Please answer Naruto

Chapter 90 Can’t think of anything

Going to the classroom to observe was originally part of the process, and everyone readily agreed.

The older teacher in the lead pointed to a classroom, went directly to the back door, knocked, and pushed in.

The thirty or forty people in the spacious classroom all looked over.

The face of the teacher who was giving the lecture fell. Knowing that he was the one who had the misfortune to be turned into a public class today, he coughed and quickly adjusted himself to assume the most upright teaching posture.

The unlucky teacher knocked on the blackboard, called the students' attention back, and said loudly: "These teachers are here to listen to the class. Don't worry about it. We can just have class as usual."

Most of the children couldn't help their curiosity and continued to look back at the group of people who came in behind them. Some teachers who followed them couldn't bear to lose face and glared at the students who turned back, and the noise gradually died down.

Konoha obviously paid great attention to the ninja school. The classroom was bright and spacious, and there were many empty seats in the back row. Yu Xiaobai and others naturally sat in the last few rows.

"Iruka, this is your class." A colleague winked at him in a low voice. Iruka forced a smile and sat in the corner of the back row, feeling really nervous.

That's right, what a coincidence, the group of people were observing the class led by Iruka.

In fact, just listen, and it doesn't matter if the students perform poorly, but there are a lot of restless masters in his class...

Yu Xiaobai's position is just opposite the blackboard, and the seats in the classroom are also arranged like a ladder classroom from low to high, so the situation can be seen clearly.

He quickly found an orange figure in his sight, and Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth. He couldn't help but notice that since they came in, Naruto's head turned the most.

Sasuke also saw the same blue and white clothes with the clan emblem printed on them. When the other party cast a surprised look, Yu Xiaobai smiled and waved gently.

Then...many teachers noticed Yu Xiaobai's actions, and their eyes were drawn to Sasuke's sudden turning back.

"So shy." Yu Xiaobai put down his hand in embarrassment.

The class continued. Yu Xiaobai listened for a while and understood that the chuunin on the stage was explaining the basic theoretical knowledge of chakra, which was the most basic. Yu Xiaobai remembered that he was officially naturalized in Konoha Village and made up for it in order to solidify his foundation. For a while.

The content of the class was quite boring. Yu Xiaobai soon felt like he was listening to a biology teacher talking about cell structure, starting from the nucleus, chlorophyll, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cytoplasm...

No, he was a little sleepy. Yu Xiaobai quickly sat up straight.

Taking a peek around, he found that Hinata Aida and another retired ANBU person were listening carefully to the lecture. Hey, these people are good ninjas who adhere to communication and observation and put forward suggestions for improvement.

Naruto turned around again and looked at Yu Xiaobai, who was wearing a ninja vest. He looked so familiar...

"Hey, Cranetail, what are you looking at with your head turned to the back?" Sasuke said impatiently. He had no interest in talking to the front desk man named Uzumaki Naruto.

"What does it have to do with you?" Naruto replied to Sasuke without showing any signs of weakness, "And don't call me Cranetail!"

"You failed all the assessments. What are you if you're not a loser?" Sasuke's cold and direct words struck a blow, and Naruto was choked by the words. "Seeing your face is very annoying, and it disturbs my class."


"What do you mean, seeing my face is annoying? Sasuke, what do you mean?!" His sacred appearance seemed to have been violated. It was unbearable, and Naruto's voice became louder.

"Stop quarreling with you!" A low voice shouted, and Haruno Sakura, who was so close, couldn't stand it anymore. After saying that, her stern face suddenly softened, and she looked at Sasuke infatuatedly.

"Tch." Ino noticed Sakura's little move and expressed her strategic disdain for her love rival.

The movement was a bit loud, and the teacher on the stage frowned and looked over. Seeing this, Sasuke's expression remained cool, but it was enough to stop arguing with Naruto.

Naruto was also frightened by the teacher's murderous and threatening eyes, but soon he couldn't control himself. After turning around again, he raised his hand, "Teacher!"

Iruka, who was in the back row and was praying that nothing would happen, felt a thump in his heart. Seeing that the class was halfway through, he thought that the legendary Sage of Six Paths had heard his call, but what was supposed to come came anyway.

The classroom was quiet for a second. The lecturer looked at the notoriously naughty Huang Mao with a headache and said, "Uzumaki Naruto, is there any problem?"

"There are three people behind who don't seem to be teachers from the school. Teacher Yamada, who are they?"

This sentence instantly brought life back to the classroom, which was originally dull because of the boring class.

Those who were sleeping opened their eyes, and those who were secretly eating snacks also stopped.

Teacher Yamada wanted to give Naruto a hard time when he was looking for trouble, but a bunch of people behind him were watching, so he could only say solemnly: "It's class time now, ask irrelevant questions after class!"

Many future mainstays of Konoha are disappointed...

"You're all standing up, Uzumaki Naruto, then you can answer the question about 'During the chakra extraction process...' that I just mentioned."

Naruto was immediately dumbfounded. He had been just looking at the novelties and bickering. He didn't listen to the lecture, and died in battle without any suspense.

"Uchiha Sasuke, please answer." Yamada called a good student.

Although Sasuke didn't listen much, he was already familiar with these contents and spoke them smoothly in cold words.

Naruto curled his lips in displeasure as he heard the stinky Sasuke behind him telling all the correct answers and attracting loving looks from many girls.

Naruto's outstanding behavior attracted the attention of the ninjas in the back row. The retired ANBU with a serious and fierce style frowned, and Hinata Aida also shook his head.

"Who is that child?" No one said anything, Yu Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"Hey, just now, that child's name was Uzumaki Naruto..."

Hinata Aida and the other retired ANBU's eyes changed, and long-standing memories unfolded. It turned out to be that child.

"Oh, he is the fourth generation's child." Yu Xiaobai looked at the other party.

The older teacher looked like he didn't know how to say it, "Haha, Naruto has been naughty since he was a child, so don't pay attention."

All the ninjas had different expressions, and no one would forget the brutal attack on the village by the Nine-Tails eight years ago. Some people will remember the swaddled baby who acted as a container at that time, and many ordinary people will never forget the pain and resentment during the disaster. The cold violence is very disappointing, but what else can you ask for? Yu Xiaobai pursed his lips, as if he had a lot to say, but in fact there was nothing to say.

Nothing happened in the rest of the class. Iruka breathed a sigh of relief and everyone left the classroom. It was close to noon, Yu Xiaobai and the other three had lunch prepared by the school. Mainly Hinata Aida and another retired ANBU discussed teaching issues with the teachers, while Yu Xiaobai focused on paddling. By around two o'clock in the afternoon, every student in the ninja school was informed that three retired ANBU would be giving a public "lecture" at the school.

Thanks to Jia Book Friends, Good Wings Can’t Fly, Kira Asha, and the Big Book Friends VIP for the reward~

The group number is 563640668

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