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"The Devon Group branch in Wudou Town is being attacked by a large number of Pokémon and is about to collapse!!"

This last message was just sent.

Luo Yi's heart jumped and he immediately called Yun Dun back, but no one answered.

Luo Yi immediately guessed that Yun Dun was probably studying the half stone carving in the Devon Group branch in Wudou Town, but was attacked and was in danger.

I'm afraid the situation there is not optimistic!

Luo Yi's face suddenly darkened.

You know, Luo Yi's father is the founder of Devon Group.

In other words, Devon Group is completely Luo Yi's own family business!

"Let's go! Let's go back to Wudou Town immediately!" Luo Yi's voice was filled with anger.

He would never tolerate anyone damaging the Dewen Group. Moreover, the half of the Groudon stone carving that Luo Yi needed was still in the Dewen Group branch in Wudou Town.

""Luo Yi, are we still going back the same way?" Xiaoyao asked.

Luo Yi shook his head and said,"It will take too long to go back the same way. We are too late."

"Go back to the valley first, I will find a way to get there!"

As he spoke, Luo Yi's eyes flickered, and he had already planned everything in his mind!

If you dare to touch my things, I will let you know what horror is!!


The northern part of Wudou Town.

The area where the branch of Devon Group is located.

It was noon, and everyone was taking a nap, but the northern part of Wudou Town was already in chaos. With Devon Group as the center, there were elves fighting everywhere, and the roars were one after another. The battle was extremely fierce.

The building of Devon Group had been damaged, but the research institute under the building had not been invaded for the time being.

Outside the building, ordinary people had already fled without a trace. Looking around, countless elves were divided into two forces and were fighting!

Iron-footed rhinoceros, Houndoo, Big Wolfhound, Kodora, Fire-breathing Camel...

The force that attacked Devon Group was the Lava Team!

In the ancient ruins, the branch of the Lava Team was once swept away by Sirona overnight, and they were eliminated without really participating in it.

But today, the Lava Team was surprisingly doing its best. Various elves came one after another and received a steady stream of reinforcements, forcing the guards of Devon Group into a dead end.

You know, as the largest elf supplies seller in the Hoenn region, the Devon Group has an absolutely strong guard force, but today it couldn't withstand the continuous attacks.

The elves representing the Devon Group have retreated to a place very close to the Devon Group building. If they retreat further, they will be attacked by the Rocket Team inside the building!

By then, the underground research base will be lost, the precious research results will be stolen, and even the Groudon stone carving that Luo Yi cares about will disappear.

In the dark, the three members of the Rocket Team showed a smug smile.

"Dewen Group is no different." One of them said

"That’s right, they are still being defeated by us!"

"This time, Groudon's stone carving must be ours! Hahahaha," a woman with a shrill voice said with a smile, as if she had seen the scene of success.

"The achievements we make this time will be enough for us to not have to work for several years!"


Several people were chatting happily, as if breaking through the branch of the Devon Group was already a piece of cake.

Behind the three people, a tall black shadow loomed, and no elves dared to approach the shadow...

In the Devon Group's camp, Yunton was also there, commanding his elves to fight hard.

However, his elves were already covered with wounds, but they were still fighting.

Yunton knew that if they couldn't hold on this time, the loss of the Devon Group would be too great.

The ancient stone carvings that recorded Groudon's information!! The value is simply inestimable!

Not only Yunton, in the Devon Group's camp, almost all researchers came to the front line, released their Pokémon, and fought against the enemy.

They all had a belief in their hearts that they must not let the other side take away the ancient stone carvings!

However, under the strong attack of the Lava Team, their resistance seemed insignificant. These researchers were not good at fighting, and many elves had lost their combat effectiveness at this time.

On the Lava Team side, seeing that the overall situation was settled, the three team leaders appeared in the darkness together and shouted to the people of the Devon Group:

""Hand over the ancient stone carvings! We will retreat immediately!" One of them shouted.

Their goal was the ancient stone carvings. As long as they got the ancient stone carvings, other things didn't matter at all.

"Bullshit! We don’t have any ancient stone carvings at all!"Someone from Dewen Group responded, refusing to admit that they had any ancient stone carvings.

"Hahaha, you are so stubborn! But I want to see what kind of expressions you will have after the stone carvings are taken away!" said the Lava Team

"You are dreaming, you are still far away from defeating us!"

"Humph, you talk big. Even if Zvochi Hibiscus comes today, we won’t be able to defend it!" A team leader of Team Rocket said arrogantly.

However, just as he finished speaking, bursts of rumbling sounds came from the horizon.

The sound came very suddenly, and it became louder and louder, and soon attracted people's attention.

People looked up at the sky and soon found the source of the sound.

However, after finding the source of the sound, whether they were from Team Rocket or Devon Group, they all stared at the sky in the distance in amazement, and were all shocked.

Only Yundun, looking at the behemoth flying towards here rapidly in the sky, burst into tears instantly.

Flying in the air was the super ancient Gyarados that Luo Yi had subdued in the ancient ruins, as big as a hill!

At this time, Gyarados regained its hill-like body shape and moved forward rapidly in the air, making a rumbling sound. 's voice, its body is more than a hundred meters long, it really looks like a giant dragon.

On the head of the Gyarados, Luo Yi is standing there!

Boom boom boom boom boom! The sound of air explosions is getting louder and louder. After people discovered the figure of Gyarados, in just a few seconds, Gyarados came to the top of the Fighting Town.

Swish! The hill-like Gyarados stopped above the Fighting Town. The huge figure blocked out the sun, and almost the entire battlefield was covered by the shadow of Gyarados.

Now, whether it is the people of the Lava Team or the researchers of the Dewen Group, they all looked at the huge figure in the air with a confused look on their faces.

What is this! ? Gyarados! ? There is a Gyarados as big as a hill in this world!! ? ?

Before people could react, Luo Yi's voice had already reached the field

"You dare to snatch something that I, Luo Yi, have already decided on! ?"

As soon as these words came out, the position was immediately clear. The faces of the people in the Magma Team changed drastically, and I don't know how many people's clothes were soaked with cold sweat in an instant.

In particular, they saw that the hill-sized Gyarados began to have an orange-yellow light in its mouth.

That is... the destruction ray!!

This will be a destruction ray that will go down in history!!_

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