Please answer Naruto

Chapter 86 Flying Thunder God (4,000 words)

The last drop of wax rolled away and melted into the half-condensed waste wax on the candle holder. The flames were beating unsteadily, and the light was getting darker. Yu Xiaobai raised his head belatedly, and glanced at the weak candle half-consciously while still immersed in thinking.

No matter how gentle the air flow was, it affected the last moment. "Whoops", the flame burned out.

Yu Xiaobai frowned and looked at the sealed book in his hand. The scattered scrolls covered most of the table.

"Click", the door opened on time, and the four elders from before filed in. Without wasting a moment, they put away the candlesticks and the sealed book, without any intention of being polite to Yu Xiaobai, "It's time."

Yu Xiaobai, whose mind was a little heavy after looking at it for a long time, calmed down, took a breath, and stood up.

Hokage's office.

"Hokage-sama, this is over, I'm leaving."

Sarutobi was immersed behind the stacked documents, his hands still busy. He glanced at Yu Xiaobai who said goodbye at the door, put down his pen, took a puff of cigarette, and nodded kindly, "Be careful on the road."

Yu Xiaobai was still recalling the few techniques he had recorded in the book of seals, and his expression remained thoughtful until he walked out of the Hokage Building, the fading yellow light shone on his face, and the still hot temperature of early autumn touched his face. When he touched his body, he realized that the day had passed like this.

He clenched his fists. After learning that he would browse the Sealed Book a few days ago, he made preparations. The harvest from Konoha's reserves still exceeded some expectations.

After returning home, without stopping, Yu Xiaobai took out the blank scroll and wrote in the key points recorded in the sealed book.

Reading the sealed book was hard-won, so Yu Xiaobai naturally wanted to get his money back. The book of seals records a large number of forbidden techniques, secret techniques, and powerful abilities that can only be used within the blood inheritance boundary. Yu Xiaobai knew that with such a vast amount of information, he might not be able to read it all even if he was given a few days. In fact, through the ages, there will be opportunities for outsiders to browse the sealed book. In addition to its contribution, the difficulty of the recorded ninjutsu itself is also one of the reasons.

Although the art of multiple shadow clones is special, Naruto also used it from the beginning to the end of the original work. Every ninjutsu in the book of seals is enough for a ninja to review countless times, not to mention that after watching it in a short time, it was... There is still a question of how much can be left behind after the impact of the vast sea of ​​ninjutsu.

So before going to the Hokage's office building, Yu Xiaobai roughly decided on the content.

Although the ninjutsu such as multiple shadow clones and shuriken shadow clones at the beginning are classic and practical, they are not particularly suitable for Yu Xiaobai, and this is not the purpose. He quickly skips the regular ninjutsu part. Yu Xiaobai also quickly mastered the secret techniques of subsequent major families, such as Tiantian's method of summoning and controlling ninja tools, the secret techniques of the family where the Ino, Deer and Butterfly combination is located, Shino's bugs, Ino's mind-turning technique, etc. Skip it, there may be something worth learning in it, but the foundation of this kind of family's survival will not be written into the book of seals. The heads of the major families will definitely have reservations, and the first Hokage cannot force this.

If it is not complete, the value will decrease, and this secret technique is cultivated by the family since childhood. It is not a simple technique that can be changed by a seal. It is so complicated that Yu Xiaobai may use up all his time to understand it. The working principle of a family secret technique is very good.

With such a low cost performance, Yu Xiaobai definitely gave up, and then he also focused on the forbidden arts.

Yu Xiaobai had no reason to let go of the Flying Thunder God's Technique, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, and Naruto's father's famous stunt. Once he found it, he had to memorize it by rote.

It was originally expected that Konoha would give him a short time to browse, so there was unexpected time left. Yu Xiaobai made a note of the Flying Thunder God Queen, and he was at least at a loss, and he continued to look for suitable and powerful techniques with optimism.

Yu Xiaobai first noticed the Eight Gate Dunjia. The explosion after Xiao Li and Kai opened the door was impressive. However, after understanding the content of the Eight Gate Dunjia, Yu Xiaobai regretted that he could not practice it. Yu Xiaobai has missed the best stage of laying the foundation for this extreme practice of physical skills. When Yu Xiaobai first crossed over, he had the idea of ​​Eight Gate Dunjia. But after mastering chakra, Yu Xiaobai didn't dare to practice randomly when faced with the countless acupuncture points and meridians in his body. He accidentally disabled himself. what to do. Now that the clear eight-door route is in front of him, it is no longer suitable for him.

If it takes another ten or twenty years to open the door, Yu Xiaobai might as well continue to use his own thunder escape, and time does not allow it.

The huge and profound words "Ghoul Forbidden" came into sight. The four words hiding huge secrets had a strange attraction. Yu Xiaobai struggled for a while, but finally gave up decisively. This invincible but fatal trick, he learned Even if he could kill the resurrected Madara Uchiha, it wouldn't matter if he handed his soul to the God of Death, even Tsunade wouldn't be able to save it.

The Five Elements Seal, the Five Elements Interpretation Seal... Yu Xiaobai had also obtained some of the more important techniques. Later, when Yu Xiaobai was wondering if he could find a ninjutsu to supplement his shortcomings in illusions, he came up with the "Hatake Sword Technique" The word jumped out.

Yu Xiaobai's heart moved, and he thought about the idea of ​​asking Kakashi about his sword skills. Where did Konoha White Fang's great reputation come from? The short sword known as "White Fang" can explain everything.

Yu Xiaobai quickly became immersed in it, and was attracted by the sword skills of the Hatake clan described in it, and even saw the candle extinguished.

"Huh——", Yu Xiaobai breathed out. The blank scroll in front of him had been filled with writings. He rubbed his sore and numb arms. Yu Xiaobai checked it over and corrected the inappropriate places to confirm that it was correct. Yu Xiaobai suddenly thought of something again and added the words "Rasengan" at the end.

The Rasengan's training method is described in detail in the original book. In order to avoid suspicion, Yu Xiaobai also tried to create a thousand birds, so he did not master it. However, now that it has the title of the Sealed Book, he has this unique skill of rolling balls. I won’t let it go. Ninjutsu, a ninjutsu with great power due to pure chakra change, has strong plasticity.

Finally, Yu Xiaobai carefully rolled up the scroll and sealed it, placed it in the place where the scroll of Orochimaru's forbidden technique was previously recorded, and put it away together.

He had a lot to do at once, and these techniques required a lot of time to learn. Going out to the village became even more important.

"I have just been relieved of my ANBU duties, so there is no rush..."

Yu Xiaobai made himself a cup of tea and comforted himself.

It was approaching evening, the sun still set very late in early autumn, and the sky was bright. Yu Xiaobai thought for a while, took his wallet and went out to buy things.

He was now officially a ninja who stayed at home. Sarutobi would probably send someone to keep him out of sight, but it didn't matter if it didn't hurt or itch. There are many ordinary ninjas in Konoha who have started families. As peace becomes more and more lasting, their work and rest will be similar to that of company employees in modern society. They work alone or in small groups during the day and go home at night.

Yu Xiaobai can do this now. As long as he is willing, he can take on D-level tasks such as pulling weeds and looking for kittens. However, considering his title of Jonin, the office will still give him B-level or higher tasks as an option.

It will take some time before the normal calm days in the village, and there is still a long time before the one-month deadline agreed by Payne. Yu Xiaobai will not be too anxious to start work, so as not to expose his flaws.

I went out and bought a lot of fresh and high-quality ingredients, and even bought decorations when I had the time to put them in the house to improve my look. Anyway, I didn’t save money to buy a house or a car. Men, be kind to yourself at this time.

The green leaves are slowly turning into yellow lines, and the days of sitting at home "doing nothing" have passed quickly.

When I have nothing to do, I flip through the scrolls, preview some theoretical knowledge, go out for a walk after dinner, and even go to nightclubs a few times in the early morning. Unfortunately, the white-painted appearance is intimidating, and Yu Xiaobai is still very cooperative in playing his role. I’m tired and want to be quiet” image.

"After leaving the village, you have to travel for a long time. Combining work with rest is a scientific and effective way of life..." Yu Xiaobai also firmly believed in the correctness of this route.

After another two days, Yu Xiaobai finally got bored. It was leisurely but with too few entertainment options. He began to wonder whether to take on a B-level mission to warm up.

At noon, Yu Xiaobai was performing a certain skill, and it was past meal time before he knew it. When his stomach growled, he put down the scroll, stretched, and went to slowly light a fire, wash vegetables and cook, and the smoke drifted out, and when the aroma was full, While walking out of the house, there was an unexpected knock on the courtyard door.

Yu Xiaobai leaned out of the kitchen window suspiciously. The person who came was very polite and knocked twice, but the unlocked door didn't come in. He was stuck in the kitchen and couldn't help shouting: "Who is it, please come in!"

The door was opened cautiously, and Sasuke, who was wearing blue and white clothes, stuck his head out and looked inside.


"Hey, Sasuke!" Yu Xiaobai was still holding a bright and sharp kitchen knife in his hand. He was quite happy to see Sasuke. He knew that the other party had probably recovered from the injury he had sustained while climbing a tree and came back to train, so he didn't care about anything. He directly interrupted the other party and said enthusiastically, "What a coincidence. I was just cooking. Have you eaten?"

"..." Sasuke suppressed the polite words he was used to. He stared blankly at the kitchen knife in Yu Xiaobai's hand and subconsciously said, "Eat, eat."

"That's it." Yu Xiaobai waved, "That's okay, let's have another meal, come on..."

Sasuke was instantly embarrassed. He didn't come here just for free, he came here to learn knowledge. He hesitated to speak, standing at the door and neither entering nor retreating. When Yu Xiaobai leaned out again in confusion and complained about why he didn't come in, Sasuke sighed helplessly and walked into the house.

Sasuke sat in the living room without saying a word. He had never been so well-behaved during the lectures in the ninja school. Hearing the sound of clinking utensils in the kitchen, his eyelashes fluttered and he still looked around curiously.

"It's strange, it seems to feel different..." Sasuke thought to himself. He had also entered Teacher Yu Bai's home, but the decoration and furniture were quite simple and plain. But this time when he came in, Sasuke felt completely new. " Does the teacher have the leisure and elegance to tidy up the house?"

This kind of thought was insignificant. After a while, when Yu Xiaobai brought the food, Sasuke forgot about it.

Yu Xiaobai proudly showed off his craftsmanship after being single for so many years. This time he was fully prepared and the effect was not bad. Several home-cooked dishes with full color, flavor and taste, plus soup. Even though Sasuke had already eaten it before coming, he still couldn't bear it. I couldn't help but finish a bowl of rice.

"Didn't you say you've already eaten? Then you still eat so much?" Yu Xiaobai complained.

Sasuke's little face turned red with embarrassment, he put down his chopsticks, pushed the bowl aside firmly, and said, "Lunch at home... I ate lunch in a hurry. I'm full now."

"Are you really full?" Yu Xiaobai asked sincerely.

Sasuke's blush deepened and his voice deepened, "I'm really full!"

"Okay, okay..."

It's shameful to waste food. Ninjas don't have a small appetite, and the younger ones are also pretending to be female ninjas. Yu Xiaobai quickly ended the battle.

After finishing cleaning up, Yu Xiaobai looked at Sasuke who was sitting quietly holding a cup of tea. His eyes glanced at the other person's exposed arms and calves. The bruises and scars he had seen before had indeed disappeared.

"Ahem, you didn't go to school today?" Yu Xiaobai poured himself a cup of tea and said nonsense.

There was no way, the topic always started with nonsense, Sasuke understood and nodded.

"Is the injury healed?"

"That's almost it, sensei." Sasuke said, chatting in his usual awkward rhythm.

Yu Xiaobai gave up the idea of ​​creating a friendly and enthusiastic master-disciple chat, touched his nose and said directly: "There is nothing to teach later, you can continue climbing the tree when you have time."

This was different from the imagined script. Sasuke was immediately dissatisfied and said: "Why, I can already climb to the highest level."

Waving his hand, Yu Xiaobai said in a more serious tone, "You were still lucky that day, and your chakra control was still unstable."

Sasuke immediately became quiet after hearing this.

"I believe that in the past few days, you have also felt a completely different feeling after the improvement of chakra utilization ability. This is the basis and needs..."

He pretended to be very serious and serious in front of Erzhuzi again. Sasuke was also convinced by Yu Xiaobai's well-founded words. After digesting it, Yu Xiaobai gave him a close guide to climb the tree and corrected some of Sasuke's mistakes. Something's not quite right.

At the end of the practice, Yu Xiaobai watched Sasuke, who was almost nine years old, stepping on the tree trunk more and more skillfully. The child under the green shade was fighting for the future. He watched in the corridor and hesitated for a long time.

"Let's rest first." Yu Xiaobai clapped his hands, "And Sasuke, I want to tell you something."

"What's wrong, teacher?" Sasuke took a few breaths, wiped his sweat and sat next to Yu Xiaobai.

"I will leave the village in a while." Yu Xiaobai scratched his head and said.

Sasuke's expression showed no surprise, "Is it another mission?"

"No, I have already quit ANBU." Seeing Sasuke startled, he smiled and reached out to touch his head, which was wet. Yu Xiaobai's expression changed, he wiped his hands in disgust, and finally patted his shoulders a few times. He said, "Teacher has something to do and may not come back for a long time. At that time, your cultivation will be up to you. Remember not to be too pushy."


Four thousand words, so it counts as two chapters~

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