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On the morning of the second day after the Fighting Town battle, this newspaper was delivered to almost every household in the Hoenn area.

For a time, everyone knew that a huge and powerful Gyarados appeared in Hoenn.

This was like a blockbuster bomb dropped on the long-silent deep sea of Hoenn.

The content of this newspaper immediately attracted great attention from all families and forces.

A Gyarados at the level of a legendary beast!!

Many experienced trainers with sophisticated eyes judged in an instant that the Gyarados in the newspaper definitely had the combat power of a legendary beast!

You must know that in the entire Hoenn area, only Groudon and Kyogre, two super ancient Pokémon, can be called legendary beasts. Now, a third Pokémon that can rival them has appeared. How can people not be tempted?

For a time, all forces began their own actions.���

"Check it out for me! Who is that figure on the head of the Gyarados?"


"Send someone to Wudou Town and find out everything that happened there!"


"Surround the island where Wudou Town is located! No ships can leave!"


Orders were issued from the headquarters of various forces, and those forces that usually hid quickly took action.

The target was the Ancient Gyarados!

Overnight, the Hoenn region was undercurrent!


In the office of the president of Devon Group in Kanaz City, Zfuchi stood in front of the window, looking at Kanaz City outside the window, with a look of obvious worry on his face.

With his experience, the moment he saw the photo, he sensitively realized that what Luo Yi did this time would probably cause a big storm! It might even involve Devon Group.

Some ancient forces, even the Devon Group, which is developing at its peak, dare not be hostile to it.

Zfuchi's mood was so heavy for the first time in more than ten years.

After a while, Zfuchi picked up the communicator and typed a number.

Almost as soon as he dialed it, the call was picked up.

"Go to Wudou Town and find the traces there! Go! Be quick!"


League Champion Daigo's room.

A beautiful maid lady knocked on Daigo's door with a hearty breakfast.

However, no one responded.

""Brother Daigo, are you ready for breakfast?" the young lady called out, but there was still no response.

The maid-dressed young lady pushed the door curiously, but found that it was not locked at all, and she pushed it open directly.

There was no sign of Daigo in the room.

Even some of Daigo's belongings disappeared.


At this time, Luo Yi was leisurely admiring the sexy figures of two girls on the luxury yacht, and he didn't realize that a big storm was rapidly forming with him as the center!

Even with the cover-up of the Dewen Group, it would not take long for people to find out that the terrifying Gyarados belonged to Luo Yi.

Even the fact that Luo Yi owned Suicune could not be hidden!

On the deck, Luo Yi, who was completely unaware, was still considering his next move.

He held a document about Zijin City in his hand, which recorded in detail the Pokémon and fighting methods of the gym leaders in Zijin City.

Specialized in electric Pokémon!

Luo Yi smiled lightly. He was sure that no electric Pokémon could be the opponent of Thunder Pikachu. Even if Thunder God, one of the three sacred beasts, came, he would be abused by Pikachu.

"Next, I can finally relax a little." Luo Yi thought.

On the other side of the deck, Xiaoyao and Sirona stood on the edge of the deck, looking at the endless sea, talking and laughing, I don't know what they were talking about.

"This world is actually not bad."

Luo Yi was lying comfortably on the recliner. On the table next to him were three ancient stone carvings.

Luo Yi had put the two stone carvings depicting Groudon together, but still found nothing.

Looking at the two stone carvings, Luo Yi tried hard to search for his memories of the plot of Groudon and Kyogre in his previous life.

Now that he had obtained three stone carvings, Luo Yi would never give up the opportunity to subdue Groudon.

At this time, Luo Yi had obtained three of the four ancient stone carvings. Luo Yi had a hunch that the information hidden in the stone carvings was crucial to subdue Groudon.

"Beep beep beep!"

"Beep, beep, beep!"

Just as Luo Yi was trying to recall, the communicator rang. It was a message from Yun Dun.

When leaving Wudou Town, Luo Yi asked Yun Dun to pay attention to the whereabouts of the Water Fleet and the Magma Team. The obsession of these two organizations for Groudon and Kyogre is unmatched by anyone.

"Young Master, our researchers have discovered the presence of the water fleet."

"At Meteor Falls.

Luo Yi was stunned, and his mind suddenly flooded with memories of Meteor Falls in his previous life.

"Meteor Falls? Pop People? Rayquaza?"


It's a small but not too small game. When I think about some of the scenes, I get really angry. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu

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