Please answer Naruto

Chapter 89 Audition

"Boring?" Hinata Aida raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

I couldn't finish the handout myself and came over to ask for help. Is it really helpful to help you?

Yu Xiaobai's heart trembled, and he quickly corrected his attitude, "No, no, it's not boring, the three-body art is very good!" The top priority is to keep up with the convoy and hug his thighs before talking.

Hinata Aida glared at Yu Xiaobai. He also knew what Yu Xiaobai was thinking. He refilled the tea and said: "The ninja schools are basically all children who only extract a little chakra. Things from a high position are of no use."

"Yeah." Yu Xiaobai nodded. He also agreed. The most effective on-site must be the gorgeous and cool ninjutsu. But after you pretended to be a contest, you haven't tested the chakra attributes in front of a group of people, let alone When it comes to children whose nature has changed, should they take the lead in teaching them?

"Three Body Jutsu is the only ninjutsu taught to students in ninja schools, and it is the one that children are most familiar with. Compared to explaining killing techniques and hiding in disguise, this is undoubtedly more relevant." Hyuga Aida explained, "And about Three Body Jutsu The function of the technique... you also know it, Yu Bai."

This is the basic ninjutsu that most ninjas are exposed to first, but it can be used until the end of the ninja's fighting career.

"I understand." Yu Xiaobai changed his previous attitude. Hinata Aida and another retired Anbu senior chose the Three Body Technique as a lecture after careful consideration. It is simple but really useful.

"Then you agree to talk about this, right?" Hinata Aida said calmly.

"I agree..." Yu Xiaobai couldn't say anything else. He picked up the handout and looked at it, and thought of something, "By the way, Uncle Xiangtian, since there are three people in the same class, I am responsible for..."

"Since there are three people, then each person is responsible for one technique." Hinata Aida said simply, "The other retired person will teach the transformation technique first, and then I will teach the clone technique, and the remaining substitute technique was originally planned to be taught together. Now, just The responsibility is yours."

"The Substitution Technique..." Yu Xiaobai thought. Among the three techniques, the Substitution Technique has the highest value. Fortunately, Yu Xiaobai is still confident in this, "No problem."

In this way, the division of labor and order were determined, and with a clear purpose, Yu Xiaobai finally had a place to put his strength to use. It was his first time to teach as a teacher. Under the motivation, he came up with many novel ideas. What will happen when the time comes? Hinata Aida nodded frequently after hearing this. , and finally asked for some details before Yu Xiaobai said goodbye and left.

Early in the morning, at the entrance of Konoha Ninja School.

Nearly ten chuunin in their twenties and thirties stood here. They were all school teachers. Either due to official injuries or their own volition, they chose to come here to teach and use their talents in another way.

"This exchange is from ANBU, you can look forward to it..."

"Aren't you here yet? The time is almost up."

There was a lot of discussion, and most of the teachers were very optimistic about this exchange of retired Anbu. After all, the Assassination Tactics Special Forces statement was out, and Iruka, who had a light scar on his face, was also in the welcoming team.

At some point, the noise among the teachers became louder, "Look, are those three?"

Iruka heard the sound and looked around. Three men wearing jounin vests appeared on the street, but they couldn't see their faces clearly because of the distance.

"It should be. I saw the communication certificate hanging around my neck." Everyone, get ready..."

Yu Xiaobai took a deep breath and arranged his clothes again uneasily. In front of him, he could see the gate of the ninja school and a group of chuunin teachers waiting. Well, the scene was not bad... but there was no leader's car when he came here...

Hinata Aida was walking in the middle. Besides Yu Xiaobai, there was another retired ANBU on both sides. He had an ordinary passerby's face, and his expression was a bit more serious than Hinata Aida. There was even an evil spirit that could not be resolved between his eyebrows, a coldness. The image of a ruthless assassination ninja fits perfectly.

The name is also very common. If his face is shown in the original work, he must be wearing a mask. Although Yu Xiaobai has never heard of it, he still has to call him senior.

"Welcome to this exchange..." The teacher in front of me walked out with a smile, speaking on behalf of the group.

While Uncle Aida was being polite to each other and handing over credentials, Yu Xiaobai looked at everyone, and smiled unconsciously when he saw Iruka.

All the teachers also looked at Yu Xiaobai and his group. Hyuga Xiangtian and another retired ANBU all looked great, but when they glanced at Yu Xiaobai, they all frowned slightly. Their faces were too young, compared to them. They are all young. Is such a person really an ANBU, or is he retired?

However, due to the friendly purpose of this event, no one would foolishly jump out to question. At most, they would whisper a few words to each other. Hinata Aida and the leading teacher finished their conversation and introduced each other before everyone walked into the campus together.

Yu Xiaobai naturally noticed the teachers with suspicious eyes, but he had nothing to say. It was human nature and his appearance was indeed easily misunderstood, so just do your own thing.

It's a bit strange to mention this. Since returning from time travel, Yu Xiaobai gradually realized that his appearance has always been that of eighteen years old, with no trace of change at all. The more time passes, the more obvious it becomes. I don't know what will happen in a few years. Condition.

The expected greetings from students did not happen. They were all in the classroom, and the exchange activities officially began in an ordinary manner.

Walking around the campus, someone next to me introduced him in a timely manner... It really looked like the scene in the past when big shots came to the school to watch. Yu Xiaobai was also happy to see the new things. The Ninja School occupies quite a large area. Because of the special nature of teaching, in addition to the regular teaching building, there are also shooting ranges and training rooms. The equipment room is also filled with a wide range of ninja tools. Bai was ashamed to see it.

After that, he went to see how the students were doing in class. Walking in the corridor of the teaching building, one classroom after another staggered past. Yu Xiaobai looked at the energetic children inside. As they passed by, he looked at them curiously. She looked at him with clever curiosity.

Divided into many classes, of all ages, hundreds of people came down, but Yu Xiaobai didn't notice a few familiar Xiao Qiang.

During this period, some curious teachers came to talk to Yu Xiaobai and asked him some questions about his origins intentionally or unintentionally. Yu Xiaobai's several years of Anbu experience were real, and with Hinata Aida talking beside him, all the teachers quickly put away their thoughts. This is a young and talented ninja, and they have to be admired by mediocrity.

"How about we find a classroom where classes are being held to observe?" the veteran teacher who led the group suggested with a smile.

Thanks for the otaku journey, Bailangbulu, her adorable reward~

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