"No problem, Mr. Ma, you can go back and discuss it carefully." Yi Feng picked up the tea cup, smiled slightly, and then drank it all.

This time it was Ma Teng's turn to pour him tea and said:"To be honest, I am more excited, but Brother Yi needs to understand that our company has raised a round of financing before, and there are two shareholders from venture capital companies."

"We need to hold a shareholders' meeting to discuss this matter after we go back."

""I understand. Come on, Mr. Ma, Brother Zhibei, let's have tea instead of wine. Let's go." Yi Feng smiled and raised his glass.

The three of them clinked their glasses and drank together.

Although they had different thoughts in their minds, they were still harmonious on the surface and had a very lively chat.

At the end, Zhang Zhibei also discussed technical issues with Yi Feng. Both of them were technology enthusiasts, so there was no obstacle in chatting.

But it was basically Yi Feng who was talking and Zhang Zhibei was listening carefully. The more

Zhang Zhibei listened, the more shocked he was.

He was shocked by Yi Feng's technical depth and breadth. He not only had a deep understanding of desktop applications and computer security, but also had a deep understanding of technical principles.���, and he also has a good understanding of the technical prospects.

With such deep attainments at such a young age, it's no wonder that he became the top scorer in the Guangdong Province College Entrance Examination!


A genius of evil!

A morning tea, which lasted from morning to two o'clock in the afternoon, was finally over.

After the three of them left their contact information with each other, Zhang Zhibei and Ma Teng immediately rushed back to Shenzhen.

The three of them said goodbye in the parking lot

""Brother Yi, you don't need to see me off. If you have time, you can come to Shenzhen and visit our company. I will definitely treat you well!" Ma Teng said politely.

"Haha, I may be free on the day I hear the news from Mr. Ma."Yi Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, let's go now. I had a great time chatting with you today. I'll see you in Shenzhen City another day!"Ma Teng shook hands with him and then got into the car.

"Goodbye Maple God!"

"I’m going back tonight, let’s talk about it again!"Zhang Zhibei waved in the car.

"good."Yi Feng waved.

The car started and left the parking space.

Yi Feng watched the car drive away and smiled.

Penguin Company, I will definitely win it!


In the afternoon, Yi Feng received a call from his father Yi Jianjun on his way home. He said that he wanted to take Meng Xiaoyun to the park for a walk. Going out for a walk and relaxing would help with the recovery of the wound. He asked him to take care of his own dinner or go to Gu's house for dinner.

How could the food outside be as delicious as the one cooked by Gu Muxi's mother? Yi Feng decisively chose to go to Gu's house for dinner.

In the taxi, Yi Feng called Gu Muxi's home phone.

After a while, the call was connected.

"Hello, Master Yi?"

Gu Muxi's crisp voice came from the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Gu, it’s me. Are you surprised?"

"Stinky Feng, if you fart, hurry up and don’t let me watch TV!"

"Hey, Gu Muxi, how can you be so cute? Warning you not to be too arrogant!"

"Hehe, Choufeng, you are really cool! If you have something to say, tell me now!"

"Okay, Gu Muxi, I'll go to your house for dinner today. Cook me an extra bowl of rice."

"Hum~ I knew that since your parents are out having fun, you must come to eat. My mom has already cooked your meal! She even added some extra dishes!"

"Hehe, aunt is still nice to me!"

"Chou Feng, your smile is so mean, I can think of your face just by hearing the sound!"

"Gu Muxi, don't be infatuated with me. I'm just a legend. If you have to be infatuated with me, I can only give you a solid shoulder to lean on."

Gu Muxi:"……"

"Stinky Feng, I'll give you one word, get lost"

"Beep Beep——"

Yi Feng listened to the busy tone on the phone and smiled.


As soon as he returned to Gu's house, Yi Feng saw Li Wan and Gu Muxi picking vegetables in the living room.

"Hello, Auntie!"Yi Feng greeted Li Wan with a smile on his face.

"Xiaofeng is back. You will have dinner at my place tonight. Auntie has added some vegetables for you. She bought half a catty of pork belly. I will make braised pork for you to try!"Li Wan greeted happily

"OK, thank you, auntie!"

"Auntie, let me help you pick vegetables. You can go and do other things first. Leave this to us."Yi Feng said

"All right, then you two should pick the fruits carefully, I will go and stew the meat first." Li Wan stood up, wiped her hands, and went to the kitchen. Gu Muxi squinted at Yi Feng, snorted, and asked,"Hey, Mr. Yi, when did you become so diligent?"

"I have always been diligent, okay?"Yi Feng sat down with a smile and sat next to Gu Muxi.

"I've never seen you pick vegetables on your own initiative before!"

"Are you trying to please my mom on purpose?" Gu Muxi saw through his little trick at a glance.

Yi Feng did not try to hide it and admitted it openly,"Yes, there is a problem?"

"Humph~ No wonder my mother is so partial to you, Mr. Yi, you are so scheming!"

"Thank you for the compliment. It's an honor."

"You, you are so thick-skinned that even a shotgun can't pierce it!"

"That's so safe, there's no chance of being attacked by anyone." Gu Muxi snorted proudly,"I don't want to bother with you!"

Yi Feng chuckled and helped pick the vegetables.

Suddenly he saw a green worm under the leaves, its tiny body was wriggling on the leaves, it looked very disgusting.

Yi Feng's eyes rolled, if he suddenly threw the worm at Gu Muxi, would she jump up in fright and then hug him tightly?

Thinking about it, Yi Feng secretly hid the worm in his hand.

"Gu Muxi you……"

Yi Feng stared at her beautiful face, as if he had discovered something strange on her face.

Gu Muxi rolled her eyes at him and asked,"Chou Feng, what do you want to do?"

"Want to do... something serious"

"What? What happened? What happened to my face?"Gu Muxi touched his face and found nothing unusual.

"Hey, there seems to be a black spot on your face. I don’t know what it is. Please don’t move and I’ll wipe it for you."

Yi Feng stretched out his right hand, came over and touched her cheek.

For a moment, their faces were only a punch apart, and they could feel each other's breathing.

Gu Muxi's cheeks turned red, and her heartbeat began to accelerate, but she still Keeping her body still,

Yi Feng rubbed her face with her fingers and felt that her skin was as smooth and tender as a piece of tender tofu. I don't know how she took care of her skin.

Natural beauty?

He thought and then withdrew his body,"Okay, no more, it should be just a little bit of dirt. Gu Muxi turned her head and said awkwardly:"Oh, thank you.""

Yi Feng chuckled,"You're welcome."

He glanced at the vegetable insect hanging on Gu Mu Shen's body, which he had just taken the opportunity to put on it.

"Oh My God! No, Gu Muxi, you have a caterpillar on your body, it’s so disgusting!"


Yi Feng pretended to be shocked, then stood up, opened his arms, and waited for Gu Muxi to hide in his arms.

Gu Muxi looked down and suddenly smiled.

"Wow quack! What a cute caterpillar!"

"Stinky Feng, do you think if I take off its head, will it still be able to move?"

Yi Feng:"(ー△ー;)……"

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