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"Meteor Falls? Is that the place related to the Meteor People?"

After hearing Yun Dun's words, Luo Yi unconsciously remembered the things about that place. In Luo Yi's memory of his previous life, the water fleet seemed to have stolen a meteorite from Meteor Falls.

"Yundun, do you know what the water fleet has done?" Luo Yi asked

"Young Master, the water fleet is well prepared this time, with many elves, and our researchers dare not follow too closely."Yundun's voice was a little embarrassed, and then he said,"But from the looks of them, they seem to be leaving there."

Luo Yi frowned, then relaxed and said,"Don't worry about them, let our researchers pay attention to safety."

Soon, Luo Yi hung up the phone and found a map of the Hoenn region. From the map, Luo Yi's current destination, Violet City, is quite far away from Meteor Falls. If he wants to get there, it may take some time.

Luo Yi shook his head and gave up the idea. Even if the water fleet got the space meteorite, it would not be so easy to attack Kyogre. The three stone carvings in Luo Yi's hand must be indispensable to awaken the two beasts.

"I'll let you find it first, and then I'll settle with you properly."

Luo Yi was fearless, and even hoped that the water fleet would have more gains, so that when Luo Yi met them, he could rob more things. The

Lava Team and the Water Fleet had attacked Luo Yi many times, and Luo Yi beat them to death every time. Luo Yi had no good feelings or mercy towards them.

Putting away the map, Luo Yi no longer thought about the water fleet. After a day of sailing, they were close to the land.

After finding the nearest port, Luo Yi and his three companions got off the boat and prepared to set off for Zijin City.

However, Shirona, who had just walked out of the port, grabbed Luo Yi's sleeve.

""What's wrong?" Luo Yi asked.

He turned his head and saw that Shirona looked a little serious, which was rare on Shirona, and his heart skipped a beat.

Shirona didn't say anything, but pointed to a small electronic screen on the side of the road.

On the screen was a photo of Luo Yi's ancient Gyarados spitting out destructive death light!

Luo Yi's pupils shrank and he walked to the electronic screen.

At this time, there were several people chatting here, all discussing the matter of the ancient Gyarados.

"This is a spirit of the divine beast level!" said one person

"Not necessarily. Do you think mythical beasts are everywhere? They are just bigger in size."Another person retorted.

"Look, is there a child standing on the head of Gyarados?"

"It must be a person, but I just can't see what he looks like! But this person is really amazing, could he be the owner of this Gyarados?"

Several people discussed it one by one, and when they saw the news on the screen, they found that the news did not reveal any information about Luo Yi.

""You're quite sensible."

Luo Yi curled his lips. Regardless of whether the news publisher knew about Luo Yi's relationship with Gyarados, he was smart not to publish it in the news.

If the Hoenn Daily really exposed Luo Yi's role in this matter, then with Luo Yi's temper, the first thing he would flatten would be the Hoenn Daily.

As for the news that was released now, it didn't touch the line, so Luo Yi was too lazy to bother with it.

"Xiaoyao, Shirona, let's go!"

Luo Yi said hello, and took Xiaoyao and Shirona and left the port directly.

At this time, Shirona also noticed that there was no particularly effective information exposed in the news, and she was relieved. As for Wudou Town, they had tried their best to erase some traces when they left.

"Luo Yi, are we going to go through this forest?" Xiaoyao asked, her voice somewhat excited.

"Yes, crossing this forest can save a lot of time."Luo Yi said.

There was a large forest between their destination, Zijin City, and the dock where they were now. Luo Yi chose to cross this forest at the beginning.

Luo Yi thought that he might get some unexpected gains in the forest.

"Great! There must be a lot of cute Pokémon in the forest! Luo Yi, let's go!"Hearing Luo Yi's answer, Xiaoyao was so happy that she almost jumped up. She held Luo Yi's hand and wanted to appear in the forest immediately.

Luo Yi and Shirona smiled. Xiaoyao was really impatient.

The forest was not far from the port. Soon, Luo Yi and the other two entered the forest.

At first, there were relatively few trees, but after they walked for half an hour, the trees began to become taller and stronger, and some wild elves began to increase in number.

Xiaoyao took the elf illustration and kept identifying the wild elves that appeared, but most of these elves ran away as soon as there was any movement, and they didn't want to get close to people at all.

After a while, Xiaoyao returned to Luo Yi with a frustrated look on her face. She had originally wanted to conquer one or two cute elves, but she didn't expect that no elves were willing to pay attention to her.

"How could this happen?"Xiaoyao pouted, a little unhappy

""It could be caused by poachers." Shirona said.

Along the way, she found some scratches on the tree trunks, which seemed to be caused by iron tools. Some were old and moss-covered, while others were relatively new and looked like they happened not long ago.

Luo nodded. He also found the scratches on the tree trunks. It was obvious that this was a place where poachers often moved around.

It was just unknown what kind of elves were worthy of poachers' enthusiasm for this forest.


Just as Shirona was comforting Xiaoyao, the Pikachu on Luo Yi's shoulder suddenly cried out in surprise, flicked its tail, and shot out a lightning bolt.


At the same time, a small figure ran past the three people not far away.

The figure was very fast, and it only took one second from appearing to disappearing from the three people's sight.

Even the lightning bolt shot by Pikachu was dodged by it.

"It's Ursa!!"

Although the Pokémon was very fast, Luo Yi still recognized it. It was the famous treasure-hunting king, Ursa.

When Shirona heard Luo Yi's name of the Pokémon, she was instantly moved.

Ursa's most famous characteristic is - picking up. It likes to collect all kinds of valuable things, and sometimes even steals the Poké Balls of trainers.

"Pikachu, catch up with it!!"

Pikachu instantly transformed into an element, turned into a flash of lightning, and chased in the direction where the bear disappeared.

Luo Yi and Xiaoyao Sirona ran in that direction. With Pikachu there, the bear couldn't run far!_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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