Please answer Naruto

Chapter 92 Throw it at me

Naruto didn't appear to be very frightened when facing nearly two hundred teachers and students. He even stood up to show off his teeth and said, "My name is Uzumaki Naruto!"

Yeah, what a rough nerve.

Yu Xiaobai secretly wiped his sweat, he did not expect Naruto to stand up, "Since Naruto-san mentioned that I look young, in fact..."

"Teacher, have we met before!" Naruto raised his right hand high again, interrupting Yu Xiaobai's words. His tone was full of tireless pursuit of the truth, and his blue eyes looked directly at him with righteousness.

Yu Xiaobai was awkward on the spot, and the GIFs of speechlessness and disgust rushed past. What do you want, and the question of young appearance has not been answered yet! Are you the teacher or am I the teacher?

Sasuke glanced at Naruto lightly, did he know Mr. Yubai? However, Yu Xiaobai's reaction made Sasuke quickly lose interest in thinking about Naruto.


Facing the strange looks of the teachers and students who didn't know the truth, Yu Xiaobai had an upright figure, pronounced his words clearly, and told this lie without a trace of shame. The fool only said he knew you at this moment, and then the rhythm began to drag down to the same fool's realm, was he defeated by your already eager mouth escape?

"It's strange. I obviously think you look familiar to me, sensei." Naruto scratched his head in confusion, his eyes looking very pure, "And it seems that the sensei is at least about the same age as Iruka-sensei. If we are going to talk about the Three Body Technique today, The scary teacher taught about the transformation technique, the old-fashioned teacher taught about the clone technique, and then there is the last one, the substitute technique... Teacher, can you teach me better than Iruka-sensei?"

"..." Yu Xiaobai felt that there was no need to enter the rhythm of Mouth Escape. He had been completely defeated by Naruto.

"This idiot." Sasuke lowered his head and said he didn't want to look at it.

Iruka, who was standing behind, stared. This sudden turn of events made him uneasy. You're a coquettish person, don't get involved with me. Naruto usually treats you to so many ramen. Did he treat you with a dummy? ? He also asked if I taught him well... He is a retired ANBU from the Jonin, sent down by the superiors for communication and review, so he should choose a more normal posture to trick people!

Iruka, who was lying on the gun for no reason, was really on the verge of crying, and his face was very red from suppressing it. The colleague on the side couldn't stand it and pulled his shoulder, "Calm down, you must calm down, that kid didn't do it on purpose..."

Hinata Aida and another retired Anbu, who were also hit by an arrow in the knee, kept twitching their faces. What did the kid call them just now?

Yu Xiaobai coughed. He believed that Naruto didn't mean it, but he was too upright. His ridiculous words had offended many people.

There was also a lot of unbearable laughter in the classroom. After all, most people's nerves were at the same level, and there were many teachers who covered their mouths to hold back.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. If you have any questions, you can come to me after the lecture." Yu Xiaobai felt helpless for Naruto's rough nerves, but he couldn't argue with the naughty kid, and at the same time, he had to smooth things over.

Yu Xiaobai faced everyone again and said: "It is true that I may not be as old as many of the teachers here, but I have stayed in ANBU for several years and performed many tasks with my former colleagues. I just quit due to personal wishes some time ago..."

After a wave of explanations, the planned opening was completely disrupted by Naruto who jumped out.

After all, they were still in class. Yu Xiaobai was thinking about how to bring back the rhythm. Just as he raised his hand to ask Naruto to sit down, an idea flashed through his mind like lightning.

Although he confirmed his status as a retired Anbu and there were so many people present, he would not have lied, but no matter how good he was, the students would undoubtedly believe what they witnessed with their own eyes.

Yu Xiaobai decided to change the planned class schedule.

He glanced at Hinata Aida on the side and stretched out his hand.

Hinata Xiangtian was still angry, but when he saw Yu Xiaobai's actions, he was stunned and couldn't help but say, "Now?"

Yu Xiaobai nodded, and the calmness in his eyes convinced Hinata Xiangtian. Without too many objections, he took out a kunai from the ninja bag he carried behind him.

The classroom that had been excited by Naruto's appearance fell silent, and his behavior on the stage was a bit incomprehensible.

In the first two parts, the Transformation Technique and the Clone Technique, Yu Xiaobai and the others cooperated with the lecturer's content and conducted live demonstrations. When it was Yu Xiaobai's turn to perform the Substitution Technique, it was no exception. But now Xiaobai has changed his mind. He is not ready to let Uncle Aida cooperate.

After receiving the kunai, Yu Xiaobai walked into the seats full of students, came to Naruto's row, and said with a smile: "Don't care about other people's ridicule, it is a good thing to dare to doubt."

"But...Naruto, what you said just now is still very hurtful. Let's prove it to each other."

Naruto looked at Yu Xiaobai blankly, but he still hadn't reacted.


With the sound of metal rubbing against wood, Yu Xiaobai gently placed the kunai that shone darkly in the sun on the long wooden table and pushed it over.

The irregular surface of the kunai collided with the table, stumbling and sliding in front of Naruto.

"Teacher, what do you mean..." Naruto couldn't see the cheerfulness just now and stammered. He looked at the "traces" left by the kunai when he came over. He slid gently and roughly, and the sharp tool carved marks on the wooden table. The clear scratches and heavy texture tell everyone that this is a real hidden murder weapon.

Yu Xiaobai had already walked back to the front desk. Facing the many puzzled looks, he said calmly: "It's very simple. In order to better demonstrate the substitute technique - you throw the kunai at me."

Noticing Naruto's still thin body, Yu Xiaobai frowned, "Remember to throw with all your strength."

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and Yu Xiaobai's words shocked many people.

"No, using real kunai, or in class?"

Ino and Sakura, who were originally bored, were suddenly attracted to their attention and opened their eyes wide.

Shikamaru looked out the window and turned his head back, putting down his left hand that was supporting his head. Choji next to him coughed violently, and he choked on the potato chips.

Not to mention the children in the ninja school, the chuunin teachers behind also looked at each other in confusion. This young man named Chao Ming Yubai is really good at playing...

Hinata Aida and another retired ANBU asked again and again, and Yu Xiaobai responded confidently.

A frontal attack with a hidden weapon from a child who was not even a genin would of course not be a threat. The only thing that needed to be paid attention to was the safety of the surroundings. After all, there were more than a hundred children sitting in this classroom who could not even do the Three Body Techniques. However, in front of so many chuunin and jounin, the probability of an accident of this magnitude happening was approximately zero.

"You can throw it away." Yu Xiaobai waved to Naruto, standing completely defenseless.

Naruto swallowed, picked up the heavy kunai, looked at Yu Xiaobai who was looking at him with a smile, and then looked at the people around him who were watching him.

This is still difficult for an eight-year-old child. Even if he usually likes to joke and grandstand in order to relieve his loneliness, it is not so easy to harm others with the malicious intent of a clearly murderous thing.

Yu Xiaobai frowned slightly. Did he take it for granted? In front of everyone, the two people had different perceptions of the danger of this kunai.

Thanks to Jia Book Friends, Gu Lingying? , Gu Zhan’s reward~

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