Ma Teng's face changed repeatedly, and his heart sank.

Was it the news that leaked from within his own company?

Was it Zhibei who told him?

He couldn't figure out the reason, so he asked directly:"Recently, financing is not smooth, there is a problem, but, how did you know about it, brother Yi?"

Yi Feng smiled mysteriously and said:"Your recent version update is slow, and the product has no monetization ability. It's not a good idea to keep burning money."

"So... this is my guess, I didn't expect it to be right."

Ma Teng's face was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect that the company's predicament was still seen by others.

But whether it was seen or someone told him, Ma Teng was not sure, but he couldn't make more suspicions.

"Maple God, you just said that you can cooperate with us. Is there anything you can do?"Zhang Zhibei is a straightforward person and asked Yi Feng for a solution.

He was really anxious.

The buckle was the hard work of his and his team's research and development, and he didn't want it to end like this.

Ma Teng secretly shook his head in his heart, but Zhang Zhibei didn't expect it. Being so impatient, the delicate balance between him and Yi Feng was broken!

He didn't have enough confidence in the subsequent chat, and he must have been at a disadvantage.

But Zhang Zhibei said all the requests, and there was nothing he could do. He could only say:"Zhibei is still too impatient, Brother Yi, don't mind."

Yi Feng smiled:"I can understand Brother Zhibei's mood."

"I did say just now that there is room for cooperation, and... there are indeed ways for Penguin to overcome the current difficulties.

Zhang Zhibei looked excited and asked hurriedly:"What can we do?"!"

Ma Teng was also very moved and listened attentively.

He came here to see Yi Feng in the first place so that the 361 project could be monetized, and then he would create blood for Penguin Company and provide blood transfusions to tide over the difficulties.

Now that he heard that Yi Feng had a solution, he was naturally very happy I want to hear it.

Yi Feng stretched out a finger and said calmly:"First, financing, first of all, financing to continue to expand the server, maintain the operation of the company, and develop products."

Zhang Zhibei and Ma Teng were stunned for a moment, and then looked at each other.

What kind of solution is this?

If they could really raise funds, they would not come here anymore.

"Well, Brother Yi, we are indeed seeking financing, but as you know, the Internet bubble crisis is going on in the U.S. stock market. The Asian financial crisis has only been more than a year old. It is too difficult for Internet companies to raise funds. Private capital Also very cautious"

"The current environment makes it difficult to raise funds. Where else can you go to raise funds?"Ma Teng sighed.

He had thought about selling Penguin Company for several nights and starting from scratch.

Yi Feng smiled and said:"Mr. Ma, the reason why I said this is of course my reason. Ma Teng was stunned for a moment, savoring his words carefully, and suddenly said in surprise:"Could it be... Brother Yi, can you finance us?"!"

Yi Feng nodded,"I can invest one million in your Penguin company."

"Uh... one million? But……"Ma Teng was a little disappointed and felt that one million would not solve the problem at all.

But his words were directly interrupted by Yi Feng

"Mr. Ma, don't be impatient, just listen to me." Yi Feng's tone began to strengthen and become more assertive.

Because he was now the one taking the initiative.

""Okay, I'm anxious. Brother Yi, please speak." Mr. Ma smiled bitterly, feeling that he was now under the control of Yi Feng.

"I not only invested 1 million in Penguin, but I can also help Penguin achieve more than 10 million in revenue within a year!"Yi Feng said confidently.

Ma Teng and Zhang Zhibei still don't understand Penguin Dunkou's profit model, but he does.

It's not a big deal to earn tens of millions of dollars in revenue a year. There are many ways to do it. Now Kuangkou is the No. 1 company in the country. A major social software, with 5 million registered users and 100,000 real-time online users!

But this year is also the most difficult year for Penguin, and there is a risk of bankruptcy at any time!

"What?! Thousands or tens of millions of revenue?!"Zhang Zhibei and Ma Teng said in unison, equally shocked.

They didn't know where Yi Feng got his confidence from, but looking at Yi Feng's appearance, he didn't look like he was joking.

There was no need to joke about this matter.

Ma Teng took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

Such conditions were extremely tempting. Although a million investment was not much, the tens of millions of revenue made him more tempted.

He didn't even doubt that Yi Feng had such ability to independently develop the 361 software and start a business at a young age. He was definitely not a fool.

But to be able to offer such conditions, he must have something he wants!

Ma Teng looked at Yi Feng and asked calmly:"Brother Yi, you must have some requirements for this condition, right?"

Yi Feng poured him a cup of tea and smiled:"Indeed, I just said that I am very interested in Penguin QQ, and I also recognize its prospects. After all, I am using QQ myself"

"My investment of one million is just a stepping stone. Later, it is my intention to participate in the operation of Penguin Company and help Penguin Company develop."

"Indeed, I have a request. If you are honest and don't tell secrets, I will invest one million in cash. I want 10% of the equity."

"If I can achieve more than 10 million in revenue within a year, I want 51% of the absolute controlling interest."

Ma Teng and Zhang Zhibei were silent after hearing this, each with their own thoughts.

Zhang Zhibei originally had a small share of equity, so he didn't care. What he cared about was whether KouKou could survive, and then successfully make tens of millions of dollars in revenue and develop..

But Ma Teng is different. He has the largest shareholding, currently accounting for 40%. IDG and Telecom invested US$2.2 million last year, each accounting for 20%. The three parties add up to 80% of the shares, and the remaining 20%. It was Zhang Zhibei and the other three co-founders who shared it.

Ma Teng drank the tea poured by Yi Feng and thought about it carefully.

Investing one million to get 10% of the equity was not much. For Penguin Company, which is currently short of money, this money can be said to be a life-saving spring.

However... if it achieves a revenue of tens of millions, it needs absolute control...

He cannot make the decision independently because he does not have absolute control..

But he is very interested in Yi Feng's tens of millions of dollars in revenue. If he can achieve that level, Penguin Company can be said to be revitalized and win.

This is what he understands.

If he refuses... Penguin Company can. Whether he will survive this year is still unknown

"Brother Yi, are you sure you can achieve a revenue of 10 million within a year? Really?" Ma Teng asked solemnly.

"What if, and I mean what if, you can't do it?"

"Do you dare to make a betting agreement?"

Yi Feng naturally understands what a gambling agreement is. It is an agreement between two parties to gamble on something. This is often accompanied by conditions when investing and financing.

For Yi Feng, making a gambling agreement is the best thing!

"Of course, Mr. Ma, we can make a bet agreement. If I can't achieve a revenue of tens of millions within a year, I can add an additional investment of 5 million, and I won't add any equity."

"If I can achieve a revenue of tens of millions within one year as promised, by then, I will obtain 51% of the absolute controlling interest."

"I can sign this gambling agreement together with all the shareholders of Penguin Company." Yi Feng smiled, his expression was calm and his tone was full of confidence.

Ma Teng was even more tempted when he heard that if the gambling failed, he would add 5 million investment instead of adding equity.

If Yi Feng really could achieve a revenue of tens of millions within a year, it would not be a bad idea to give him an absolute controlling stake of 51%.

With an annual revenue of tens of millions, the market value of the company would reach hundreds of millions, and the value of the equity in everyone's hands would increase by dozens of times.

Zhang Zhibei was very excited when he heard this, and he wanted to agree to Yi Feng immediately. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Ma Teng.

Ma Teng narrowed his eyes, stared at Yi Feng, and smiled,"Brother Yi's suggestion is really good, but this matter is of great importance, and I still need to discuss it with other shareholders."

"How about I give you a reply later, Brother Yi?"

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