After returning to the company, Yi Feng lay on the sofa in the office to rest. He was drunk and felt a little dizzy.

"Brother Feng, are we really going to do what he said and remove that post?" Wang Tie took two Double Happiness cigarettes and handed one to him.

Yi Feng took the cigarette, sat up, and leaned against the back of the sofa."Of course, the goal has been basically achieved, so it doesn't matter if we withdraw it."


Yi Feng lit up the cigarette and said calmly,"It all depends on Feng Ze's cooperation."

"The trap has already been laid, waiting for Sidley to step in."

"Brother Feng, is that old boy really going to be fooled? Wang Tie took a puff of cigarette and asked doubtfully.

"Of course, Sidley has lost most of its business, so guess what they want to do next?"Yi Feng sneered.

"Of course, we need to find business and new partners as soon as possible!" said Wang Tieru

"Then they will be fooled. When people are anxious, they tend to lack rationality, especially Nie Xin, who must be eager to make up for his mistakes."Yi Feng smiled.

Wang Tie thought of the trap plan that Yi Feng had talked about, and finally understood that he was taking three steps at a time!

"Hehe, Brother Feng is awesome!"Wang Tie gave a thumbs up and praised.

Yi Feng blew out a smoke ring and said:"Tiezi, you should pay close attention to the new store, especially the new store next to Zhao Xingye, open it as soon as possible."

"No problem, Brother Feng, the decoration team has started decorating simultaneously. According to the progress of the project, our five new stores will be open in about three weeks."Wang Tie nodded.

"That's good, keep an eye on him." Yi Feng put out his cigarette and lay down on the sofa to rest.

He was drunk and fell asleep.

When he woke up again, it was already dark outside.


Yi Feng felt a little headache and rubbed his temples. The lights in the office were off, but the lights outside were on.

He picked up his phone and saw three missed calls from Gu Muxi's family. He looked at the time and it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

He didn't expect to sleep so long.

Yi Feng got up from the sofa and opened the door to see Wang Tie and Han Ping'an in the company.

"Um? Ping An, why are you here if you are not resting at home today?"Yi Feng asked in surprise.

"Brother Feng, I don't have anything to do at home, so I came over to take care of the Internet cafe's network management sign."Han Pingan said with a smile

"You are a workaholic. When you have time, spend more time with your daughter. Has your daughter decided on a school to go to?" Yi Feng walked over and asked.

"It’s confirmed, thanks to Brother Feng’s introduction, she can go to Ziqiang Primary School to complete the procedures next week." Han Pingan said gratefully.

Yi Feng helped contact the school Han Nannan went to. It was a private elementary school with relatively expensive tuition fees, and Yifeng sponsored the tuition fees.

For Yi Feng, Han Pingan's heart was full of gratitude. It was Yifeng who changed Otherwise, he and Han Nannan would still be wandering around, picking up garbage.

It can be said that it was a matter of kindness and rebirth!

So Han Ping'an spent 120% of his energy on all Yifeng's work arrangements. Finish

"That's good, my daughter can go to school with peace of mind, and you can also work with peace of mind."Yi Feng said with a friendly smile.

At this time, Yi Feng took out his mobile phone again and looked at the text messages. Sure enough, the company's bank account had received a remittance of 600,000 from Shengde Company!

"Your Daxia Bank card with the last digit 6688 made a transfer of 600,000 yuan on July 30, and the balance on the card is 1,154,000 yuan……"

Yi Feng's face was full of smiles when he saw the amount in the account.

Net profit of 600,000!

In more than a month, the company's account has reached millions of yuan!

Yi Feng's heart is full of confidence in the future. A millionaire can be considered a small upstart at present.

Now Xifeng Company's main revenue still comes from Xifeng Electronics.

Xifeng Electronics' income mainly comes from three parts.

The first part is the fastest growing online accessories and whole machine sales, the second part is offline computer repair business, and the third part is offline accessories and whole machine business.

The monthly gross profit is about 800,000.

After deducting operating costs such as manpower, rent, consumables, and taxes, the monthly net profit can reach about 500,000.

When it first opened, the revenue from marketing activities was relatively high.

After the marketing activities, the revenue decreased a little but also stabilized.

However, Xifeng Electronics has two main areas with growth potential in the future.

The first is the online platform. After the official promotion of 361 Butler, there will be an explosion through drainage. The second is to expand offline stores, offline repair business, accessories and whole machine business.

Yi Feng clearly realized that the next 20 years would be a golden period for the popularization and upgrading of computers. Especially in the next 5 years, the market demand for computer complete machines and accessories would surge!

With the popularization of Internet cafes and the entry of computers into thousands of households, there are hundreds of millions of potential computer users in the whole of Daxia!

"Brother Feng, what makes you smile so happily? Say it to make me happy? Wang Tie asked curiously

"The compensation from Shengde Company has arrived, a full 600,000 yuan!" Yi Feng said with a smile

"Damn it! All 600,000 has arrived? Awesome! Wang Tie shouted excitedly, this is the largest amount of money he has ever seen.

"Hey, let's go and have something to eat. I'll treat you tonight."Yi Feng raised his hand and said

""Yeah! Long live Brother Feng!" Wang Tie cheered.

The three of them packed up their things and left the company. They found a seafood supper restaurant nearby to eat.

At the entrance of the restaurant, the three of them saw that there seemed to be a crowd in front of them making a noise.

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"

"Promise him!"


"It’s quite lively out front, let’s go take a look!"Wang Tie'ai joined in the fun and ran over first and squeezed into the crowd.

Yi Feng and Han Ping'an also followed.

The three of them saw a man and woman in the middle of the crowd. The man was a young man in a suit and leather shoes, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. He was kneeling down on one knee to present it to a girl.

The girl was wearing a long skirt and had long, beautiful black hair. Although her face was not visible, she looked pretty good from the looks of it.

"Tsk tsk, it turns out we are courting, so sweet!"

"What an enviable couple!"

Wang Tie looked at the two of them and sighed with an aunty smile.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"The young man in a suit asked with a sincere look on his face.

The girl was very moved and took the bouquet from him. With a choked voice, she nodded and said:"I, I do!"

The crowd immediately cheered for them.

The young man stood up excitedly and hugged her, then picked her up and spun her around in circles.

Wang Tie couldn't help but also clapped happily:"What a beautiful love! Hope they grow old together!"

The lights on the roadside were a little dim, but Yi Feng's eyes were sharp. As the two of them were spinning around, Yi Feng vaguely saw the girl's face.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind.

Damn it! No way!

So ridiculous?

Yi Feng wiped his eyes and thought he had seen it wrong. After a closer look, he realized that he had seen it right.

"Hey, buddy, did you see who that girl is?"

"I can't see clearly, who is it?" Wang Tie, who has a little mild myopia, asked in confusion.

Yi Feng took a deep breath and said,"It's your girlfriend...Xu Xiaoling"


Wang Tie felt as if he had been struck by lightning when he heard this.

He stood stunned on the spot. His whole body was numb.


The next moment, he continued to squeeze forward and walked to the front of the crowd. He finally saw the girl's face clearly from the side and was stunned!

It was really his girlfriend Xu Xiaoling!

Wang Tie watched the two of them turn around and stop, then hugged each other tightly.

At this moment, Wang Tie felt that the whole world had collapsed.

He was stunned where he was.

He could never have imagined that he would see with his own eyes that Xu Xiaoling agreed to another boy's courtship! He witnessed his girlfriend cheating!

His face turned pale, and his eyes were full of confusion, pain, and grief.

He gave Xu Xiaoling the most sincere feelings, but in the end it ended like this!

He felt the most painful betrayal in the world, and his heart was broken at this moment.

Yi Feng walked to his side, patted him on the shoulder, and said,"I said, Xu Xiaoling is not a suitable person to be with."

""Do you want to fight?"

Yi Feng rolled up his sleeves and prepared for a fight.

Wang Tie was his good buddy, but now he was being poached. If Wang Tie wanted to fight, he would help without hesitation.

Wang Tie reached out and pulled him, shaking his head in a trance,"Brother Feng, no need."

Yi Feng stared at him and asked in a deep voice,"Are you sure?" Wang

Tie came back to his senses, but his expression was numb. He nodded and said,"Forget it... Brother Feng, let's go."

Yi Feng sighed and put down his sleeves,"Let's go then."

The three of them squeezed out of the crowd, away from the crowd, and squatted under a tree on the side of the road.

Wang Tie just watched from afar, tears welling up in his eyes, and his expression was very painful.

Yi Feng took out a pack of cigarettes, took one and handed it to him,"Come on, brother will have one with you."

Wang Tie took the cigarette, and the three of them squatted on the side of the road and smoked.

Wang Tie had brought Xu Xiaoling to the store to play before, and Han Ping'an had seen Xu Xiaoling twice. Now seeing Xu Xiaoling hugging another boy here, he knew what happened.

""Brother Tiezi, go for it. A fight will make you feel better." Han Ping'an blew out a smoke ring, his voice cold.

When it comes to fighting, the one with the highest fighting power among the three is not Wang Tie, but Han Ping'an, who is the type who doesn't care about his life.

He regards Wang Tie as a brother, so naturally he doesn't want to see Wang Tie in such pain.

Wang Tie smoked a cigarette, shed tears, and choked up,"Fighting is bullshit. It's not worth it for the three of us to fight for her!""


Wang Tie cursed loudly, with tears and snot flowing all over his face, and he couldn't stop it anymore.

He buried his head in his legs, cried out in pain, and his whole body was shaking.

At this moment, he completely collapsed.

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