a ninja."

"If there is a reason..." Yu Xiaobai avoided Qingchuan Takeshi's eyes a little. In the past two years, he could see that the other party was slowly paying attention to him. After losing Itachi, the best ANBU subordinate in his mind, he hid his disappointment and cheered up. Konoha is working, and there are many such cute and simple people among ninjas. As Sarutobi said during the collapse of Konoha, "ninjas exert their truly powerful power to protect something." Protect Konoha and keep your family safe. , is what many ninjas think. Too bad he wasn't.

Sighing, Yu Xiaobai said what he had thought of. It was actually very simple, "I have been an ANBU for several years. I feel tired and want to take a rest."

I'm tired, I want to be quiet. This simple reason why the company will not approve leave requests sounds very unconvincing.

And for this reason, Qingchuan Wu suppressed all the dissatisfaction on his face after hearing this.

After he hesitated to speak, Qingchuan Wu automatically thought that Yu Xiaobai, who had been working silently for several years, added countless scenes, and said for a long time: "That's it..."

Yes, there are not a few ANBU people who have this "I want to be quiet" problem, but most of them are discovered during psychological examinations by department leaders, or people with eyesight can tell that the situation is not right for a long time and exit the ANBU tactfully.

Sarutobi's expression also softened. He had just asked Yu Xiaobai to hand over his self-created technique to the village, but the next moment he said that he would not do it under your name. It was easy to think that you were unhappy and deliberately provoked trouble. , but looking at the situation now, it is already this tendency.

Seeing that Qingchuan Takeshi was in a state of reluctance and understanding, Yu Xiaobai continued to be cruel and said to Sarutobi on the side: "It happens that the Hokage is here today, I hope you can approve it."

The changes in ANBU personnel will eventually be reviewed by the Hokage. After Yu Xiaobai finished speaking, he had to show a bit of vicissitudes of life, and he was really nervous inside.

I will quit ANBU sooner or later, for the reason I mentioned before. As for speaking out today, I saw Sarutobi coming. If the Hokage approves, then the matter is settled.

Now, there are still three years before Naruto and the others graduate, and the back and forth time travel will officially start.

Last night, he was called over by Pain using the magic lantern body technique. After the polite chat ended, he entered the topic. The new task he was assigned suddenly turned out to be leaving Konoha and joining the organization's official tasks.

Working as an undercover agent in Konoha and sending out some innocuous information is of little importance to Akatsuki at the moment, and now that Yu Xiaobai's various probation periods have ended, Pain is the prerequisite for the great plan of illusory peace - collecting money. , the task of obtaining a large amount of funds was also handed over to Yu Xiaobai.

Yu Xiaobai had to accept it, but after thinking about it, Yu Xiaobai felt that he had to leave Konoha in the first place if he wanted to improve his strength without attracting attention. Sitting there and waiting for Konoha's 60th year to arrive was something Yu Xiaobai couldn't accept.

He set out within a month without specifying the specific form. After thinking about it, Yu Xiaobai realized that there was no need to publicize his rebellion and leave in a big way... wouldn't that be sick?

The forbidden techniques in Orochimaru's scrolls need to be mastered in a secretive way, and the efficiency is definitely low if you are always worried about being discovered. There is also the unexpected idea of ​​a railgun that replaces coins with shurikens...

All of this takes time, and cannot be noticed by Konoha. Resigning from the ANBU and leaving the village is a choice that must be made.

The atmosphere calmed down, Yu Xiaobai asked Sarutobi, and Aokawa Takeshi also looked at Lord Hokage.

Sarutobi took a drag on his pipe, puffed out white circles under his eyes, and tapped his fingers rhythmically on the desk. For half a minute, Sarutobi raised his head and looked at Yu Xiaobai and said, "I didn't expect you, Yu Bai, to be here in the past few years. When working in ANBU, we don’t show much on the surface, but we are under such pressure on the inside... It’s our negligence in high positions.”

"Lord Hokage..." Takeshi Qingchuan wanted to say something. If Yu Xiaobai was "tired of killing", he would be the one directly responsible.

Sarutobi smiled and waved his hand, indicating that it was okay, and continued: "Normally the ninjas of Konoha protect Konoha. At this time, Konoha has no reason to ignore the feelings of the ninjas."

"Chaoming Yubai, I approve your request. However, when your vacation ends one day and the flames of fighting are rekindled, the ANBU door will be open for you at any time..."

Yu Xiaobai stopped listening to Sarutobi's nice words later and returned to ANBU to continue working... probably not that day. At the same time, he was also glad that it was Anbu who joined at the beginning, not Gen, otherwise even if he really had a mental illness, Danzo would not let him go.

There was no more trouble after that. The three of them had a friendly and happy conversation. Sarutobi withdrew first, and Yu Xiaobai also withdrew after being taught by Qingchuan Wu Xunxun.

Before leaving the ANBU base, he handed over the ANBU captain's credentials, mask, and costume. He also had a set at home, which he kept as a souvenir.

After all, it is an item that contains some meaning. It is heavy in his hand. Under this clothes, he knows many people and kills many people. In the past three years, he has completed tasks for Konoha that he can't even remember, going through life and death. , not to mention.

He handed it to the silent Empress Qingchuan and walked out resolutely.

Three days later, people from the Hokage's office building came.

It was about the Sealed Book. Yu Xiaobai had already prepared it. He gathered his mood and followed people to the Hokage's office building.

Sarutobi came to the scene in person and went through several tedious steps with him. There were a lot of ANBU guards along the way. I really don't know how Naruto stole the Sealed Book a few years later.

Arriving at the secret room where the sealed book was hidden, the rest of the crowd retreated, leaving only Sarutobi and a few others present. Looking at the oversized stack of thick scrolls covered with runes and spells just like the original work, Yu Xiaobai also felt excited in his heart.

Sarutobi and several older ninjas looked at each other seriously, their hands glowed with chakra, and they began to lift the restrictions of the sealed book.

Thanks to a very beautiful and lovely book friend for the tip~

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