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Above the Fighting Town, a huge figure as big as a hill, with a dazzling orange light blooming from its mouth, was frantically condensing a destructive death ray. Near the Gyarados, the air made a crackling sound. It was the violent energy condensed in its mouth that made the air distorted.

In the Fighting Town, whether it was the two parties who had just fought near the Devon Group or other residents, they all stared at the huge figure in the air in amazement. They all looked confused!

They had heard of and even seen Gyarados, but they never thought that there was such a Gyarados as big as a hill.

At this moment, I don’t know how many people would doubt their lives.

In particular, this Gyarados was now using a terrifying destructive death ray to face the Fighting Town, and it was about to bombard it.

There can still be such an operation!! ?

At this time, not only the members of the Lava Team wanted to cry, but also the ordinary residents of Wudou Town were calling Luo Yi"Dad". With this destructive death beam, I'm afraid that half of the entire Wudou Town will be destroyed!

In the Wudou Dojo in the distance, Teng Shu rushed out and looked at the huge figure in the sky with his eyes wide open.

Because he saw a familiar figure!

It was Luo Yi standing on the dragon head!

"It's Luo Yi! Is this his mutated Gyarados?! It's so terrifying!"

Fujishu's heart was shaken again and again. He was still feeling sorry for not being able to fight against Luo Yi's Gyarados, but now it seems like a happy thing.

In front of this Gyarados, which trainer can win!?

At the same time, some reporters in Fighting Town were taking pictures of the sky frantically regardless of the danger.

Absolutely big news!!

At this time, not only the residents of the Lava Team and Fighting Town were frightened, but even the people of the Dewen Group were a little pale.

Even if the attack was not aimed at them, at such a close distance, the aftermath alone would be enough to overturn the Dewen Building.

Feeling the energy that was still increasing in the mouth of the Gyarados under his feet, Luo Yi stomped his feet helplessly, stepped on the Gyarados, and said:"I asked you to teach them a lesson, do you want to destroy the entire Fighting Town!


Hearing Luo Yi's words, Gyarados shook its tail and obediently stopped accumulating energy.

But even so, the energy in Gyarados' mouth was terrifying enough!

Soon, Gyarados' eyes locked onto the three captains of the Magma Team.

The three captains saw Gyarados's eyes turn and accurately locked onto their positions, and the hairs on their bodies stood up in an instant!

Behind the three of them, a tall Boskodora trembled all over, instantly turned into a red light, and ran back to the Poké Ball.

Although this Boskodora is not as powerful as the super ancient Boskodora that Luo Yi had captured before, it is also a powerful Pokémon with the strength of a king. It is the biggest reliance of the Magma Team on this trip.

But now, being stared at by Gyarados, it instantly ran back to the Poké Ball, and was directly scared out of its wits!

Luo Yi looked at these people from the Magma Team and snorted coldly..:"Release!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!

An orange beam of light instantly shot out from the mouth of the ancient Gyarados, directly bombarding the vicinity of the three team leaders of the Magma Team!

After the light landed, it immediately caused a huge explosion. Moreover, this beam of light did not disappear after one blow, but maintained the form of a beam of light, sweeping madly around the main gathering place of the Magma Team!

Wherever the destructive death ray went, there were violent explosions!

This ancient Gyarados, with its own divine beast-level ability, continuously output the destructive death ray, and it seemed that it had already taken the destructive death ray to a new height.

Luo Yi stood on the head of the Gyarados and raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene. The attack of the Gyarados could cause huge damage to the Magma Team, but it would not destroy the Fighting Town, which was exactly what Luo Yi wanted.

At this time on the ground, in the area next to the bombing of the Gyarados, many houses were directly affected by the aftermath. Destroyed, the entire battlefield exploded, and rocks flew everywhere.

The people from the Devon Group nearby fell to the ground in panic, fearing that they would be affected by the rocks and aftermath.

At the same time, they felt that the ground was shaking violently, and the huge explosion almost destroyed their ears.

The aftermath was so terrifying, and the center of the explosion was even more unbearable.

Half a minute later, Gyarados stopped the destructive death ray with satisfaction and roared triumphantly.

On the ground, the area where the Lava Team was located was covered with smoke and dust. The entire ground sank to a depth of several meters. There were elves who were seriously injured and fainted everywhere. As for the three captains of the Lava Team, no one knew where they were blown away.

The crisis of the Devon Group was resolved!

After hearing the explosion stop, the people of the Devon Group raised their heads from the ground.

As far as the eye could see, except for the area near the Devon Building which was still relatively intact, the surrounding area was already a mess.

"Too scary!"The person in charge of the underground research institute of the Wudou branch of Dewen Group stared blankly at the scene in front of him, the shock in his heart has not subsided.

This is a middle-aged man named Kailu, who has just become the person in charge of the underground research institute of the Wudou Town Dewen branch. He did not expect to encounter such a thing.

"Gyarados, let's go down."

Luo Yi said, and Gyarados immediately fell to the ground, shrinking its body at the same time. Soon, when it was close to the ground, Luo Yi and Xiaoyao Sirona jumped off Gyarados and landed safely.

Luo Yi also took Gyarados back into the Poké Ball.

If he still brought Gyarados with him, he would probably be watched by others.

After landing, Luo Yi took the two girls directly to the place where people from the Devon Group gathered.

In the place where people from the Devon Group gathered, a middle-aged man looked at Luo Yi who was walking here with doubt.

It was Kailu, the person in charge here.

However, he obviously did not recognize Luo Yi's identity.

As we all know, the founder of the Devon Group, Zifuchi Mujin, has two sons. The eldest son Daigo is the champion of the Hoenn regional league, but the information of the younger son Luo Yi is well protected. This person does not know that Luo Yi is the future boss of the Devon Group.

Now here, except Yunton, no one knows Luo Yi's identity.

Kailu saw Luo Yi walking towards here, and many thoughts suddenly went through his mind.

If the young man in front of him also came here for the ancient stone carvings, it is hard to say. , still fighting again!

Kailu would never do such a thing as handing over the things of Devon Group to others.

After Luo Yi approached, he saw Kailu's appearance and immediately understood the thoughts of the person in charge in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little funny in his heart.

This guy obviously thought that his purpose was also to rob the ancient stone carvings.

Although Luo Yi's purpose was also the ancient stone carvings, it was not to rob them, because Devon Group was originally Luo Yi's own family's industry.

The ancient stone carvings can be said to belong to Luo Yi!

Seeing Luo Yi getting closer and closer, Kailu gritted his teeth and was about to speak, but he saw Luo Yi took out a black bank card from his arms and threw it to him.

Devon Black Card!

What Luo Yi took out to show Kailu was the black card unique to Devon Group. The holder of the black card has the highest authority in Devon Group.

In the entire Hoenn region, the number of this black card is only five fingers.

It can be said that the holder of the Devon Black Card is the highest level of Devon Group!

Kailu saw Luo Yi throwing the card to him, and subconsciously took it in his hand. After seeing what was in his hand clearly, his eyes suddenly widened!

"You, you are……"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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