Wang Tie squatted on the side of the road and cried for a long time, more than half an hour, until he could no longer cry.

Yi Feng and Han Ping'an just accompanied him. The two finished a pack of cigarettes. No one spoke, and no one tried to comfort him.

Sometimes, men also need to vent their emotions. If they cry, they don't have to hold it in.

The crowd in the distance had already dispersed, and the street was a little deserted.

Yi Feng took out a new pack of cigarettes, nudged Wang Tie with his elbow, and said calmly:"Everyone has left."

Wang Tie raised his head, his pants were wet at the knees, his eyes were red, and his tears had dried.

He looked at the place where the crowd was originally, and was in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Yi Feng gave him a cigarette and said,"Have a cigarette, I'll take you to drink later."

Wang Tie took the cigarette, smiled bitterly, and said,"Brother Feng, do you think I'm a coward?"

Yi Feng lit a cigarette for him and shook his head,"You can restrain yourself and let it go, and you are the bravest."

According to Wang Tie's previous temper, he would definitely go up and beat him without saying a word.

But now he has changed and learned to restrain himself.

Even if it is very pleasant to go straight to the point, it will also pay the price, hurting one thousand of yourself and hurting two or three hundred of the enemy.

Wang Tie smoked a cigarette and sighed,"I thought Xiaoling was the only woman in my life. I had planned to propose to her after I finished college, and then get married and have two children."

"I didn't expect... fate is playing such a joke on me, haha."

He laughed at himself and turned to ask Han Pingan,"Ping'an, do I look stupid?"

Han Pingan shook his head and said nothing.

""I'm just an idiot!" Wang Tie said self-deprecatingly.

Yi Feng patted his shoulder and comforted him,"Don't be like this, some women are not worth it."

Wang Tie took a deep breath, then took another puff of the cigarette, choking him and making him cough repeatedly.

"Ahem! Forget it, Brother Feng, I want to drink"

"Come on, let's go have a drink."Yi Feng said with a smile.

The three of them went to the seafood supper restaurant, ordered a few dishes, and served two beers. Wang Tie poured one cup after another into his stomach, and Yi Feng also drank with him. Han Pingan also wanted to drink.

, but thinking that if they were both drunk and there was no one to finish, they would drink less.

Yi Feng and Wang Tie had already drank a lot of liquor during the day, and now they drank beer at night. After two pieces of beer, they both drank. Drunk.

After getting drunk, Wang Tie lay on the table and cried,"I, I'm so fucking blind!""

"My sincere heart was eaten by a dog!"

"I will definitely climb higher in the future and make Xu Xiaoling regret it!"

Wang Tie raised his head, looked at Yi Feng with drunken eyes, and said gratefully:"Brother Feng, it is you who gave me the opportunity, I will work harder in the future!"

Yi Feng was also drunk, put a hand on his shoulder, and said with a smile:"Tiezi, remember, I am your good brother for life, you just need to remember this sentence, that's enough"

"Brother Feng!"Wang Tie wiped his tears in emotion and finally smiled.

After Wang Tie got drunk, Yi Feng finally couldn't hold it in anymore after paying for the meal. He followed Wang Tie and lay down under the table.

Han Ping'an looked at the two of them. , smiled helplessly, and then I have to be busy.


The next day, Yi Feng woke up, opened his eyes, looked at the familiar ceiling, and then turned to look at the window. The sun was already shining in, and it was already getting late.

"It hurts!"

Yi Feng suddenly felt a burst of pain in his head, which was the sequelae of a hangover.

He lay on the bed and rested for a long time, and he finally calmed down. He did drink too much last night, and he can no longer remember what happened after the checkout. He didn't know how he got home.

What time was it?

Yi Feng picked up the phone and looked at the time. Unexpectedly, it was already 10:30 in the morning.

He had been drinking with Wang Tie and Han Pingan until midnight. Thinking of sleeping for so long,

Yi Feng rubbed his head and felt so uncomfortable!

When he got up, he found that he had not changed his clothes from yesterday, and his whole body smelled of tobacco and alcohol.

I went to wash up first and then take a shower to sober up.

As soon as I took my clothes and went out, I saw Gu Muxi reading in the living room.

"Mr. Yi, are you finally awake? I thought you were going to be awake. Why don't you drink more?"Gu Muxi had a look of anger in her eyes and glared at him.

Gu Muxi was really worried about Yi Feng last night. She got up in the middle of the night and called Han Ping'an, only to find out that Yi Feng was so drunk that she was so angry that she stayed up all night."

Smelly Feng, why are you drinking so much! Really!"

Yi Feng scratched his head and said with a smile:"Hey, something happened last night. I drank too much with Tiezi. Hey, where are my parents? It seems like you are not at home?"

"" My uncle took my aunt to the hospital for a follow-up checkup, and asked me to look after you. Otherwise, if my aunt says so, I won't bother to pay attention to you!" Gu Muxi turned her head away and said proudly.

But then she turned her head back and pouted,"I bought you some hangover soup. It's on the table. Remember to drink it later.""

"Also, I'll buy you some soy milk buns, you can eat them when you're hungry."

"The hangover soup is a bit bitter, I put the hawthorn slices and rock sugar on the side."

Yi Feng felt warm in his heart when he heard these caring words.

Gu Muxi still cares about me!

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