Please answer Naruto

Chapter 88 Handout

The one-day exchange trip to the ninja school as an Anbu retiree was four days later.

After accepting this very special and public-facing sunshine mission, Yu Xiaobai naturally studied it carefully after returning home.

Well, it’s important not to be embarrassed.

After reading each word, Yu Xiaobai didn't know how to smile. It was indeed not much different from scholars and experts giving lectures in schools.

"I can imagine a group of chuunin teachers and scattered students greeting each other at the school gate..." Yu Xiaobai touched his chin and said with shame, especially thinking that there would be Konoha among these students. Twelve Xiaoqiang, various portraits, full of imagery.

The mission document was written in detail. The general process of that day was as follows: Yu Xiaobai and three other Anbu retirees came to the Ninja School in the morning. They first had a friendly conversation with the school teachers and leaders, and then began to visit the teaching situation of the students. After dinner, we talked again... In the afternoon, there was a big class, the content of which was prepared by the ANBU side to expand the new horizons of these future seedlings of Konoha.

"Everything in the front is easy to say. I followed behind with my hands behind my back and walked through the classrooms with a serious face. Those little kids looked at me with admiration... Well, if you make a surprise inspection in the classroom and someone says something nice, just nod. Seconded, it's very simple and easy..." Yu Xiaobai quickly formulated the plan. After living in Konoha for so many years, he really hadn't taken a good look at the ninja school. This is a good opportunity.

"But the last part of the lecture is a bit troublesome." Yu Xiaobai shook the paperwork and looked at the instructions on it, "It's not easy for three people to lecture in front of more than a hundred students."

Speaking of teaching, Yu Xiaobai has some experience teaching Sasuke, but that is completely different from giving lectures in a systematic and orderly manner, and facing one person and more than a hundred strangers is not the same as facing the enemy in battle. The pressure was even more overwhelming for Yu Xiaobai.

"What should we prepare for? Let's invite a chuunin to fight on the spot?" Yu Xiaobai thought hard and still couldn't figure it out. He was really unfamiliar. It was not easy to find the appropriate content and explain it well to the children who had not graduated. You can't recite the ANBU regulations manual in embarrassment. If you fall down in large pieces in class, you will be embarrassed and embarrassed.

Yu Xiaobai was in a tangle. For three days in a row, he had no choice but to think about the physical arts and illusions. He was disgusted by the contents he had managed to compile. For this reason, he even temporarily postponed the forbidden arts that he would study every day.

"Wow, I can't do it!" Yu Xiaobai threw away the pen in his hand, and the papers for writing and drawing were messy on the table. "I can't write the handout at all. Is it too late to go back and give up on the task now?"

Yu Xiaobai felt tired. He looked at the calendar hanging on the wall. Tomorrow was the day to go to the ninja school. There was no progress in the lecture, so he didn't even go to visit Hinata Aida.

The trash can was filled with paper baskets. Yu Xiaobai's eyes suddenly lit up and he clapped his hands, "Yes, I can ask Uncle Xiangtian for rescue!"

It can be said that Hyuga Aida is a solid ninja in the system. He is older, mature and steady, and has been a genin teacher for a short time. He seems to be very reliable at first glance.

He did whatever he thought of. It was already noon. Yu Xiaobai tidied up and then went out and walked in the direction of the Rixiang mansion.

The streets were complicated. Yu Xiaobai jumped directly onto the roof and jumped high and far away. Chakra attached to the soles of his feet smoothly passed through the high-rise wires. In the middle, he was noticed by ordinary ninjas on duty. They saw the jounin vest and forehead protector on him and said nothing. , turned a blind eye.

After a while, Yu Xiaobai arrived at the Hinata mansion, and soon met his old friend after the announcement.

"Uncle Xiangtian." Yu Xiaobai looked at the familiar man in front of him. His figure was still strong and his complexion was good, but looking at the subtleties of his movements, his skills seemed to have declined...

"Boy, you haven't come to see me for a long time." Hyuga Aida was wearing a decent kimono, with a few wrinkles on his face. He couldn't help but smile sincerely on his usually serious face, and patted Yu Xiao rudely. White shoulders.

The hand was solid, and Yu Xiaobai's body could not be seen shaking. Hinata Aangda was a little surprised, and then his smile became stronger, "I am making more and more progress."

"Okay, okay, uncle, you are still awesome." Yu Xiaobai looked at the strict atmosphere around him. Loud speeches were rarely heard in the Hinata Mansion.

"It's a false boast. I still know how much better it is than before." Hinata Xiangtian noticed Yu Xiaobai's concern for the family. After signaling to several clan members at the door, he led him to his yard.

Hyuga Aida is almost an elder in the clan, a backbone, and has considerable influence. A large family pays more attention to seniority. From Yu Xiaobai's understanding, Uncle Aida's status is still somewhat high with ANBU experience.

Calmly ignoring the curious looks of the Hyuga clan members along the way, Yu Xiaobai looked around, but still didn't see any "acquaintances" like Ningji Hinata.

"Every time I have bad luck."

After sighing, Yu Xiaobai, who followed in the footsteps of Hinata Xiangtian, had already arrived in the courtyard. Soon, he was warmly received.

Uncle Xiangtian's wife and two children all knew Yu Xiaobai. After all, they had been guests and mentioned him occasionally when they were still in ANBU.

There are two children, a boy and a girl. The boy is in ninja school, and the girl is still walking and talking. Both of them have names that Yu Xiaobai has never heard of. It will be fine to live a normal life in the future.

After having lunch with great hospitality, Hinata Xiangtian obviously felt that there would be something wrong with Yu Xiaobai's coming over, so he called the two children away. After pouring the tea, his gentle wife also left to take care of the children.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Hinata Aida sat down meticulously and took a sip of tea in a standard manner.

"..." Yu Xiaobai wiped his sweat, "Uncle, in your eyes, do you think I only visit you when I have something to do?"

"Oh?" Hinata Aida raised his eyelids, "Are you okay?"

Yu Xiaobai coughed and said, "What, haha, something happened..."

A smile flashed across Hinata Aida's eyes, and he took the initiative to say: "I received the task of communicating with the ninja school from the ANBU, and then I didn't expect you to be on the list... Why did you quit the ANBU, kid?"

Yu Xiaobai was a little embarrassed. In Hinata Aida's mind, a person like him with no background and poor background could earn a family fortune in Konoha by relying on his ANBU qualifications. His long-term considerations were not hypocritical.

Fortunately, there was not much blame in his tone at the end, "Well, I just wanted to change the environment." Yu Xiaobai scratched his head, "It's not interesting in front of the squad leader..."

Hinata Aida's straight lines showed no dissatisfaction. He was silent for a few seconds and then nodded to avoid the topic.

Life is your own path.

"Then you came here to discuss tomorrow's 'exchange'?"

Yu Xiaobai didn't want to mention it any more, so he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, there is no lecture at the end. I've had a headache for a long time, so I came to uncle for help."

"Lectures?" Hinata Aida said with an unexpected expression, "Is it difficult?"


Yu Xiaobai fell into deep inability to refute, okay, you are awesome.

Seeing Yu Xiaobai's sad look, Hinata Xiangtian shook his head after understanding, "I didn't expect you to be stumped by this. In terms of handouts...well, you are indeed a bit younger."

Hinata Aida stood up and took out a stack of paper from the study room, "I have already discussed this with another retired ANBU colleague. The three of us are in the same class, so naturally it is best to talk together. I don't know what preparations you have, and why? Wanted to contact you."

Yu Xiaobai took the handout and saw that the handwriting on it was strong and the layout alone gave people a refreshing feeling.

""Talking about the Three Body Technique"?"

"Uncle, it's so simple, it feels so boring."


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