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""Hurry, with Pikachu here, that Cougar can't run far!"

Luo Yi and Shirona Xiaoyao quickly rushed to the direction where the Cougar disappeared. Before that, Pikachu had turned into a flash of lightning and chased after it.

In the woods, a gray elf was running quickly in the grass. It had a long body and a long tail. Its hair was very short, but it looked very smooth, without a trace of disorder. Its pair of blue eyes were very spiritual.

At this time, it burst out at an extremely fast speed, almost turning into a gray light, and it could fly dozens of meters in a blink of an eye.

Behind it, a blue lightning came from a distance in an instant, accurately sniping the gray shadow.

It was the Cougar that was fleeing in a hurry and the Pikachu that was chasing it.


The figure of the Cougar suddenly stopped, bringing up a gust of wind. Its blue eyes stared fiercely at the front, where Pikachu was standing.

Although the Cougar was fast, it was not enough in front of Pikachu.���

"Pikachu tilted his head and looked at the bear curiously, waving his hand at it, signaling it not to run away.

This was the third time Pikachu had intercepted the bear. After sniping it the first two times, the bear turned around and ran away, and its speed would become faster.

This time, the bear finally realized that it was impossible for it to run away, panting heavily, and confronted Pikachu with a ferocious face.

At this time, the hair on the bear's body stood up, its tail was raised high, and its slender body was half-standing up, bent into a bow shape, with a fierce look. It tried to scare Pikachu.

But Pikachu didn't care about it at all. Its tail emitted crackling electric light and flew high into the sky. On the one hand, it frightened the spurt and prevented it from making any rash moves. On the other hand, it signaled Luo Yi to show its location.

At this time, it was only a dozen seconds since Pikachu left Luo Yi's shoulder.

However, in these dozen seconds, they were already hundreds of meters away from their original position.

The terrifying speed of the spurt can be seen!

But the most terrifying thing about the spurt is not yet. In terms of speed, the precious part of the straight bear is the sensitivity to some precious items. It was almost incredible, and the light from Pikachu was found here, and he found here to see Luo Yiyi. The blue water ball hugged in the son smashed it on the ground fiercely!

"Come out, Suicune! Reflection wall!"

A red light flashed, and the figure of little Suicune appeared in front of Luo Yi. He saw the situation on the field clearly in an instant, and immediately erected several solid ice walls in front of him according to Luo Yi's command.

The ice wall was very thin, like a mirror, but it was very strong and had a good reflection effect. The surging water flow emitted by the water waves. After touching the water wall, all returned to the original path!

""Good job, Suicune!" Luo Yi was excited.

However, the spurting bear was a little panicked at this time. The water wave just now was fully exerted. Now it was completely returned and turned around to attack itself. It was not easy to resolve.

In front of the divine beast Suicune, the spurting bear's strength was not enough!

Although Suicune was still in his infancy, he had the Heart of the Ocean in his body. His strength was growing every day, and now it had reached a terrifying level.

""Pikachu, use electric shock!"

Luo Yi shouted, and Pikachu flicked his tail, and a bolt of lightning hit the body of the bear.

The bear was attacked from both sides and could not stand it at all. First, it was electrocuted, and then it was hit by the returning water waves, and it fainted directly.

""Great, we won!" Xiaoyao was happier than Luo Yi, and ran to the side of the ursine, observing the little elf carefully.

Luo Yi also came over and said with a smile:"Let me put it away first, otherwise it will run away again when it wakes up."

After that, Luo Yi threw the Poké Ball, and the figure of the ursine disappeared. After shaking twice, the Poké Ball stopped moving.

Successfully captured!

However, Luo Yi immediately released it and used the recovery ability of the surgery fruit to heal its injuries.

In the process, Luo Yi successfully captured the heart of the ursine with the cultivation food exchanged from the system. The ursine was very happy to eat the cultivation food, just like a foodie, and had no hostility towards Luo Yi at all. Even after eating the cultivation food, it would act like a spoiled child to Luo Yi and want to eat more.

Pikachu ran over, scratched his head embarrassedly, as if apologizing for the electric shock he had just given.

However, the ursine blinked its blue eyes, and took the initiative to rub against Pikachu's body, not seeming to mind at all

"All right, Zhichong Bear, take the things in your treasure house with you, and you have to travel with me in the future." Luo Yi said.

After hearing what Luo Yi said, Zhichong Bear immediately took Luo Yi to a bush. There was a small hole hidden in the bush, which was just right for Zhichong Bear to go in and out.

Zhichong Bear dragged out a lot of things from the bush, which were obviously its treasures.

However, these things were stored in the mud hole, which was full of mud, and Luo Yi couldn't recognize what they were for a while.

Then, Zhichong Bear pointed at these things, and then pointed at Luo Yi. The meaning was very clear, and he wanted Luo Yi to choose his treasures at will.

"What a clever little fellow."

Luo Yi smiled. After the bear recognized Luo Yi as its master, it completely opened up to him.

Luo Yi touched the bear's head and began to look through the"treasures".

Soon, when Luo Yi's hand touched something, his eyes suddenly widened.

"This... this is! ?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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