Please answer Naruto

Chapter 87 Ninja School

Sasuke's movement of wiping sweat froze, his breathing stopped and then recovered, his eyes looked forward as if nothing had happened, "Teacher Yu Bai... why did you quit ANBU?"

"I am a very peace-loving person at heart. You may not notice this excellent character." Yu Xiaobai blinked, "I don't tell ordinary people."

The corner of Sasuke's mouth twitched, and the emotion rising in his heart was washed away. He obviously didn't believe what he said, and he said "qi" without shame.

"Actually, I just don't want to do this anymore." Before Sasuke could continue to say anything, the person next to him added. He was stunned, "'s not very suitable. Everyone will keep making choices in life. This state will not last forever, Sasuke, you will also encounter it in the future."

Sasuke couldn't understand the words that seemed to contain sadness in the second half of the sentence. It was just that the feeling that someone who made him feel happy to be around was about to leave gradually grew stronger in his heart. He lowered his head and saw the bruises on his knees from climbing a tree today. It's red and green, and it will look ugly after applying plaster at night. He is studying very hard.

Looking away, Sasuke said softly: "Teacher Yubai, according to your intention, you will be away for a long time."

Whether he was a powerful ninja in the Anbu or not, this was no longer important in Sasuke's mind.

"Well..." Yu Xiaobai laughed dryly and looked at the world divided into two parts by the eaves and clear sky above his head, "I can't say for sure, it will probably take a long time. After all, it's like 'traveling' outside the village. Hey, At this point, reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, and going on arduous and meaningful travels are also one of the tests of a good ninja... Children don't understand..."

Regarding the question of how long he would go, Yu Xiaobai began to talk nonsense. He didn't even know where he was going. He estimated that he was traveling around the world, and the time would start in a year or two. Xiao's early work scope would cover most of the mainland, so it wouldn't be too long. Simple. He didn't want to directly say that he would go there for several years. It is very likely that he would come back when you graduate. Strangely, after becoming master and apprentice informally, the accumulation of bonds naturally deepened. Now it was different from before when I could watch Sasuke kneeling in front of the mourning hall indifferently.

As for the issue of whether to stay in the ANBU, Yu Xiaobai said the same thing. It is indeed inappropriate. Under the general direction, if there is no improvement, he will inevitably leave.

"I'm no longer a child." Sasuke said in a dissatisfied tone.

"You haven't even graduated from school. Let's talk about it after you become a genin." Yu Xiaobai now has a great age advantage, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"..." Sasuke really couldn't refute, he was holding back his dissatisfaction and couldn't fight.

After both of them fell silent, the conversation became unusually quiet. A gentle warm breeze blew through the yard, and the flowers and grass were rustling. The shadow of the oak tree used for tree climbing practice changed from short to elongated, and Sasuke spoke.

"Then I understand, Teacher Yu Bai, I will train well by myself."

Yu Xiaobai scratched his head. He was just about to break the silence, "Well, that's good. In fact, just have a normal schedule. Don't talk about training all day long..."

After chatting for a few more words, Sasuke jumped down the corridor with his hands on his hands, "It's getting late, I'll go back today."

"Okay, I'll tell you before I leave." Yu Xiaobai stopped sending him off and just sat there and waved.

Sasuke pouted, no one asked you to come and tell me, he didn't reply, opened the door and walked home.

After explaining the only thing that he cared about in the village, Yu Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief. In an unknown direction, since Sasuke mustered up the courage to knock on his door at the beginning, no matter what, in his young and shallow time, the enemy Even if friends are not separated, he will try his best to do his best.

The next day, Yu Xiaobai was still busy at home, so he went to the Hokage's office building according to the original plan to prepare for a small task, practicing his skills while alleviating the possible wariness of the third generation.

However, when Yu Xiaobai approached the Hokage's office and finished speaking, he found that the situation was developing a bit wrong.

"My name is Yu Bai, are you a little uncomfortable after being idle for so long?" Sarutobi put down the documents in his hands and looked at Yu Xiaobai with a smile as he expected, "I see you've come to take over the mission."

Yu Xiaobai felt uncomfortable with the strange look from the other party. There was no malice, but he felt that Sarutobi had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Want to complete a B-level commission? How can a ninja who has retired from the ninja elite Anbu accept such a low-level mission?" Sarutobi's words made Yu Xiaobai shudder. Please speak carefully.

"I wonder what Hokage-sama means..." Yu Xiaobai looked at Sarutobi helplessly.

"I happen to have a special A-level mission on hand." Sarutobi fiddled with it, found a document from the drawer, and moved it over, "The plan is to organize three people to go, and two people are already prepared. I have thought about it. If you want to go, the name Yubai is very suitable for you."

"Special A-level, three-person team?" Yu Xiaobai carefully picked up the file and opened it. ,

After just reading a few lines of words, Yu Xiaobai's expression became very strange. The reality was completely different from what he thought.

"Every quarter, each department takes turns sending special personnel to the Ninja School... to inspect, provide insights and suggestions... and give teaching lectures!?"

Hearing this surprised tone, Sarutobi nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, that's it. The Ninja School is a source of fresh blood for a Ninja Village. It is of great significance. We attach great importance to the development of this aspect of work. In addition to In addition to the daily teaching tasks of chuunin, Konoha will also send experienced people from various departments to introduce some practical and valuable things to the children in advance every once in a while, all in addition to the long-term development of the children... "

Yu Xiaobai was stunned for a moment when he heard Sarutobi's words that were like those of a teaching director. Konoha is still doing this? Why send outstanding “experts and scholars” to schools to give lectures?

"Hokage-sama, are you kidding me?" Yu Xiaobai forced a smile. The clear plan in the document forced him to accept the reality.

"How could this be a joke?" Sarutobi took out another ID that could be hung around his neck, which looked like a badge for the staff on a certain occasion. "Last quarter, the medical ninja from the medical department went there, and in order, it was the Anbu's turn. .”

"This is the communication certificate." Sarutobi didn't seem to give Yu Xiaobai the idea of ​​​​rejecting it, and thrust the sign with a strong sense of familiarity into Yu Xiaobai's hand.

[Anbu retiree, ninja school exchange certificate. 】

Yu Xiaobai said that he had no idea.

"How about it, Chao Ming Yubai, you won't refuse such a friendly, sunny, and far-reaching mission, right?"

Yu Xiaobai took a look at the end of the file. It was indeed marked as A-level. He sighed. There was really no reason to refuse. Yu Xiaobai looked at Sarutobi's face with freckles and wrinkles but a kind smile in front of him. The shadow of the village, even if the generations are different, the third generation Hokage will smile for a long time watching the ninjas take tasks from the office.

Yu Xiaobai signed his name, took the exchange certificate and mission documents, and bowed to Sarutobi, "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

The other party was really trying to cleanse his soul because he was "tired and wanted to be quiet".

Sarutobi smiled and nodded.

Well, to be honest, going to a ninja school seems interesting.

When Yu Xiaobai was about to walk out the door, Sarutobi thought of something and suddenly said.

"By the way, I forgot to mention that among the other two retired ANBU, there is one you are familiar with. He is Hyuga Aida from the Hyuga family."

It's very late today...

Thank you for the distance. Please call me boss. It’s also Fei Shishi. I’ll give you a reward for extinguishing a lamp~

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