Please answer Naruto

Chapter 91 What do you call this classmate?

The afternoon sun shone through the large glass on the wall into the classroom, and people began to sit on the bright tables and chairs. Yu Xiaobai stood on the stage, pretending to be calm despite the attention of many eyes. He glanced at Hinata and Aida.

Wow, that retired ANBU with a very evil spirit just closed his eyes and meditated, his master's demeanor was unclear, and Hinata Aida was not nervous at all, looking at the students pouring in with a smile.

The "lecture" part of their exchange meeting has arrived. The Ninja School lent them a large classroom, which is probably used for regular meetings or large classes held by several classes. It is enough to accommodate more than a hundred people.

Emotions will still affect it. Yu Xiaobai can't behave too badly. Besides, he has never seen any scene before. After taking a breath, Yu Xiaobai gradually looked at the curious eyes of the students.

The number of people who came to attend the class was a bit more than Yu Xiaobai expected. After the seats were full, many children ran in excitedly and stood when there were no seats. In addition, there were many chuunin teachers in the corner who were listening, and the crowd was densely packed. lively.

"Uncle Xiangtian, during the exchange meeting, every time people from relevant departments give lectures, so many children come?" Yu Xiaobai asked Xiang Xiangtian softly. This lecture should be notified by the school teachers. Whether students come or not is entirely voluntary. The principle is.

"That's not true." Hinata Aida said. He was very pleased to see so many diligent and studious Konoha Naeko. "The last medical ninja lecture was only a third full."

"Is it because we are ANBU?" Yu Xiaobai quickly understood. Sure enough, this prestigious profession attracts attention. The mysterious identity, superb skills, especially the fact that he wears a gimmicky mask when on duty, is the target of countless The second boy's favorite.

Hinata Xiangtian nodded, changed his expression, and patted Yu Xiaobai on the shoulder, "You seem a little nervous."

"It doesn't exist." Yu Xiaobai's face was solemn, his eyes were firm, and he pushed Hinata Xiangda's hand away without hesitation.

Hinata Aida laughed and said nothing, "Then don't forget how to say it, you are the last one."

"no problem."

When the hands reached the start time of the lecture, Hinata Aida put down his watch, signaled to a teacher behind him, and started to close the doors on both sides.

The serious ANBU who was as still as a sculpture also opened his eyes at the right time. Yu Xiaobai was amazed, wondering how this person could pretend to be so accurate.

"Bah." When the sound of closing the door twice sounded, Yu, Xiaobai and the other three stood in a row in front of nearly two hundred students. The noisy voice in the classroom slowly became quieter, until the most naughty child was also inexplicably shut down. His aura was so oppressive that he dared not speak.

Nonsense. If an expert wants to give a lecture, he must not make a pretentious speech!

In the dark area, there were all young and immature faces. Yu Xiaobai saw many familiar characters from the original work, and more of them were ordinary people with wide eyes who had no names at all.

Yu Xiaobai even saw a few children who were as tall as the table... Children in the lower grades were tricked into joining in the fun.

"Hello everyone, we are retirees from Konoha ANBU..." Hinata Aida spoke, his voice clear in the silence.

There is not much humor in language, and Hinata Aida and the serious Anbu are probably not good at this either. After the formulaic beginning, the main content quickly enters.

"Talking about the Three Body Technique".

This question that seemed boring to Yu Xiaobai was actually the same for children who had not yet graduated. There were so many questions this time, of course, because of the reputation of ANBU.

"What? I thought I was going to talk about something interesting." Yamanaka Ino's head immediately fell on the table, and her golden ponytail hung down weakly, "Why is it the Three Body Technique? Haven't you already been taught this?"

Sakura was sitting next to Harutomo. There was no choice but to have a seat. When she heard what the other party said, it was rare that she didn't take the initiative. "Yeah, although it's a bit difficult for us to use it, but the principle has been explained by Mr. Iruka." Already..."

This row of seats extended towards the window, and there was another group of young masters. Shikamaru watched intently as the first ANBU began to talk about the transformation technique, but he didn't sleep.

"Shikamaru, aren't you bored? Do you want to eat potato chips?" Akimichi Choji's chubby face was covered with potato chip crumbs. The chaotic classroom scene made it easier for him to commit crimes. He took out a handful of potato chips and pointed at Shikamaru. said.

"Let's listen first. After all, it's an ANBU..." Shikamaru waved his hand and declined, unsure.

There are various reactions. Children who have not graduated from ninja school and grown into real ninjas are not as patient as adults.

"I knew it..." Yu Xiaobai's eyes were empty. He immediately saw Choci tearing open the package and gulping down the potato chips wildly. Shino, who was hiding behind a few rows of people in the lower left corner, silently took out two Bugs is getting ready to watch the cricket fight, Sakura and Ino over there...well you guys are watching Sasuke again.

"Sure enough, if you talk about 'Ten Silent Killing Techniques', 'Area Ninjutsu Above B Level', 'Decryption of Operation XX against Sand Hidden Village Five Years Ago', the effect will definitely be a hundred times better than what it is now." Yu Xiaobai's thoughts were wandering secretly. Anyway, the first part was not his.

Fortunately, it seemed that for his sake, Sasuke still sat up straight and listened.

In fact, it sounds right. A ninja who has experienced all kinds of infiltration and lurking, and has been through life and death, has an understanding of the Three Body Jutsu that is not comparable to that of the mediocre Chuunin teachers. The retired ANBU with a strong evil spirit ignored the vague embarrassment in the air. , Zi Guzi spoke in a loud voice.

The murderous spirit that can be seen in every gesture can still suppress these little devils. As long as the classroom is quiet, they will always listen to it. When they hear the true knowledge and insights inside, the wise students will gradually stop dreaming of returning to Zhuang Zhou. Start listening to the class seriously.

From time to time, live demonstrations will be interspersed, which is what Hinata Aida and Yu Xiaobai jointly teach, how to use the transformation technique, the enemy and the enemy, and the cooperation of friends... The same is true when it is Hinata Aida's turn to clone the technique, and the class suddenly becomes lively. , with the real material and full of useful content, when the time of concentration passed quickly, when it was Yu Xiaobai's turn, most of the people, including the school teachers, were listening carefully.

"Ahem, then, now let me start talking about the last part of the Substitution Technique." Yu Xiaobai was mentally prepared, took a step forward, and said, "My name is Asana Yubai, Konoha Jonin, ah, by the way. , I look quite young, but ah..."

"Yes, teacher, you are really young! How strange!"

Yu Xiaobai paused for a moment, and his words were cut off in mid-sentence. He looked at the yellow hair popping out in the middle with a painful expression.

"What is this classmate... called?"

Thanks to Fatty, I’m not fat, Longque9527, Book Friends 160828090****, and Hunjun 5 for the rewards~

Sorry, it's late again today.

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